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Italy: Italian government proposes vouchers for babysitters and payment of 80% of wages in response to coronavirus mmarquez (15.03.2020) To discourage layoffs during the crisis, employees of companies that have paralyzed their activities will be entitled to receive a benefit in the amount of 80% of the salary, paid by the agency similar to the Brazilian INSS. The measure would be valid for nine weeks – that is, until mid-May, depending on the date of approval of the decree. In addition to the compensation, workers would also have their absence from quarantine work considered as sick leave, with the costs paid by the State. Because of the closure of schools, parents of children under the age of 12 who had their classes suspended would be entitled to 15-day family leave and would receive, during this period, 50% of their salary. Mom and dad couldn’t use the benefit at the same time. For parents who cannot or do not want to be absent from work, the package includes a € 600 (R $ 3,259) voucher for hiring babysitters. This amount increases to € 1000 (R $ 5,432) in the case of healthcare workers, such as doctors, nurses and laboratory workers.

covid19 Cash sickness benefits, Children, Social assistance italy
Iran: One-time cash transfer to most vulnerable households mmarquez (18.03.2020) This week, the government announced that it would distribute a one-time cash transfer to households without a “regular source of income.” About three million families fall into this category, and they account for some 20 percent of the population. For the poorest families, the transfer will cover about a month’s worth of expenditures.

covid19 Social assistance iran
Indonesia: Support for low-cost housing mmarquez (27.03.2020) The government has injected 1.5 trillion rupiah (US$104 million) into its subsidized housing program which is expected to cover financing for a further 175,000 new homes. 800 billion rupiah (US$55 million) will be used to cover interest payments with the rest going to paying for subsidies.

covid19 Housing indonesia
Indonesia: Extra funding for the Affordable Food Program and additional cash benefit mmarquez (10.03.2020) The government prepared funding totaling 4.6 trillion rupiah (US$324 million) for the Affordable Food Program (Sembako Murah) to boost local consumption. This program was initiated by the President during his re-election campaign in 2019 and aims to enable 15 million low-income households to purchase staple food products at discounted prices. As part of the stimulus package, low-income households will also receive 200,000 rupiah (US$13.97) per month in financial benefits, an increase from 150,000 rupiah (US$10), for the next six months.

covid19 Social assistance indonesia
Italy: Extension of parental leave and funds for families mmarquez (16.03.2020) Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri said the new measures would be approved next month. Monday’s decree is immediately effective and provides 3.5 billion euros ($3.9 billion) to help the hard-pressed health service and 10 billion to support families and workers, ministers said. It extends parental leave, offers funds to families to pay for babysitters, and suspends all firing procedures begun after Feb. 23. Gualtieri has said several times that “nobody must lose their job because of coronavirus.”

covid19, family Family benefits, Unemployment, Social assistance italy
India: Cash transfers, free foodgrains for poor in Rs 1.7 lakh mmarquez (27.03.2020) NEW DELHI: The government on Thursday announced a Rs 1.7 lakh crore package focused on emergency cash transfers into bank accounts of the poor, along with providing free foodgrains, pulses and cooking gas for three months in a bid to cushion them from the impact of the coronavirus lockdown and economic disruption caused by the disease. 

covid19 Social assistance india
Tipps zum Schutz vor Grippe und Corona - arbeit & gesundheit btreichel

Manche Krankheiten verbreiten sich schnell in viele Länder. Das nennt man: Pandemie. Dazu gehört auch Grippe und die neue Krankheit Corona. Hier lesen Sie Tipps, damit Sie sich bei der Arbeit nicht anstecken: 

Halten Sie Abstand - Schütteln Sie keine Hände -Waschen Sie sich oft die Hände - Kratzen Sie sich nicht an der Nase - Passen Sie bei Husten und Niesen auf - Lüften Sie Arbeits-Räume gut - Firmen brauchen einen Plan, wenn es Grippe oder Corona vor Ort gibt - Rufen Sie Ihren Arzt vor einem Besuch an. 

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany
India: Kerala govt home delivers mid-day meal supplies to kids mmarquez (13.03.2020)

In a gesture of goodwill, the Kerala government has started measures to deliver ingredients for mid-day meals to over three lakh children studying in anganwadis, which have been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is to ensure the undisrupted supply of meals to the students. Since Tuesday, schools, colleges, educational institutions and anganwadis have been shuttered. Exams are being conducted for students in high school. The decision to continue mid-day meals for anganwadi children has come as a relief to many.

covid19 Children, Social assistance india
Aushänge für Kassen und Bedientheke — BGHW-Website btreichel

Die Gesundheit der Kunden und Beschäftigten liegt Ihnen am Herzen. Mit diesen Aushängen können Sie Ihre Kunden auf die Vorsichtsmaßnahmen hinweisen.

  •  Aushang Kasse Verhaltensregeln an der Kasse (bargeldlos bezahlen, Abstand halten) (PDF, 1321 KByte)
  • Aushang Kasse und Bedientheke 2 m Abstand halten (PDF, 688 KByte)
  • Aushang für den Eingangsbereich Verhaltensregeln (Abstand halten, bargeldlos bezahlen, Hygieneregeln) (PDF, 554 KByte)
  • Poster: Gib Viren Null Chance Format DIN A3  (PDF, 1055 KByte)
covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany
Ottawa drafting mandatory standards to protect health of workers during pandemic - The Globe and Mail btreichel

 The Globe and Mail (26.03.2020) The federal government is drafting mandatory, national standards to protect the health and safety of workers during the coronavirus pandemic. 

covid19 Safety and health at work, Prevention of occupational risks canada
Das Coronavirus: Empfehlungen zum Schutz der Beschäftigten im Handel und der Warenlogistik — BGHW-Website btreichel

Die ständige Intensivierung der Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus erhöht weltweit den Handlungsdruck - auch für die Bereiche des öffentlichen Lebens. Aufgrund der hohen Infektiosität sind Schutzmaßnahmen für die Beschäftigten im Bereich des Handels und der Warenlogistik notwendig. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass auch in der jetzigen Situation die Unternehmen die Verantwortung für Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz ihrer Beschäftigten tragen, um einen höchstmöglichen Schutz der Beschäftigten in der gegenwärtigen Risikolage gewährleisten zu können. Wir haben hier die wichtigsten Fragen und Antworten für die Branchen des Handels und der Warenlogistik zusammengestellt. 

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany
Covid-19 Confirmed as an Occupational Disease Under the South African Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA) btreichel

The Compensation Commissioner has clarifoed that COVID-19 will be recognized as an occupatioal disease if acquired by employees arising out of  employment through exposure to confirmed cases in the workplace or after an official work trip to a high risk country or area. To qualify for benefits from the Compensation Fund, the following criteria must be met:

  1. the diagnosis must be as a result of occupational exposure to a known source of Covid-19;
  2. the Covid-19 must be diagnosed as per the World Health Organisation guidelines;
  3. the Covid-19 diagnosis must be linked to an approved official trip and travel history to high risk areas or countries on a work assignment or linked to a presumed high-risk work environment where transmission of Covid-19 is inherently prevalent; and
  4. a chronological sequence must exist between the work exposure and the development of Covid-19 symptoms.
covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks south africa
Germany: Emergency child supplement pgirard covid19 germany
Iceland: Ensuring wages to employees and the self-employed + Child supplements mmarquez (21.03.2020) The authorities, in cooperation with the Icelandic Federation of Labour and the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, have ensured that quarantined individuals will receive pay while they are in quarantine; however, during that time, other rights, such as sick days provided for in wage agreements, do not apply. This applies to the period from 1 February through 30 April 2020, and it applies to those who are unable to work while they are in quarantine. It is assumed that employers will pay wages to their employees and will then apply to the Treasury for reimbursement up to a specified maximum amount. The same applies to self-employed individuals if they have been forced to stop working due to quarantine during the above-mentioned period.

Payments to self-employed individuals in quarantine are based on 80% of their average monthly income in 2019. Payments are subject to a maximum of ISK 633,000 per month, or ISK 21,100 per day. Average income is based on the average of the estimated income used as the payroll tax base in 2019.

covid19, self-employed Family benefits, Children, Pensions, Unemployment iceland
Iceland: Access to voluntary pension savings mmarquez (21.03.2020) During the next 15 months, people can withdraw a monthly sum from their voluntary pension savings, to a maximum of ISK 800,000.

covid19 Old-age pensions iceland
Iceland: One-off child payment mmarquez (21.03.2020) A one-off child benefit payment will be made on June 1, 2020 to all families with children under the age of 18. Parents with an average monthly income below ISK 927,000 in 2019 will receive ISK 40,000 per child and those with higher income will receive ISK 20,000 per child.

covid19, family Family benefits, Social assistance iceland
Iceland: Unemployment benefits increased and extra support to avoid dismissals mmarquez (21.03.2020)

In order to protect jobs and employment relationships between Icelandic workers and their employers during these extraordinary times, the Government of Iceland has committed to allowing part-time workers to claim up to 75 per cent of unemployment benefits, to avoid job losses. Those who are under threat of losing their jobs will become eligible for unemployment benefits which allow them to move to part time hours for their employer and claim additional support from the Government. The benefit package allows those who cut back to as low as 25% of their previous employment hours or salary to boost the earnings they receive from their employer with Government support up to a combined level of ISK 700,000 per month. The overall aim of this legislation is to encourage businesses to keep employees on their payrolls, rather than lay them off. The self-employed and freelancers are also eligible for this benefit.

covid19 Unemployment iceland
Hong-Kong: Recipients of social security payments, Working Family Allowance and Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy to get one-off extra allowance starting from January 7 mmarquez (03.01.2020)

The Government announced today (January 3) that recipients of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), recipients of the Old Age Allowance (OAA) (including the Guangdong (GD) Scheme and the Fujian (FJ) Scheme), the Old Age Living Allowance (OALA) and the Disability Allowance (DA) under the Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme, and recipients of the Working Family Allowance (WFA) and Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy (I-WITS) will receive a one-off extra allowance starting from January 7. This is part of a series of measures to support enterprises, safeguard jobs and relieve people's burden as announced by the Financial Secretary on August 15, 2019.

extending coverage Family benefits, Old-age pensions china
Hong-Kong: Additional $2.5 billion to the Employees Retraining Board mmarquez (26.02.2020)

The budget also allocates about $2.5 billion of additional expenditure to the Employees Retraining Board to increase the maximum amount of monthly allowance for trainees.        

"I am well aware that financial resources alone are not enough to tackle the challenges we are facing," Mr Chan said. "However, making good use of fiscal reserves to support enterprises and relieve people's hardship is certainly in line with our people's expectations towards the Government under the current difficult environment." 

covid19 Employment Hong Kong, China
Hong-Kong: Goverment pays one month's rent for lower income tenants mmarquez (26.02.2020)

The Goverment will pay one month's rent for lower income tenants living in public rental units of the Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society, involving an expenditure of about $1.829 billion.

covid19 Housing, Social assistance Hong Kong, China
Hong-Kong, China: Extra allowance for social security recipients mmarquez (26.02.2020) Providing an extra allowance to eligible social security recipients, equal to one month's standard rate payment of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to recipients of the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy. This will involve an expenditure of about $4.225 billion.

covid19 Social assistance Hong Kong, China
Hong-Kong: Cash payout of $10,000 to permanent residents mmarquez (26.02.2020)

To stimulate the economy by boosting local consumption and relieve the financial burden on the community, Mr Chan announced a cash payout of $10,000 to Hong Kong permanent residents aged 18 or above. "This measure, which involves an expenditure of about $71 billion, is expected to benefit about 7 million people," Mr Chan said.  

covid19 Social assistance Hong Kong, China
France: Soutien des crèches mmarquez (20.03.2020)

L’Etat ayant décidé de la fermeture de la plupart des crèches accueillant des enfants de moins de 3 ans, la Caisse nationale des allocations familiales va verser des aides exceptionnelles aux crèches fermées. Des crèches accueillent, gratuitement, les enfants des familles prioritaires (professionnels de santé, policiers, pompiers, etc.). Afin d’aider les Préfets à mettre en place ce service d’accueil d’urgence, le site internet des Caisses d’allocations ( ) a mis en place un service spécifique pour recenser les besoins de ces familles et les places disponibles

covid19, family Family benefits france
Coronavirus : les prestations sociales payées deux jours plus tôt en avril - L'Express gfilhon

Cette avance permet de "s'assurer que tout le monde pourra bien percevoir ses aides à temps" et anticiper les déplacements dans les banques pour éviter l'attente.

covid19 Family benefits, Pensions france
COVID-19: Social protection systems failing vulnerable groups pmassetti (25.03.2020) Governments must use the momentum created by the COVID-19 pandemic to make rapid progress toward collectively financed, comprehensive, and permanent social-protection systems.
