Population ageing

[Opinion[ Suisse: Sécurité sociale: une réforme globale est nécessaire

Submitted by fabbri on

Le Temps (26.10.2017) La Suisse doit faire face aux effets des progrès de la médecine et du vieillissement de la population sur ses assurances sociales. Pour notre chroniqueur David Hiler, il faut augmenter la part du financement public

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Population ageing
Document Type

US: Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sooner and Sicker In-Between

Submitted by massetti on

Bloomberg (23.10.2017) U.S. life expectancy is declining, new calculations show. The U.S. retirement age is rising, as the government pushes it higher and workers stay in careers longer.

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United States
Population ageing
Demographic change
Old_Global Challenges
Document Type

Preventing Ageing Unequally

Submitted by massetti on

This report examines how the two global mega-trends of population ageing and rising inequalities have been developing and interacting, both within and across generations. Taking a life-course perspective the report shows how inequalities in education, health, employment and earnings compound, resulting in large differences in lifetime earnings across different groups. It suggests a policy agenda to prevent, mitigate and cope with inequalities along the life course drawing on good practices in OECD countries and emerging economies.

Population ageing
Document Type

Population ageing and rising inequality will hit younger generations hard

Submitted by massetti on

oecd.org (18.10.2017) Younger generations will face greater risks of inequality in old age than current retirees and for generations born since the 1960s, their experience of old age will change dramatically. Moreover, with family sizes falling, higher inequality over working lives and reforms that have cut pension incomes, some groups will face a high risk of poverty, according to a new OECD report.

Population ageing
Document Type

After Falcon Funds - Big PPM changes expected by June - Investment Europe

Submitted by -filhon on

Pension funds fraud in Swedish Premium pension framework

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Population ageing
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type

Aumenta la población anciana en Panamá; cifras revelan futura bomba de tiempo

Submitted by monitor on

TVN/Noticias (08.08.2016) Las estimaciones de vitalidad del Ministerio de Salud (Minsa) han revelado que al 1 de julio pasado habrían 72,815 personas mayores de 80 años, apenas mil 597 menos que la población de un año de edad o recién nacida.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Population ageing


[Opinion] Europe must keep its promises to the elderly under the SDGs

Submitted by monitor on

EurActiv.com (20.10.2016) Today, 928 million people are aged 60 and over – by 2050 that number will grow to 2 billion. An ageing worldwide demographic presents new challenges requiring our attention both close to home and further afield, writes Mairead McGuinness.

Regions / Country
european union
Population ageing