Technological transition

Leveraging digital technologies for social inclusion

Submitted by pmassetti on

UN/DESA Policy Brief #92: (Feb 2021) COVID-19 is accelerating the pace of digital transformation: implications for social inclusion

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Médiateur numérique, en première ligne contre l’illectronisme - WE DEMAIN

Submitted by pmassetti on

C’est une profession émergente, devenue essentielle à l’heure du confinement : les médiateurs numériques aident à comprendre les outils et les usages digitaux à tous ceux qui ne les maîtrisent pas. Personnes âgées, précaires, mais aussi jeunes, près de 20 % de la population est concernée.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

India: ESIC, other social security safety nets to cover gig economy workers

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Indian Express (02.02.2021) The Budget for 2021-22 (April-March) also proposes to launch a portal that would collect relevant information on gig economy workers, including those working in building and construction, among others.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

How technology can be deployed to scale-up Social Protection during COVID-19: The Case of South Africa, Nigeria and Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on

Research ICT Africa (January 2021) This RIA policy brief examines how technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), can be deployed to scale social protection programmes as well as reduce corruption in the disbursement of social protection grants, which the COVID-19 lockdowns, have revealed are vital lifelines for the most vulnerable.

Regions / Country
south africa
Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Document Type

Maldives-UN sign project on digitising social services to protect women and children

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Edition (21.01.2021) The United Nations (UN) and Maldives on Thursday signed a project document on digitialising social services in order to better protect women and girls from poverty and violence during emergency situations.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Gender equality
Document Type

Digital Applications and APIs are foundational blocks for Public Sector agencies for their digital transformation journey – OpenGov Asia

Submitted by pmassetti on

OpenGov Asia (01.12.2020) The pandemic has fundamentally changed lifestyles and thought processes across the world. There is a paradigm shift in the way people now interact with each other. With social distancing becoming the new norm, citizens are increasingly becoming dependent on technology to communicate and interact among themselves. In order to help public sector utilise digital applications and APIs to enhance service delivery and get digital transformation right, OpenGov Asia hosted an OpenGovLive!

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Service delivery


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Going Viral : COVID-19 and the Accelerated Transformation of Jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Submitted by pmassetti on (28.09.2020) The economic impact of COVID-19 is unprecedented in size and scope. It has quickly evolved from a health emergency into an employment crisis. It also has far-reaching implications for workers beyond the immediate employment effects, as it most likely has accelerated the transformation process of jobs that had already started in the region and the world.

Regions / Country
latin america
Technological transition


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

Georgia: Registration to receive assistance in the amount of 200 GEL for children through the age of 17 is taking place on a special portal

Submitted by siha on

Government of Georgia (16.08.2020) Registration to receive assistance in the amount of 200 GEL for children through the age of 17 is taking place on a special portal at Registration will be open until 1 December. The disbursement of financial assistance will begin in September this year. The provision of assistance in the amount of 200 GEL for each child through the age of 17 became possible as a result of the mobilization of finances in the StopCoV Fund with the help of Georgian citizens, Bidzina Ivanishvili, and businesses.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Information and communication technology
Cash transfers
Document Type