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Lebanon adopts landmark social security reforms and a new pension system for private sector workers lebanon

ILO News (15.12.2023) The Parliament of Lebanon has passed a law that establishes a comprehensive pension system for private sector workers and fundamentally reshapes the governance of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF). Previous attempts spanning three decades to replace Lebanon’s end-of-…

Pensions ssptw Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
EU lawmakers nail down rules for platform workers Europe (13.12.2023) The Platform Workers Directive is a bill to regulate the gig economy and ensure that workers of digital platforms like Deliveroo and Uber have the correct contractual status based on their treatment and working conditions. According to the European Commission,…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
EU: Rights for platform workers: Council and Parliament strike deal european union (13.12.2023)The Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on a proposed directive to improve working conditions for platform workers. In the event that the deal struck today is confirmed by both institutions before going through the formal…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
ILO launches first global report on public employment services and active labour market policies for transitions (11.12.2023) Public employment services have a central role in responding to crises and fostering recovery to ensure efficient and well-functioning labour markets. This Q&A provides details from the first global report by the ILO on public employment services, shedding light on the…

Employment Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Gig work is getting less profitable United States (10.12.2023) Americans are flocking to the gig economy for extra cash — but it's not working out for all of them. While it's unclear how many people work as delivery drivers, babysitters, resellers, freelance writers, or one of many other gig jobs, experts told Business…

digital platforms… pmassetti
Digital labour platforms and national employment policies in China: Studying the case of food delivery platforms china

ILO Working paper (Dec 2023) This paper takes food-delivery platforms as a case study in China to examine the impact of digital labour platforms on employment and presents findings in employment structure, employment relations, working conditions, wages, protection of workers and social…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Rethinking Social Protection and Climate Change - Implications of climate change for social protection policy and programming in the Asia-Pacific region Asia

Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Nov 2023) This report aims to support a shift in vision around social protection and climate change in the Asia-Pacific region by improving understanding of the socio-economic challenges likely to arise from climate change in the…

Environment and climate change Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The platform economy and transformations in the world of work: The case of delivery platform workers in Santiago, Chile chile

ILO Working paper (05.12.2023) This paper examines the experiences of delivery workers on digital labor platforms in Chile and analyses the implications of the platform business model. It highlights challenges in working conditions and algorithmic management practices, which are crucial to…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Reforming India’s public works scheme raised incomes india (30.10.2023) Improving the payment infrastructure for India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme raised incomes — mostly through increases in non-programme earnings India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) is among the largest and most influential social…

Biometrics, E-services, Service delivery Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Climate change in an ageing world (23.11.2023) The world is turning a blind eye to the need to address the profound link between the rapidly ageing population and climate change – leaving older people invisible in debates about how to address the crisis. With HelpAge’s new report on climate change, we look at what is…

Old-age pensions, Environment and climate change Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Innovative approaches to tackle long-term unemployment

oecd (21.11.2023) Long-term unemployment remains a structural challenge for most OECD countries. Despite major efforts to address this issue, the efficiency and effectiveness of many existing active labour market policies are limited for jobseekers who face major vulnerabilities and have no ties…

Employment Published_SS_Monitor, Published_SS_Monitor_Innovation.… pmassetti
UK: Be warned: Deliveroo’s victory over its riders shows just how vulnerable British workers are united kingdom

The Guardian (23.11.2023) On Tuesday, the supreme court ruled unanimously that Deliveroo riders are self-employed and do not have a right to collective bargaining. After seven years of legal battles, a case brought by the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) that began in Camden…

digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
US: Mixed-Methods Study to Understand Public Use of Social Security's Online Platform United States (Social Security Bulletin, Vol. 83 No. 4, 2023) Since 2012, the Social Security Administration has offered online my Social Security accounts to provide a key informational resource to the public. Yet the number of my Social Security accountholders remains lower than…

Digital inclusion, E-services Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Social registries: A gateway to social and economic inclusion latin america (01.11.2023) Identifying those who are most in need of social protection services and benefits is a challenge for any decision maker. The erroneous identification of the population group that needs assistance may result in serious consequences in terms of equality, effectiveness of…

Data management Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Malaysia. Pension system needs upgrading as nation heads towards ‘super-aged society’ malaysia (14.10.2023) MALAYSIA is undergoing a significant demographic shift towards an ageing population.  The World Bank has projected that with 14% of the population aged 65 and above by 2044, it will officially be an “aged society”. By 2056, Malaysia is…

Pensions Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Digital Financial Inclusion In Practice: Haiti Brief haiti

World Food Programme (19.10.2023) When crises hit, delivering government assistance through digital payments can help lay the foundations for greater financial resilience and women’s economic empowerment. In Haiti, WFP’s work has centred around building Digital Public Infrastructure for…

Digital inclusion Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Santé: faut-il s'inspirer du système danois?

Le Temps (10.11.2023) En Suisse, on est en général très contents de la qualité du système de santé mais assez déprimés par les coûts qu’il engendre. Alors quittons un instant notre pays pour regarder comment les choses se passent ailleurs. Par exemple au Danemark, dont le système de santé est…

Health Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Health at a Glance 2023 - OECD (2023) Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. This edition also has a special focus on digital health, which measures the digital readiness of OECD countries’ health…

Health, Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
The ambivalent and ambiguous impacts of digitalisation on job quality of workers in public services in the European Union european union (2023) The case of electricity production and supply, hospital, and public administration sectors

Human resource management, Technological transition Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The politics behind EU legislation on platform work: institutional synergies and a novel constellation of players european union

OSE (2023) Often depicted as the epitome of the future of work in the digital society, working through digital platforms has triggered heated political and scientific debates in the field of labour relations and social protection. The business model of one specific type of platform, namely ‘on-…

Legal frameworks digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Inclusive Digital Health. Policy Overview (02.11.2023) One of the eight guiding principles for the digital transformation of the health sector promoted by the Pan American Health Organization is inclusive digital health. This policy brief presents key concepts, recommended lines of action and indicators for monitoring with the…

Health, Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
Meeting the Challenges of Multiple Crises: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic (18.10.2023) In July 2023, the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) hosted a series of online learning events which explored and showcased learning and impact from the Covid-19 Responses for Equity (CORE) programme. The events…

COVID-19 Published_SS_Monitor, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 pmassetti
Cash Transfers and Digital Financial Inclusion: Regional evidence from the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Nepal. Asia

 World Food Programme (Feb 2023) The study examines the barriers and opportunities to strengthening digital financial inclusion for cash transfer recipients in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on Bangladesh, Cambodia and Nepal. Specifically, it maps the existing evidence on the…

Digital inclusion, Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Platform workers and social security: Recent developments in Europe | International Social Security Association (ISSA) Europe

In Europe, as globally, platform work remains a growing phenomenon. This article explores how recent developments in Europe affect platform workers’ rights and access to social security. In particular, it considers recent steps toward the appropriate classification of certain workers, changes in…

Difficult-to-cover groups, Platform workers Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… rruggia
EU policymakers brace for clash in thorny debate over platform workers’ status Europe (31.10-2023) EU institutions are preparing for confrontation over the functioning of the legal presumption of employment, the most sensitive aspect of the Platform Workers Directive, in a trilogue next Thursday (9 November).

Legal frameworks digital platforms Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti