La santé redéfinie par les technologies
Lw Temps (25.01.2018) Des pilules connectées aux ambulances 5G en passant par les robots chirurgiens… A Davos, les patrons de Microsoft, Pfizer ou encore Nokia ont dessiné la santé de demain
Lw Temps (25.01.2018) Des pilules connectées aux ambulances 5G en passant par les robots chirurgiens… A Davos, les patrons de Microsoft, Pfizer ou encore Nokia ont dessiné la santé de demain
oecd (16.01.2018) Technology is rapidly transforming the way that the financial sector is operating, and the management and delivery of pensions is no exception. Innovative applications of technology for financial services, or FinTech, are already being used to improve communication with consumers and their engagement with their pension plans. FinTech also has great potential to help pension providers make their internal processes more efficient and improve their risk management.
JeuneAfrique (19.01.2018) Le Parlement marocain s'apprête à examiner un amendement à la loi sur la sécurité sociale, qui prévoit une transmission numérique des données des plus grosses entreprises et un meilleur contrôle des déclarations médicales. Faciliter la relation avec les entreprises et se donner les moyens d’un contrôle plus efficace… La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) fait d’une pierre deux coups.
(09.11.2017) Blockchain technology has huge potential to disrupt a wide range of industries, ranging from data management, security and healthcare as a few examples.
OpenGovAsia (12.11.2017) A major transformation is underway in the Australian healthcare system. The Australian government allocated AU$374.2 million in its 2017-18 Budget to be invested over two years, for the nationwide rollout of an opt-out model of My Health Record and to ensure every Australian is a part of it, unless they choose not to be.
OpenGovAsia (28.10.2017) Over 1.1 billion people in the world, which is nearly 1 in 7 individuals, are unable to prove their identity.
afro.who (26.10.2017) With Africa currently undergoing a digital revolution, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) today signed a Cooperation Agreement in Geneva, on using digital services to save lives and improve people’s health. (06.10.2017) This marks a new political commitment at EU level on significant priorities towards ensuring high quality, user-centric digital public services for citizens and seamless cross-border public services for businesses.
Accenture 2015 - Governments need to drive digital at depth to rebuild public accountability and boost their mission productivity. But that means instigating digital change, not just reacting to it. By becoming digital disruptors themselves, not just adding digital services but digitalizing to transform their operations, governments can seize the initiative from the nimble new entrants invading their traditional turf and greatly enhance their own competitiveness.
The Exponent Telegram (17.10.2017) Preventing and understanding respiratory diseases, especially those faced by coal miners, is one of the core missions of the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Respiratory Health facility in Morgantown. A part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIOSH has facilities across the country. The one in Morgantown, next door to Ruby Memorial Hospital, opened in 1996. One of the facility’s four divisions is dedicated to respiratory health research and implementing new discoveries to the workplace.