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A judicious adjustment to the gig economy ruggia

Depending on who you ask, the gig economy, in which workers set their own schedules at companies such as Uber, either liberates employees from the grind of wage-slavery — or recreates the exploitation of earlier centuries by putting workers at the mercy of capricious and exploitative companies.

A report on the future of work in the UK by Matthew Taylor, who was head of the Downing Street policy unit under Tony Blair, attempts to pick its way through this ideological and legal minefield. Its aim is to maintain the balance between dynamism and fairness in the British labour market. For the most part, it succeeds rather well, neither denying that exploitation exists nor calling for innovation to be snuffed out.

The report argues that, in general, greater clarity on rights and status is needed rather than a fundamental shift in law. It also notes that reform of the tax system could do a great deal to reduce the unfair treatment of workers — a point particularly in need of emphasis, given the unhappy fate of the last UK government proposal on this front.

digital platforms Employment, Employment of young workers united kingdom
[Opinion] Suisse: L’emploi: prochaine victime de la transition numérique? monitor

Le Temps (05.07.2017) L’emploi total devrait augmenter de 2% par an d’ici 2025 au niveau suisse. Il faudra cependant veiller à adapter les qualifications aux nouvelles réalités économiques.

digital economy, published Employment switzerland
Social protection, migration and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development monitor

Overseas Development Institute - ODI (June 2017) This briefing considers the extent to which international labour migrants are covered by social protection, and the implications this has for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda).

migration, published Migration
Argentina: What have we learned about helping women with conditional cash transfers? monitor

ILOblog (30.06.2017) During an economic crisis, Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) are one way that governments can use to protect vulnerable people from falling into poverty. Between 2001 and 2002, Argentina suffered one of the worst economic crises in its history. Unemployment rose, the share of people living below the poverty line increased and political instability and social unrest ensued.

Employment, Social assistance argentina
France: Réforme du compte pénibilité : le Medef exaucé monitor

L'Obs (11.07.2017) Edouard Philippe a annoncé samedi aux partenaires sociaux une réforme du compte pénibilité, prévue pour entrer en vigueur pour 2018, qui se veut un compromis entre la CFDT, très attachée à cette mesure emblématique du quinquennat Hollande, et le patronat, vent debout contre une "usine à gaz".

Disability, Occupational accidents and diseases france
El rápido envejecimiento de América Latina pone en peligro a las pensiones monitor

El Nuevo Herald (03.07.2017) La población de América Latina está envejeciendo antes de que la región haya alcanzado su pleno desarrollo económico, lo que tendrá a la larga consecuencias negativas para el sistema de pensiones, según el experto de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (Cepal) Paulo Saad

published Old-age pensions latin america
Retraites: Les Suisses ont dit oui à l'AVS il y a 70 ans monitor (05.07.2017) Après des atermoiements de plusieurs années, les Suisses avaient approuvé la loi le 6 juillet 1947. Depuis, l'AVS est devenue la principale assurance sociale du pays.

published Pensions switzerland
France: Compte pénibilité: Matignon met fin à « l’usine à gaz » monitor

Les Echos (09.07.2017) Edouard Philippe annonce les critères de simplification de ce qui devient le « compte de prévention ». Le patronat applaudit, la CFDT regrette l’abandon du principe pollueur-payeur.

published Disability france
Digital economy: growth, prosperity and social security in a high-risk, high-opportunity era monitor

Progressive Governance (03.07.2017) This afternoon’s session on the digital economy begins with the critical question of whether the progressive left should aim to emulate and advance the successes of digital economy, or focus more on protecting citizens from the negative excesses of this developing sector.

digital economy, published Employment policies, Employment of young workers
37% seulement des Marocains ont accès à une assurance retraite monitor

2M (07.07.2017) Enjeu majeur pour les politiques publiques, les systèmes de protection sociale accusent toutefois des défaillances à plusieurs niveaux, notamment celui relatif à leur généralisation. Dans le cadre d'un séminaire international organisé récemment à Rabat, le Président du Conseil Economique Social et Environnemental, Nizar Baraka, déplore des lacunes et insuffisances concernant les assurances retraites.

Old-age pensions morocco
France: Le jour de carence pour les fonctionnaires en arrêt maladie va être rétabli monitor

Le Monde (07.07.2017) Le jour de carence pour les arrêts maladie dans la fonction publique sera rétabli dès 2018, a annoncé jeudi 6 juillet le ministre de l’action et des comptes publics, Gérald Darmanin. Et ce « conformément à l’engagement du président de la République », qui avait fait de sa restauration une promesse de campagne.

managing reforms, published Health france
Les Etats-Unis, un des deux seuls pays au monde à ne pas rémunérer le congé maternité monitor

Le Monde (12.07.2017) Aux Etats-Unis, Ivanka Trump pourrait bien être à l’origine du tout premier congé maternité rémunéré du pays.

published Family benefits United States
[Opinion] France: Code du travail - la réforme aura un effet marginal sur le chômage monitor

Les Echos (13.07.2017) La réforme annoncée du droit du travail ne répond pas aux grands enjeux de notre époque, que sont la mondialisation, la numérisation de l’économie ou encore l’essor de l’intelligence artificielle. Ses effets sur l’emploi seront donc à peine perceptibles sur l’emploi.

managing reforms france
Nepal: Something to be proud of monitor

The Kathmandu Post (07.07.2017) Social security allowances can be an important vehicle for strengthening social contract between state and citizens

poverty, published nepal
La migration, seul facteur de hausse de la population en Europe monitor

EurActiv (12.07.2017) La population de l’Union européenne a augmenté l’année dernière, alors que le nombre de naissances et de décès était le même. Selon Eurostat, le bureau européen des statistiques, la hausse est due à la migration.

migration Migration, Demographic change european union
Especialistas analizan retos de la migración en México desde la perspectiva de la protección social monitor

CEPAL (04.07.2017) La CEPAL, con apoyo de la cooperación alemana (GIZ), inauguró hoy un taller de dos días en la capital mexicana.

migration, published Migration mexico
Au Royaume-Uni, des propositions controversées pour améliorer le statut des travailleurs précaires monitor (11.07.2017) Un rapport commandé par Theresa May préconise de lutter contre les abus de l’« économie des petits boulots ». Mais les premières réactions des syndicats ne sont pas tendres.

digital economy, megatrends, published Employment, Employment of young workers, Social policies & programmes united kingdom
[Analysis] Philippines: Are you ready for poverty in old age? monitor

ABS-CBN News/Blog (10.07.2017) With people across the globe now living much longer, a gap has developed between what individuals need during retirement and what is available, pointing to what analysts at the World Economic Forum (WEF) call “a global pension crisis”.

Old-age pensions, Financing philippines, the
[Report] India: Social Protection : State of Aadhaar monitor (2017) The Government of India aims to provide a comprehensive set of safety nets to India’s poor, including food subsidies, employment guarantees, and targeted cash transfers. Financial leakages and service delivery issues, however, reduce its effectiveness. The government aims to use Aadhaar’s authentication and fund transfer capabilities to address these problems.

services quality Information and communication technology, Service quality, Social assistance india
United Nations Population Division | Department of Economic and Social Affairs ruggia migration Data management, Migration
Gig economy workers need more choice not more flexibility ruggia

Financial Times (11.07. 2017) Government should encourage companies to improve employment options. Some view the gig economy as a flexible working arrangement, while others see it, if not straightforwardly as a form of exploitation, then as one that allows for very little employment protection. But if companies like Deliveroo or Uber were mandated to offer their workers a choice of employment options, wouldn’t this help ensure workers were being treated fairly?

(des)formalization, digital platforms, digital economy Employment, Employment of young workers, Inequalities united kingdom
Deutsche Rentenversicherung macht 2,2 Milliarden Euro Minus monitor

FAZ (30.06.2017) Die Deutsche Rentenversicherung hat im vergangenen Jahr etwas mehr ausgezahlt als eingenommen. 2,2 Milliarden Euro Defizit sind aber überraschend wenig

Financing germany
South Africa: National Health Insurance Signals Public, Private Shake Ups monitor

AllAfrica (30.06.2017) The days of private medical aid schemes may be numbered as the government this week confirmed that it will become the single funder and buyer of medical services under a National Health Insurance (NHI) in the latest white paper approved by the Cabinet.

Health south africa
European Health Insurance Card: 40% of insured Europeans have one monitor

Europa (29.06.2017) More than 200 million Europeans have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), which is around 40% of the total insured population in the reporting Member States, according to the latest available figures for 2015. The card is valid in the 28 EU countries plus Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

migration Health insurance, Migration european union
Social security goes digital: Quicker and easier exchange of social security information throughout the EU and beyond monitor

Europa (03.07.2017) Today the Commission launches the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information system (EESSI), a new IT platform that will connect electronically around 15.000 social security institutions of EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

digital economy Governance and administration, Information and communication technology, Service quality, Social policies & programmes european union