managing reforms

Mexico: Reforms to the Mandatory Account Individual Account Program

Submitted by mmarquez on

Social Security Association (25.02.2021) On January 1, Mexico's government implemented reforms to the country's mandatory individual account pension program that include increasing employer contributions, adjusting government contributions, reducing the minimum contributions required for an old-age pension, boosting the guaranteed minimum pension, and capping administrative fees. The government finalized the changes on December 16, 2020, after reaching a reform agreement with Mexico's largest private-sector employer and trade union associations in July 2020.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

India: Approval of Social Security Code

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US Social Security Administration (November 30th) On September 28, India's president approved a law (the Code on Social Security, 2020) that consolidates and amends nine existing social security laws. Among the law's changes are an extension of benefit eligibility to fixed-term workers under the employer-liability gratuity scheme, a broadening of the definition of wages for contribution calculation purposes, and new protections for informal-sector workers.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Occupational accidents and diseases
Document Type

Réunion: The digital check: Strengthened to support meeting companies

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Réunion region (13.04.2020) To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and the subsidy rate goes from 50% to 80% (the subsidy ceiling going from € 2,000 to € 3,200). Projects can now include consulting and data security services to support companies in the implementation of teleworking. 

Regions / Country
Workplace health promotion
Information and communication technology
Technological transition
Document Type

[CSE] L'actualité Protection sociale : "Les trois réformes systémiques de l'avant-projet de loi sur les retraites"

Submitted by gfilhon on

Pierre Mayeur, directeur de l'organisme commun des institutions de rente et de prévoyance (OCIRP) et ancien directeur de la Caisse nationale d'assurance vieillesse, donne sa lecture "personnelle et objective" des avant-projets de loi réformant les retraites.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Réforme des retraites : les simulations confirment le rôle capital de l’âge pivot

Submitted by gfilhon on (21.01.2020) L’analyse des « cas types » par le gouvernement montre que la réforme pénaliserait les départs avant l’âge pivot et profiterait à ceux qui travailleraient plus tard.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Budget de la Sécurité sociale: ce qui va changer pour les Français en 2020

Submitted by dfabbri on

Les Echos (04.10.2019) Prélèvement à la source pour les particuliers employeurs, congé de proche aidant, lutte contre les impayés alimentaires, accroissement du rôle des Urssaf : le point sur les innovations du projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2020 qui a été présenté ce lundi.

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Document Type

Brazil senate approves pension reform in first-round vote after savings hit

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Reuters (02.10.2019) Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday approved a landmark pension reform bill in a first round of voting, in a relief for far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, although senators voted down an amendment in a move that dilutes the reform’s projected savings.

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Document Type

Maroc: Les allocations familiales accordées par la CNSS passent à 300 dirhams

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yabiladi (30.08.2019) Le conseil de gouvernement, réuni jeudi à Rabat sous la présidence du chef du gouvernement, Saadeddine El Othmani, a adopté le projet de décret n° 2.19.750 modifiant le décret n°2.08.358 publié le 9 juillet 2008, établissant le montant d’allocation familiale accordée par la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS).

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Document Type

France: Réforme des retraites - ouverture surprise de Macron sur l'âge de départ

Submitted by dfabbri on

Les Echos (27.08.2019) Le président de la République a indiqué lundi soir privilégier « un accord sur la durée de cotisation plutôt que sur l'âge » de départ à la retraite. Ce qui remet en question l'instauration d'un âge pivot à 64 ans, préconisée par le rapport Delevoye sous peine de décote.

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Document Type

[Opinion] UK: Increasing the state pension age to 75 is a terrible, divisive idea

Submitted by dfabbri on

newstatesman (20.08.2019) A simplistic plan to save money would bring hardship to those least able to cope. t is rare that I see a proposal as potentially damaging as the recommendation, just published by the Centre for Social Justice, to dramatically increase the state pension age – to 70 by 2028 and then to 75 a few years later. This flawed policy thinking suggests little understanding of the role and impact of state pensions and the differentials within our society. It must be dismissed immediately before it is adopted by politicians looking for seemingly easy benefits.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Document Type