Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Italy's new government will overhaul Renzi labor reform, minister says | fabbri | Reuters (03.06.2018) Italy’s new anti-establishment government will change the labor reform introduced by the previous administration, Labour and Industry Minister Luigi di Maio said |
labour markets | Employment | italy |
Turks and Caicos: NIB to introduce governance guidelines | fabbri | Weekly News (11.06.2018) A manual is being created for the National Insurance Board (NIB) which will provide clear processes and principles for governing the institution. |
issa | Governance and administration | |
SSS enjoins working Filipinos to invest for their social protection | fabbri | Philippine Information Agency (11.06.2018) The Social Security System is currently making big steps to improve social security and retirement benefits for its members and in improving the financial viability of the institution while enjoining members to regularly pay their contributions as investment for their future |
philippines, the | ||
Youth employability : Skills for Employment | massetti | ||||
Suisse: Les seniors, ces mal-aimés du marché du travail | fabbri | Le Temps (12.06.2018) Le chômage de longue durée touche essentiellement les plus de 50 ans, qui se sentent souvent discriminés à l’embauche. Seule une minorité de Suisses travaille jusqu’à l’âge de la retraite alors qu’il faudrait plus de cotisants pour assurer la pérennité des assurances sociales |
Old-age pensions, Employment | switzerland | |
France: Le déficit de l'Assurance-maladie au plus bas depuis vingt ans | fabbri | Les Echos (12.06.2018) La prévision de déficit pour 2018 de cette branche de la Sécurité sociale a été ramenée à 500 millions d'euros. Le régime général et le Fonds de solidarité vieillesse frôlent également l'équilibre grâce à des cotisations sociales plus fortes que prévu |
Financing | france | |
Indonesia edges closer towards an inclusive pension | massetti | (30.05.2018) Indonesia is one of the few countries in South-East Asia not to have a social pension. The only pensions available are financed from social insurance and, in the main, are received by former civil servants. In fact, only around 15 per cent of older people can currently access a pension, and yet more than 20 million people are aged 60 years and over, the majority being women. |
Pensions | indonesia | |
Ethiopia’s scheme to help the poor is setting an example - Extending the safety-net in Ethiopia | massetti | (31.05.2018) Safety-nets, in one form or another, have proliferated across Africa in recent years |
Difficult-to-cover groups | Africa, ethiopia | |
España: Un tribunal considera "falsos autónomos" a los repartidores de Deliveroo y condena a la empresa | ruggia | (04.06.2018) Un tribunal considera "falsos autónomos" a los repartidores de Deliveroo y condena a la empresa por despido improcedente.
digital platforms | Employment policies | spain |
US: Maybe the Gig Economy Isn’t Reshaping Work After All | ruggia | The New York Times (07.06.2018) You can see the gig economy everywhere but in the statistics. For years, economists, pundits and policymakers have grappled with the rise of Uber, the growth of temporary work and the fissuring of the relationship between companies and their workers. Optimists cheered the flexibility offered by the freelance life. Pessimists fretted about the disappearance of traditional jobs, with the benefits and legal protections they provided. That debate has played out largely in the absence of solid data. |
digital platforms, digital economy | Employment | United States |
Job Hunting: Looking for The Most Suitable Location of Public Employment Offices in Brazil | massetti | The location of offices of public employment services matters. It can bring jobseekers and vacancies closer together to accelerate the matching process and make the best use of resources. In the case of Brazil, financial consolidation calls for better job placement and better spending of public resources. - See more at: |
Unemployment | brazil | |
GSMA and W20 call on G20 Summit to close the digital gender gap | fabbri | information-age (06.06.2018) GSMA and W20 have advanced a series of proposals ahead of G20 Summit in the hope of closing the digital gender gap. |
family_gender_society | Employment | |
ISSA Technical Seminar on social security and the future world of work | massetti | March 2018 - Brussels, Belgium - The main topics that will be addressed are the new forms of work and their impact on social security schemes as well as the need to achieve adequate coverage and levels of benefits and at the same time guarantee financial sustainability. |
[Meinung] Deutschland: Der Roboter wird den Mensch nie ersetzen | fabbri | Süddeutsche (31.05.2018) Maschinen sind dazu da, Arbeit zu erleichtern - und nicht, Arbeit wegzunehmen. Die Angst vor ihnen ist so unbegründet wie schon bei der Erfindung des Autos. |
digital economy, labour markets | Employment | germany |
France: La Sécurité sociale quasiment à l'équilibre en 2018 | fabbri | Les Echos (05.06.2018) Les prévisions financières actualisées font état d'un déficit ramené à seulement 300 millions d'euros cette année, au lieu des 2,2 milliards anticipés jusque-là. Une amélioration liée à un surcroît de cotisations sociales. |
Financing | france | |
España: Uber Cabify: El Supremo avala la limitación de una licencia VTC por cada 30 de taxis | ruggia | RTVE (04.06.2018) El Supremo avala la limitación de una licencia VTC por cada 30 de taxis.El Tribunal argumenta que es la "forma de garantizar el equilibrio" en el transporte Anula la obligación de que Uber y Unauto tengan una flota de al menos 7 vehículosEl Tribunal Supremo ha avalado este lunes la limitación de una licencia de vehículos de alquiler con conductor (VTC) por cada 30 de taxis, vigente desde 2015, siempre que sean necesarias y proporcionadas. Asimismo ha ratificado la exigencia a las empresas de arrendamiento de vehículos con conductor a que desarrollen el 80% de sus servicios en el ámbito de la comunidad autónoma donde esté domiciliada su autorización. |
digital platforms | Employment | spain |
[Report] Innovative approaches for ensuring universal social protection for the future of work | massetti | ILO (15.06.2018) Social protection systems around the world face challenges to provide full and effective coverage for workers in all forms of employment, including those in “new” forms of employment. This paper provides a review of innovative approaches that countries have undertaken to close coverage and adequacy gaps, and to adapt social protection systems to changing circumstances and demands through a combination of contributory and non-contributory mechanisms. |
Europe: Workers' rights transformed: Ensuring social protection | fabbri | Euronews (29.05.2018) Did you know that four out of 10 Europeans in the labour market are now self-employed or in part-time or full-time temporary work? |
Employment | european union | |
WHO adopts digital health resolution proposed by India | massetti | (31.05.2018) The 71st World Health Assembly has adopted a resolution on Digital Health initiated by India, to recognise the potential of digital technologies for the development of digital healthcare services and to advance the Sustainable Development Goals. |
Health | india | |
Suisse: Berne rejette l'initiative sur le congé paternité | fabbri | TDG (01.06.2018) Le Conseil fédéral a adopté vendredi son message destiné aux Chambres pour qu'elles rejettent l’initiative «Pour un congé de paternité raisonnable - en faveur de toute la famille». |
Family benefits, Parental leave | switzerland | |
Iceland No Longer Following Nordic Welfare Model | fabbri | grapevine (09.05.2018) Harpa Njálsdóttir, who has been analysing the development of the Icelandic welfare system for the past decade, recently told RÚV that Iceland is no longer following the Nordic welfare model. |
Social policies & programmes | iceland | |
[Opinion] This is how we make basic income a reality | massetti | World Economic Forum (29.05.2018) Five years ago, when I first heard about it, the idea had been all but forgotten. Most people I talked to had never heard of it either. Now, suddenly, it’s everywhere. Finland conducted a major trial, Canada has just launched an even bigger experiment and a test in Kenya is the mother of them all. |
universal-basic-income | Social assistance | |
Digital Transformation of Italy | massetti | Forum OECD (24.05.2018) The “operating system” of the Country, a series of fundamental blocks upon which services for citizens, the Public Administration, and enterprises are built. |
Information and communication technology | italy | |
[article] US: #LancerHealth: Using Twitter and Instagram as a tool in a campus wide health promotion initiative. | fabbri | NCBI (April 2018) The present study aimed to explore using popular technology that people already have/use as a health promotion tool, in a campus wide social media health promotion initiative, entitled #LancerHealth. During a two-week period the university community was asked to share photos on Twitter and Instagram of What does being healthy on campus look like to you?, while tagging the image with #LancerHealth. |
digital platforms | Health promotion, Information and communication technology | United States |
Re-booting government as a bridge to the digital age | massetti | OECD (2017) Digitalisation has already been under way for about half a century, yet it is only now that everyone is talking about a digital revolution. Why? |
Information and communication technology |