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Belgium: Important notice regarding temporary unemployment due to force majeure from November 2020 siha

ONEM (03.11.2020) Currently, for employers who are not recognized as a particularly affected company or belonging to a particularly affected sector, this temporary unemployment still requires electronic communication from the employer to the ONEM. A simplification of the procedure being envisaged, these employers are not, for the moment, required to make this communication, which is not subject to a deadline.  

covid19, Emergency grants, services quality Unemployment, Service quality, COVID-19 belgium
Belgium: Temporary unemployment due to the closure of a nursery, a school or a reception center for disabled people siha

Federal Public Service Employment, Labor and Social Dialogue (30.10.2020) The law of 23 October 2020 extending the benefit of the temporary unemployment scheme to salaried workers in the event of the closure of the school, daycare or reception center for disabled people of their child was introduced from the October 1, 2020. Initially, it was proposed to extend the regulation relating to corona parental leave which was applicable until September 30 for these situations but this proposal was transformed into temporary unemployment. Workers can benefit from this new regulation from October 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. During this period of temporary unemployment, the worker can call on temporary unemployment benefits payable by the ONEM and a supplement of 5.63 euros per day of unemployment.

Emergency grants, extending coverage, family, youth employment Family benefits, Unemployment, Extension of coverage belgium
Report: Financing gaps in social protection pmassetti

ILO (21.10.2020) This paper provides updated regional and global estimates of the costs and financing gaps for targets 1.3 and 3.8 of the SDGs relating to social protection and health care in 2020 and projections of incremental financial needs for reaching universal coverage in 2030. The paper analyses options for filling social protection financing gaps in developing countries during the crisis and beyond using domestic and external resources, including the strengthening and expansion of contributory systems. The analysis incorporates the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

covid19 Financing
Italy: Postponement of contributions payment cambrosio

29.10.2020 (

The Ristori Decree establishes the postponement of payment of Inps social security contributions and Inail premiums for compulsory insurance, due in November 2020. The payment deadline is 16 March 2021, in a single payment or in four equal monthly instalments.

contribution collection, Contributory, covid19 Employment, Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance italy
Italy: two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM) cambrosio

31.10.2020 (

For the months of November and December, two new instalments of Emergency Income (REM) will be paid out, starting from 400 euros, to all those who were already entitled to it and to those who, in September, had a family income of less than the amount of the benefit.

covid19, Emergency grants, family, poverty Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers italy
Italy: ban of layoffs extended until 31 January 2021.  cambrosio

31.10.2020 (

Ristori Decree: the ban on layoffs is extended until 31 January 2021. 

covid19 Employment, Unemployment, Employment policies italy
Italy: Ristori Decree: compensation for seasonal workers, workers in the sports and entertainment sector cambrosio

31.10.2020 (

An allowance of € 800 (up to a maximum of € 124 million for the year 2020) will be paid (by the company Sport e Salute S.p.A.) in November 2020 to workers employed in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee, the Italian Paralympic Committee, national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, amateur sports clubs and associations.
Furthermore, an indemnity of 1,000 euros is provided for seasonal workers in tourism and spas (including those with temporary contracts), entertainment workers, door-to-door salesmen.


covid19, Emergency grants Employment, Unemployment, Cash transfers italy
Italy: extension of redundancy fund (cassa integrazione) cambrosio

31.10.2020 (

With a total of €1.6 billion, an additional 6 weeks of ordinary redundancy fund (CIGO), CID and FIS linked to the COVID-19 emergency, was introduced to be used between 16 November 2019 and 31 January 2021 by companies that have exhausted the previous weeks of redundancy fund provided for in the August Decree and by those subject to closure or limitation of economic activities. The integration periods previously requested and authorised under the August Decree, placed, even partially, in periods after 15 November 2020, are charged, if authorised, to the 6 weeks provided for by this Decree. An additional contribution rate differentiated on the basis of the reduction in turnover in the first half of 2020 compared to the corresponding half of 2019 is applied.

covid19, Emergency grants Employment, Unemployment, Cash transfers italy
France: Easier access to the part-time work scheme due to COVID-19 mmarquez coverage, covid19, extending coverage Unemployment france
France: Extension of temporary unemployment benefits until summer 2021 mmarquez covid19 Unemployment france
Austria: Extension of short-term work for another 6 months mmarquez covid19 Unemployment austria
Belgium: New support for the cultural sector mmarquez covid19 Unemployment belgium
UK: Test and Trace Support Payment Scheme for people asked to self-isolate mmarquez covid19 Cash transfers united kingdom
UK: Extension of the Income Support Scheme for the self-employed mmarquez covid19, self-employed Unemployment, COVID-19 united kingdom
United Kingdom: Furlough Scheme extended for another month mmarquez covid19 Unemployment united kingdom
Germany: Short-time work allowance extended for the self-employed mmarquez covid19, self-employed Unemployment germany
Germany: Short-term work provisions extended until end of 2021 mmarquez covid19 Unemployment germany
Spain: Exemption and reduction of social security contributions extended to January mmarquez covid19 Employment spain
Spain: Temporary unemployment provisions extended until January 31st mmarquez covid19 Employment Europe , spain
Gobierno Nacional extiende ayuda para el pago de la prima a salarios de un millón de pesos socpro covid19 Employment, Extension of coverage colombia
Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy extended into winter socpro covid19 Employment, Cash transfers canada
Covid-19 relief extended to December socpro covid19 Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers belize
Bono de Apoyo Nutricional socpro covid19 Family benefits, Cash transfers, Social assistance, Food and nutrition ecuador
Covid-19 relief extended to December socpro covid19 Social assistance, Food and nutrition belize
Bono Unidos por la Vida socpro covid19 Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers venezuela