Luxembourg: L’État lance une nouvelle plateforme informatique

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Paperjam News (08.02.2018) Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et le ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire, Nicolas Schmit, ont annoncé le 6 février 2018 le lancement d’une nouvelle plateforme informatique, la «Luxembourg Microdata Platform on Labour and Social Protection». 

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Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Digital Revolution Will Cause 50 Million Job Opportunity Losses in Indonesia

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netralnews (07.02.2018) The digital revolution or the fourth industrial revolution (4.0) could create economic storage that would potentially cause Indonesia to lose 50 million job opportunities. Minister of National Development Planning Bambang PS Brodjonegoro said all parties should be ready to face it including the manager of the national social security provider.

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Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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The Atlas of Social Protection: Indicators of Resilience and Equity (WB)

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The World Bank’s ASPIRE online tool is the most up-to-date compilation of global social protection and labor (SPL) estimates, including data from 120 countries—mostly in the developing world. ASPIRE provides open and accessible household-level data on populations’ social and economic status; assessments of SPL programs, including weaknesses such as low coverage and poor targeting; SPL program impacts on poverty and inequality; and ways to improve household data collection for SPL programs.

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Social assistance
Social policies & programmes
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BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, ISSA organize international seminar on digital disruption

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The Jakarta Post (06.02.2018) Currently, the global workforce and business landscape have to deal with rapid changes brought by the latest innovations in communication technology, be they smartphones or digital gadgets, which have disrupted the way businesses run their day-to-day operations. The technological innovations have brought what experts term the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by increased automation with the help of the internet of things.

Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Ireland: Minister’s pension reforms to benefit far fewer women than expected

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irishtimes (05.02.2018) Pension reforms announced with fanfare by Minister for Social Protection Regina Doherty will benefit far fewer women than campaigners had originally expected. The changes, announced last month, were designed to take account of the fact that many women had big gaps in their social-insurance contribution records because of time they had taken out of the workforce to raise a family or take care of older relatives. A lot of these women had seen their right to a pension disappear or the payment reduce under a tightening of the rules in September 2012.

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Old_Global Challenges
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Premier pas sous condition vers la semaine de 28 heures en Allemagne

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Le Temps (06.02.2018) Le secteur de la métallurgie a annoncé un accord, dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, sur la semaine de 28 heures. Ce temps de travail ne s’accompagnera cependant pas d’une compensation salariale et ne sera valable que pour une période limitée

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Amazon health move: big win for telemedicine, health start-ups

Submitted by massetti on (30.01.2018) Amazon views technology as a key part of its strategy to drive down costs. Telemedicine companies could be the big winners.

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United States
Health insurance
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
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Plus d'un demi million de travailleurs détachés en France

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Les Echos (05.02.2018) Attention donnée sensible : un peu plus de 516.000 travailleurs ont été détachés en France l'année dernière, hors transport routier, selon un bilan intermédiaire du plan national de lutte contre le travail illégal dévoilé par « Le Monde ». Outre son côté symbolique, c'est surtout l'évolution de ce chiffre qui frappe puisqu'il marque une progression de 46 % par rapport au millésime 2016, lui-même supérieur de 25 % sur l'année précédente.

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Old_Global Challenges
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Economic and social cohesion of the Western Balkans: Challenges and priorities

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European Western Balkans (01.02.2018) The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) gathered experts to discuss challenges and priorities for the economic and social cohesion of the Western Balkans. The event “Economic and social cohesion and European integration of the Western Balkans – challenges and priorities” was held in Brussels on 30 January.

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Social policies & programmes
Document Type

Jordan: Ministerial taskforce formed to handle social safety network

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Jordan Times (07.01.2018) Prime Minister Hani Mulki on Sunday formed a committee to handle all affairs related to the social security network, the term referring to the funds allocated to ease the impact of lifting subsidies in the 2018 budget.

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Information and communication technology
Social policies & programmes
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Internal impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type