Platform Economy | Centre for European Policy Studies
Articles on Platform Economy
Articles on Platform Economy
The collaborative economy (or “platform economy”), encompassing work-on-demand via apps like Uber and crowdwork like Amazon Mechanical Turk, has grown exponentially in recent years, thanks to the development of high-speed networks, the exploitation of big data and the availability of mobile devices, which have cut down transaction costs and allow for real-time effective matching of supply and demand.
Economic and technical changes are redrawing the map of the world of work: new jobs are appearing while others are becoming obsolete, and atypical work patterns are replacing full-time work and open-ended contracts. In addition, work is increasingly being carried out on online platforms connecting buyers and sellers, or by large project teams across borders and time zones.
European Parliament (Dec 2017) This study investigates the social protection of workers in the platform economy at the request of the European Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs Committee. The report reviews literature and previous research on the platform economy with the aims of defining it and developing a typology for understanding its nature.
Informations sociales (juin 2018) Le dernier numéro de la revue de la caisse nationale des Allocations familiales (Cnaf), Informations sociales, coordonné par Frédéric Gonthier, enseignant-chercheur en science politique à l’IEP de Grenoble, est consacré aux valeurs de la protection sociale, avec trois parties consacrées à leur historique, leur place dans le débat citoyen, leur appropriation par le personnel des caisses de Sécurité sociale et enfin, les attentes des Français et Européens.
The EHFCN Waste Typology Matrix enables to describe precisely the issues of mistakes, misuse, fraud and corruptions in Health and the type of situation (invoicing rule violated, needlessly expensive or unnecessary service).
Euronews (29.05.2018) Did you know that four out of 10 Europeans in the labour market are now self-employed or in part-time or full-time temporary work?
The Guardian (23.05.2018) Workers across Europe, including 70,000 in UK, to be offered pay protections under new insurance policy The ride-hailing service said a new insurance policy, to be provided free to its drivers, would give them “peace of mind while preserving the flexibility they value”.
Find here the reports and analysis on the trends of ICT-enabled benefits for public services, including studies on eGovernment and eHealth provided by the European Commission. Moreover, you will find also external studies conducted at the request of the European Commission.
Europa (18.05.2018) The Youth Guarantee, supported by the Youth Employment Initiative, has helped make a dent in youth unemployment and inactivity.