Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
EU takes Germany and Italy to court over migrant worker ‘discrimination’ | Europe | (25.07.2024) The European Commission said Thursday it is taking legal action against Germany and Italy, accusing both countries of discriminating against EU migrants regarding social security. In 2018 and 2022, respectively, the German state of Bavaria and Italy passed laws reducing… | Migration | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Economic Policy Making to Pursue Economic Welfare | OECD (May 2023) Effective welfare policies need to consider interactions among economic, social and environmental outcomes. This paper, prepared to support Finance track discussions during Japan’s 2023 Presidency of the G7, describes a variety of national and international initiatives to improve… | Social policies & programmes | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
Society at a Glance 2024 : OECD Social Indicators | oecd (20.06.2024) Society at a Glance 2024: OECD Social Indicators, the tenth edition of the biennial OECD overview of social indicators, addresses the growing demand for quantitative evidence on social well-being and its trends. The report features a special chapter on fertility trends which… | Social policies & programmes | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
The United States will need 7 million migrants to cover old age support programs for baby boomers | United States | (21.06.2024) The country’s aging population and low fertility rate jeopardizes the solvency of Social Security and the Medicare program, according to a new study by Brookings | Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
EU: Pension adequacy report underlines importance of resilient European pension systems in the face of global challenges | Europe | European Commission (20.06.2024) The report highlights that European pension systems have protected retired Europeans’ living standards in the face of global challenges. Resilient public pensions, indexation, and redistribution mechanisms have maintained pension adequacy during crises. However,… | Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Singapore’s new law weaves safety net for gig workers | singapore | Singapore Business Review (20.06.2024) Gig workers will be enabled to secure their retirement, benefit from improved workplace safety, and gain greater visibility within the industry. |… | pmassetti | ||||||
Making Pension Savings Easy and Efficient for Informal Sector Workers - Learning from Kenya’s Haba Haba Pilot | kenya | (21.05.2024) Haba Haba, which means “bit by bit” in Swahili, is a voluntary pension scheme in Kenya for workers in informal employment and promises to be a scheme through which they can slowly but surely save for their old age. The scheme, administered by the National Social Security… | Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Rwanda's Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Development Through Social Protection | rwanda | (14.06.2024) Through its Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) Program, supported by the World Bank under the Social Protection Transformation Project, Rwanda is successfully providing high-quality care and early stimulation for children, helping parents access resources… | Children | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
South Africa: Government pension fund systems offline for months after ransomware attack | south africa | (13.06.2024) The Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF) suffered a cyberattack in February 2024, and it only expects to restore its self-service functionality by 21 June 2024. A notice published on the GEPF’s social media pages says the self-service functionality on its web… | Security | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Ghana's National Health Insurance Authority Will Roll Out Visitors Health Insurance Scheme In July | ghana | The policy would require non-residents on a visit to Ghana to sign onto a health insurance scheme during their stay | Health insurance | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
A new dawn for public employment services : Service delivery in the age of artificial intelligence | oecd (13.06.2024) As part of broader digitalisation efforts, half of public employment services (PES) in OECD countries are employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance their services. AI is being adopted across all key tasks of PES, including most commonly to match jobseekers with vacancies.… | Employment, Service delivery | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
South Africa - Two Pot Retirement System | south africa | (10.06.2024) The two-pot retirement system is a reform that will allow retirement fund members to make partial withdrawals from their retirement funds before retirement, while preserving a portion... | Pensions | managing reforms, ssptw | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||
The Republic of Korea: Extending social insurance to digital platform workers | korea, Republic of | (10.05.2024) Extending social insurance to platform workers in the Republic of Korea offers valuable lessons for other countries facing similar challenges. This brief outlines recent advancements in extending employment injury and employment insurance coverage to platform workers, emphasizing legal… | Extension of coverage | digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||
Light entrepreneurship on the upswing in Finland – improves employment but places many in a vulnerable labour market position | finland | Finnish Centre for Pensions (08.05.2024) The number of light entrepreneurs has grown rapidly in recent years. At the same time, the profile of light entrepreneurs has changed: they are increasingly younger, of foreign origin and have only a basic education. The Finnish Centre for Pensions’ study… | digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Switzerland: Social security changes come into force, with implications for pension plans - WTW | Switzerland’s AHV/AVS 21 law, which was approved by parliament and then passed by public referendum in 2022, took effect January 1, 2024. Among other things, the law will increase the age for normal retirement (now called the “reference age”) for women under the social security AHV/AVS[1]… | managing reforms, ssptw |… | pmassetti | ||||||
Modernising Access to Social Protection: Strategies, Technologies and Data Advances in OECD Countries | (28.05.2024) Despite having advanced social protection systems, OECD countries still face challenges in identifying, enrolling, and providing benefits and services to all those in need. Even when programmes are well-designed and adequately funded, cumbersome enrolment processes and… | E-services, Service delivery | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
Playbook on Digital Social Protection Delivery Systems: Towards Dynamic Inclusion and Interoperability | (08.05.2024) The Playbook on Digital Social Protection Delivery Systems (DSPDS) offers a modular DSPDS framework for a holistic approach to data management, analytics, and decision support to scale-up the delivery of social protection to people in a time of expanding crises. The… | Information and communication technology, Interoperability | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
Dominican Republic: A Climate-Resilient Social Protection System | dominican republic | (28.05.2024) Reina Solano, a single mother of five, lives in a modest house in Higüey, in La Altagracia province in the Dominican Republic. Her household was among the 35,000 identified as the most affected by Hurricane Fiona. The heavy rains and strong winds of up to 150 kilometers… | Environment and climate change | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Enhancing Social Protection for Migrant Workers: Challenges and Strategies in the East and Horn of Africa | Africa | (27.05.2024) Migration in the East and Horn of Africa (EHoA) is characterised as mixed migration. The region is a source, transit, and destination for various migratory flows, with forced migration and labour migration continuing to drive the main movement trends within and across… | Migration | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
US: Biden Admin Struggles to Address Sharp Rise in Deaths From Extreme Heat | United States | The New York Times (25.05.2024) For more than two years, a group of health experts, economists and lawyers in the U.S. government has worked to address a growing public health crisis: people dying on the job from extreme heat. In the coming months, this team of roughly 30 people at the… | Occupational accidents and diseases, Environment and climate change | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Financing gap for universal social protection: Global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space | (23.04.2024) The primary aim of the study is to provide updated estimates of the financing gap to attain universal coverage for social protection floors. This estimation encompasses 133 low- and middle-income countries, and includes five income security guarantees (for children, persons… | Extension of coverage | Universal Social Protection | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Scaling Up Social Assistance Where Data is Scarce - Opportunities and Limits of Novel Data and AI | (16.05.2024) During the recent Covid-19 shock (2020/21), most countries used cash transfers to protect the livelihoods of those affected by the pandemic or by restrictions on mobility or economic activities, including the poor and vulnerable. While a large majority of countries… |
Artificial intelligence, Data analytics, COVID-19 | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
India: Regulatory Framework and the Protection of Basic Rights of Gig Workers | india | (16.05.2024) The gig economy, a burgeoning sector, represents a paradigm shift in traditional employment models, offering flexibility and autonomy to workers across various industries. Despite its benefits, the sector's rapid growth, particularly in urban India, has highlighted… |
Platform workers | digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||
Designers improve the user experience of social services in Moldova at UX4Gov Designathon | moldova, Republic of | (22.04.2024) UNDP Moldova will support the UX4Gov Designathon – a creative event designed to connect designers with public institutions to create user-centric solutions and improve public services. As part of the event, UNDP Moldova will support the conceptualization of the interface… |
E-services | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Financing Social Protection - Lessons from Gig Workers in India | WIEGO (23.10.2023) The extension of social protection to all workers, including those in the informal economy, is crucial to creating better quality employment. For this to happen, it is essential that financing for social protection is increased. A new scheme for financing social protection for… |
Platform workers | digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor | | pmassetti |