Serveur, vigile : Uber cherche a ubériser d'autres secteurs de l'emploi - Tech - Numerama
La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services
La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services
Corpus législatif suisse de lutte contre la fraude aux prestations
Center For Global Development (26.09.2018) India’s biometric ID, Aadhaar, is here to stay. This is the verdict of India’s Supreme Court which delivered a historic judgement today on a slew of petitions challenging the growing use of Aadhaar in the country. The apex court agreed that government can mandate its use to distribute government subsidies and benefits. It can also be required to be linked to the PAN, India’s tax ID number—an issue that has been hotly contested. However, Aadhaar will not be mandatory for opening bank accounts or getting mobile connections. (28.08.2018) According to the World Bank, Morocco and India launched the India-Morocco Social Register cooperation on Monday, August 27. The memorandum is expected to cement institutional ties between the two countries, with the goal of using common digital tools to identify and meet the needs of their respective populations. (10.09.2018) Blockchain technology has also started to slowly materialise into the fields of humanitarian aid, development and even social protection. The intricacies behind the exact technological nature of how blockchains work would probably require an entire blog or maybe a series of blogs to fully explain.
ISSSTE lanza app para atender infartos. Cuando se active la alerta por infarto, AsISSSTE dará aviso a centros de salud u hospitales para brindar atención.
01/09/2017 . AsISSSTE brindará atención a derechohabientes y no derechohacientes. El infarto al miocardio es uno de los problemas cardiacos que más afectan a los mexicanos, por lo que está entre las causas de muerte en el país. Por ello y con el objetivo de atender a tiempo los casos de infartos, el ISSSTE lanzó su app AsISSSTE.
Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud brindó más de 62 mil atenciones durante 28 meses Publicado el 21 Enero, 2016 Atenciones especializadas a distancia permitieron el ahorro de más de diez millones 558 mil soles en lecturas de placas La mayor parte de asegurados beneficiados corresponden a las zonas de Tingo María, Pucallpa, La Oroya, Huánuco y Huancavelica.
The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions. Our interactions with one another and with society more broadly are being transformed, as are the nature and structure of organisations and markets, raising important issues around jobs and skills, privacy, security, and how to ensure that technological changes benefit society as a whole, among others.
Por Carlos Juan Martín Pérez y Jennifer Nelson.
Además de la telemedicina y la innovación tecnológica, la recolección de datos y las aplicaciones informáticas serán de los principales elementos que impactarán la salud. De hecho, ya lo están haciendo. Y no hay que mirar muy lejos para encontrar ejemplos. ¿Cómo será el futuro de la medicina en la era de la transformación digital?
El caso de El Salvador
The Public Services Card (PSC) helps you to access a range of public services easily. Your identity is fully authenticated when it is issued so you do not have to give the same information to multiple organisations. A Public Services Card is usually issued when you are allocated a PPS number. If you apply for, or are currently getting a social welfare payment (including Child Benefit) you will be asked to register for your Public Services Card.