France: Retraite - à quelles majorations peut prétendre un salarié ?

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Le Monde (22.01.2018) A l’heure où chaque trimestre compte pour le calcul de la retraite, il est utile de connaître les différents dispositifs de majorations qui existent. Pour chaque enfant : quatre trimestres sont attribués à la mère au titre de la maternité. En cas d’adoption d’un enfant mineur, quatre trimestres sont répartis entre les parents selon leur choix. A ces trimestres de maternité, ou d’adoption, sont ajoutés jusqu’à quatre trimestres au titre de l’éducation de l’enfant. Par défaut attribués à la mère, ils peuvent être répartis entre les parents.

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Maroc : ce qui va changer avec la réforme de la Sécurité sociale

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 JeuneAfrique (19.01.2018)  Le Parlement marocain s'apprête à examiner un amendement à la loi sur la sécurité sociale, qui prévoit une transmission numérique des données des plus grosses entreprises et un meilleur contrôle des déclarations médicales. Faciliter la relation avec les entreprises et se donner les moyens d’un contrôle plus efficace… La Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) fait d’une pierre deux coups.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

New technology: destroyer or creator of jobs?

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 Euronews (18.01.2018)  Advances in technology are having a big impact on a broad range of industries, provoking intense debate about the future of work.  Workers across the world are increasingly aware of what many consider an existential threat to a wide array of jobs. Safe and efficient autonomous vehicles, for example, may make truck drivers obsolete in the not too distant future.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Kyrgyzstan's liberation from poor relief, with universal social security for children

Submitted by massetti on (16.01.2018) In April 2018, a new law will enter into force in Kyrgyzstan which abolishes its main poor relief scheme and replaces it with a system of universal child benefits. This is a major step forward in Kyrgyzstan’s attempt to build an inclusive, lifecycle social protection system, since the nation already offers universal old age pension coverage and disability benefits.

Regions / Country
kyrgyz republic
Family benefits
Document Type

Social registries for social assistance and beyond : a guidance note and assessment tool (English) | The World Bank

Submitted by massetti on ( 2017) This paper makes several contributions. First, it presents a ‘guidance note’ on the framework for Social Registries, anchoring the definition of these systems in their functions along the Delivery Chain and their social policy role as inclusion systems, while clarifying terminology in a manner that is consistent with IT standards in the discussion of their architecture as information systems.

Information and communication technology
Document Type

The Benefits of the Sharing Economy: Technology for Job Creation

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EuBulletin. (02.01.2018) Over the past 20 years, digitalization has been transforming the contemporary job market, unleashing fear among workers for the future of their jobs. Many day-to-day activities have been likewise transformed by technology and digital economy – ranging from Uber replacing taxi, Airbnb replacing hotels or robots replacing blue-collar manufacturing. Some predictions suggest that digitalization and robotization will cause job losses of as much as 50% of all jobs over the next few decades.

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Employment policies
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

No future of work without social innovation

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Euractiv (10.01.2018) Labour markets have undergone significant change over the past decade and all indications are that this will accelerate in the future. In order to respond to these shifts and make labour markets fit for the realities of life and work in the 21st century we need a complete overhaul of the social structure underpinning the way that we organise, classify, support and regulate work. Only by creating open, enabling, inclusive and sustainable labour markets can we drive the growth and competitiveness needed for our economies to flourish.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

OIT: uno de cada 5 jóvenes no logró empleo en 2017 |

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 LaRepublica (16.01.2018) La falta de empleo en América Latina se mantuvo en aumento durante 2017 y fueron los jóvenes los que más sintieron esta realidad. Es así que la tasa de desocupación, entre los 15 y 24 años, en América Latina aumentó de 18,9% en 2016 a 19,5% en 2017, según el informe "Panorama Laboral" publicado por la Organización Internacional de Trabajo (OIT).

Regions / Country
latin america
Employment of young workers
Document Type

China’s social security system turns to WeChat for electronic ID

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 South China Morning Post (16.01.2018) Government trials in 26 cities will have Tencent’s WeChat replace traditional state-issued social security cards with digital version tied to users’ accounts  WeChat, the popular mobile messaging, social media and payments platform run by Tencent Holdings, is poised to become further entrenched in everyday life in China under a new programme that adapts it as a user’s electronic social security card.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

France: L’Assurance-maladie confirme la hausse des affections psychiques liées au travail

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Le Monde (16.01.2018) Le bilan de la CNAM publié mardi fait état de plus de 10 000 accidents du travail et 596 maladies professionnelles pour 2016. Les femmes sont les premières victimes Déressions, troubles anxieux… Plus de 10 000 affections psychiques ont été reconnues comme accidents du travail en 2016, 596 l’ont été comme maladies professionnelles, indique l’Assurance-maladie.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
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