
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
France: Santé au travail: -1/4 des entreprises passives france

Le Figaro (19.06.2017) Plus de huit entreprises sur dix recensent les risques professionnels pesant sur leurs salariés, mais un quart d'entre elles en restent là et n'ont pas mis en place de plan d'action pour prévenir et réduire ces risques, selon un baromètre présenté lundi.…

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
Argentina: El desempleo juvenil duplica el promedio nacional argentina

Clarín (24.06.2017) Los datos oficiales reiteran y confirman que el desempleo y la informalidad entre los jóvenes y adolescentes más que duplica el promedio nacional. Con un tasa media del 9,2% para la población general, la desocupación en los varones que tienen entre 14 y 29 años asciende al 17…

Unemployment published… monitor
Taiwan, China: Taking on Taiwan’s ruinous and partisan pension system (18.05.2017) Pensioners hate the cuts; young people don’t think they go far enough

Pensions published… monitor
Finnish citizens given universal basic income report lower stress levels and greater incentive to work finland

The Independent (23.06.2017) Participants receive €560 (£473) every month for two years and do not have to demonstrate that they are actively seeking work

Extension of coverage universal-basic-income… monitor
Sovereign investors tweak portfolios for environmental risk (19.06.2017) Some sovereign investors are reducing their exposure to fossil fuels or seeking clean alternatives to protect their portfolios from rising environmental risk.

Pensions, Financing, Shocks & extreme events climate change monitor
St. Lucia: ILO and CDB hold policy dialogue on social protection and youth employment

St. Lucia News Online (23.06.2017Members of the ILO Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean met with representatives of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) for a policy dialogue on social protection and youth empowerment and employment — two key areas of work for both organizations that…

Employment of young workers youth employment… monitor
Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - 10 milliards fcfa payés en 2016 senegal

Senego (27.06.2017) Le gouvernement a octroyé environ 10 milliards de francs CFA à l’assistance médicale, en 2016, dans le cadre de la Couverture maladie universelle (CMU), a déclaré jeudi la ministre de la Santé et de l’Action sociale, Awa Marie Coll Seck.

Health, Financing… monitor
Code du travail : ce qui fait débat dans les autres pays

La Croix (26.06.2017) Si la réforme du code du travail fait débat en France, des débats existent aussi dans différent pays sur les évolutions à apporter aux droits des salariés et des entrepreneurs.

managing reforms… monitor
Etats-Unis: L'abrogation d'Obamacare par les républicains n'est pas gagnée United States

Le Temps (27.06.2017) Plusieurs sénateurs républicains font de la résistance à la loi de réforme du système de santé censée mettre fin à l'Obamacare, et qui privera d'assurance 22 millions de personnes. Le vote souhaité pour la fin de semaine semble en mauvaise posture

Health managing reforms, published… monitor
Las 8 claves del nuevo Director de RRHH del siglo XXI | Prevención Integral & ORP Conference

La transformación digital es una realidad para casi todas las organizaciones, independientemente de su sector. Dada esta situación, la figura de los líderes empresariales está teniendo una vital importancia a la hora de enfrentar este proceso que ha transformado todas las…

La transformación digital es una realidad para casi todas las organizaciones, independientemente de su sector. Dada esta situación, la figura de los líderes empresariales está teniendo una vital importancia a la hora de enfrentar este proceso

Governance and administration, Human resource management digital economy, human resources, published Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Canadian province Ontario plans to trial universal basic income | The Independent canada

Ontario has announced it could soon be sending a monthly cheque to its residents as it plans to launch an experiment testing the basic income concept. While officials in the Canadian province are yet to release any specific details of the project – including how much will be given to residents…

Extension of coverage basic income, universal-basic-income… -treichel
Finnish citizens given universal basic income report lower stress levels and greater incentive to work | The Independent finland

Finland has been giving 2,000 of its citizens an unconditional income for the last five months and some are already seeing the benefits, reporting decreased stress, greater incentives to find work and more time to pursue business ideas. The scheme is the first of its kind in Europe and sees…

Not everyone is impressed by the pilot scheme, however. In February, Finland’s biggest union said the experiment was unaffordable and would encourage some people to

Extension of coverage, Inequalities basic income, community, universal-basic-income… -treichel
Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies european union

The objective of this Directive is to harmonise the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies, which requires the harmonisation of different rules currently existing in their respective legal systems.


Information and communication technology, E-services, Service quality mobile technologies ruggia
50% of citizens in large cities will share personal data with smart city programs by 2019: Gartner canada

Half of citizens in million-people cities will benefit from smart city programs by voluntarily sharing their personal data by 2019, according to new research from Gartner Inc., an information technology research and advisory company based in Stamford, Conn.

Information and communication technology data management… ruggia
Data Gravity Pulls to the Cloud United States Information and communication technology ruggia
Tech 'Democratization' Seen Fueling Analytics Boom

The “democratization” of analytics illustrated by the transition to self-service business intelligence and foolproof BI platforms promises to boost to global analytics market to new heights in 2016 and beyond, market researcher forecast.

Gartner Inc. (NYSE: IT) predicted the worldwide BI…

Information and communication technology data analytics… ruggia
How modern analytics will inform government in 2017

In 2016, a wave of self-service analytics swept across the enterprise. Governments began embracing the modern approach to business analytics, with IT and public sector leadership partnering to derive maximum value from their data.

Here’s a preview of our predictions for 2017:

Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Data management data analytics, data management… ruggia
The Rise Of The Freelancer Economy United States

Forbes (26.01.2016)  There are 53 million freelancers in America today. By 2020, 50% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancers (this does not mean they are all full-time freelancers, but one of every two workers will be freelancers in some capacity). This on-demand work, instant gig…

Employment, Employment of young workers digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… ruggia
Why we should all have a basic income | World Economic Forum Africa, Americas, United States, Asia, Europe

A promise of equal opportunity

“Basic income” would be an amount sufficient to secure basic needs as a permanent earnings floor no one could fall beneath, and would replace many of today’s temporary benefits, which are given only in case of emergency, and/or only to…

Extension of coverage digital platforms -treichel
Argentina: ANSES abonó 39.284 asignaciones familiares a hijos de trabajadores temporarios argentina

tiemposur (05.06.2017) Se trata de aquellas personas que, por diversas situaciones, solo realizan aportes durante algunos meses pero cumplen con los requisitos para cobrarlas todo el año. Las prestaciones corresponden a Hijo e Hijo por Discapacidad.

Family benefits, Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
Etats-Unis: La réforme de l’Obamacare priverait 23 millions d’Américains de couverture maladie United States

Le Monde (25.05.2017) Le bureau du budget du Congrès a expertisé le texte abrogeant et remplaçant l’Affordable Care Act de 2010. Il doit encore être examiné et voté par le Sénat.

Health managing reforms, poverty, published… monitor
Mali: AMO - Près de 3 milliards de F CFA pour lutter contre la fraude sur la période 2017-2021 mali (27.05.2017) Définir un plan stratégique de lutte contre la fraude était l’objectif d’un atelier qui a regroupé la semaine dernière les responsables de la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie (Canam), de la Caisse malienne de sécurité sociale (CMSS), de l’Institut national de…

Error, evasion and fraud published… monitor
France: Deux nouvelles maladies professionnelles reconnues dans les tableaux france

Miroir Social (29.05.2017) Deux décrets du 5 et du 8 mai 2017 modifient deux tableaux concernant les troubles musculo-squelettiques (les 57 et 79) et deux nouveaux tableaux enrichissent les 114 tableaux existants au titre du régime général : le 52 bis prenant en compte les lésions hépatiques…

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
ILO ruft Arbeitgeber in Sachen Klima zur Verantwortung

Finanz und Wirtschaft (05.06.2017) Der Generaldirektor der internationalen Arbeitsorganisation ILO, Guy Ryder, hat an die Verantwortlichen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt appelliert, sich den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels zu stellen. Er sagte dies nur wenige Tage nach der Ankündigung des…

Inequalities, Shocks & extreme events megatrends, published… monitor
Tchad: Le gouvernement veut instaurer une couverture sanitaire universelle chad

alwihdainfo (30.05.2017) Le gouvernement réfléchi à un système de protection sociale au Tchad, qui permettrait de garantir une couverture de santé à des millions de tchadiens qui en sont dépourvus.

Extension of coverage extending coverage… monitor