Temporary Basic Income Could Help Curb Virus, U.N. Says

Submitted by pmassetti on

Time (23.07.2020) Temporary basic income payments could stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic by allowing the world’s poorest people to stay at home, according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme.

Cash transfers
Document Type

Covid-19 lockdowns, income distribution, and food security: An analysis for South Africa

Submitted by pmassetti on
  • The distancing measures deployed by South Africa impose large reductions in wage income particularly for low-skilled workers.
  • Initial lockdown policies will jeopardize the food security of low-income households dependent on labor income.
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate the value of transfer policies that support vulnerable households.
Regions / Country
south africa
Cash transfers
Food and nutrition


Document Type

ISSA Transportation Section: Information on Covid-19 protective measures in transportation in six languages

Submitted by btreichel on

The International Section on Prevention in Transportation, together with its member BG Verkehr, has produced five fact sheets on Covid-19 protective measures for various transportation sectors in six languages.

Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Barbados: Deferral of employers' contributions for 3 months

Submitted by mmarquez on

loopnewsbarbados.com (21.03.2020) For those employers who are prepared to retain three-quarters of their workforce even if some are on short-week, they can defer the employers’ contribution for three months in the first instance with a preparation to extend for another three months if the crisis goes beyond.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Bahamas: Coverage extension of government-funded unemployment benefit (GovUEBex)

Submitted by mmarquez on

nib-bahamas.com (21.07.2020) The National Insurance Board, after consultation with the Ministry of Finance, is pleased to advise that the Government Unemployment Extension Programme will be extended to persons whose last day at work was Friday 13 March, 2020. Our previous pre-enrolled customers included only those persons who were laid off after the lockdown as at 23rd March, 2020.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Bahamas: Extension of government-funded unemployment benefit (GovUEBex)

Submitted by mmarquez on

nib-bahamas.com (16.07.2020) The National Insurance Board (NIB) will launch a new online portal for eligible individuals to register for the Government-Funded Unemployment Benefit Extension Programme (GovUEBex). Individuals who were unemployed due to the COVID-19 shutdown between March 23 – June 30, and continue to be unemployed, are eligible for the extension programme if they fall under one of four categories: 1. They have exhausted their 13 weeks of NIB’s unemployment benefit (UEB) payments which became payable because of layoffs/termination due to COVID 19. 2.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Data management
Document Type

Marshall Islands: Taxpayers can now pay social security contribution using BOMI debit card

Submitted by siha on

Marshall Islands Social Security Administration (09.06.2020) With the recent installation of the Bank of Marshall Islands (BOMI) debit card machine at MISSA’s front desk, a taxpayer will no longer need to write a check nor pay cash for social security contributions. Just like the way customers pay their groceries while shopping at K&K or Payless Supermarket, the MISSA cashier will insert the BOMI debit card to the machine and then enter the amount of MISSA taxes based on the completed MISSA Tax Form MISS-3 that will support the payment.

Regions / Country
Marshall Islands
Business process
Contribution collection and compliance
Service quality
Document Type

Special Commissionon Prevention: Corona -Information Portal for SMEs

Submitted by btreichel on

The Special Commission on Prevention  has set up a Corona information portal for small and medium-sized enterprises, which features a range of international views and examples: https://safety-work.org/en/topics/corona.html.

The website is available in 5 languages

Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

India: Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 Receives Presidential Assent - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - India

Submitted by btreichel on

In wake of the COVID-19 crisis and nationwide lockdown, India has been grappling with unprecedented challenges that range from maintaining law and order, access to medical facilities, food, social security to availability of medical facilities. The newest hurdle to have joined this bandwagon has been a systematic increase in incidents of attacks and harassment of its nurses, doctors and other medical personnel. Fueled by paranoia and fear in an increasingly trying time, these ill-informed attacks seem to target medical professional who are feared to be carrying and spreading the diseases.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Neues BGHW-Unterweisungsmodul „Corona-Spezial“ — BGHW-Website

Submitted by btreichel on

„Corona-Spezial“ nennt sich ein neues Lern- und Unterweisungsmodul der BGHW. Die Beschäftigten lernen, wie sie sich richtig verhalten, um eine mögliche Ansteckung mit dem Coronavirus zu vermeiden. Das Modul ist Teil des Online-Lernprogramms (WBT) „Sicher arbeiten – Gesundheit schützen“ der BGHW.

„Corona-Spezial“ kann zur betrieblichen Unterweisung eingesetzt werden. In Videosequenzen sowie durch spielerische und interaktive Elemente werden wichtige organisatorische Maßnahmen und Verhaltensregeln erklärt, um Infektionen zu vermeiden.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Prevention of occupational risks


Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type