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En France, tout ira mieux pour les retraites en... 2060 france

Selon le groupe de travail européen sur le vieillissement AWG, le poids des pensions de retraite dans une quarantaine d'années sera de 2,6 points moins lourd qu'aujourd'hui sur le PIB.

Pensions published… monitor
[Opinion] Paid Parental Leave Is Fueling Sweden's Start-Up Boom

The New Republic (25.08.2015) Each week, Sweden’s national Twitter account allows a different Swede to take over tweeting and tell his or her story. Last week it was Louise Samet, a new mom and an employee of Swedish e-commerce giant Klarna. But unlike Amazon, where women only receive eight…

Family benefits, Parental leave family_gender_society, megatrends, published… monitor
[Opinion] Belgique: 'Le tax shift est plus social qu'on ne le croit' belgium (21.08.2015) "La réforme fiscale est également une réforme du financement de la sécurité sociale qui est historiquement surtout subsidiée par le travail", estime Marc De Vos, directeur d'Itinera et professeur à l'Université de Gand.

Financing published… monitor
US: Making Better Use of Data Can Dramatically Improve Service Delivery United States (18.08.2015) Automatic benefits: Can they help the right people get what they need to get out of poverty and reduce administrative costs?

Information and communication technology published… monitor
[Opinion] OECD: Adapting to an ageing population (24.08.2015) Francesca Colombo, Head of the Health Division at the OECD speaks to Editor Laura Evans, and sheds light on an ageing population…

Population ageing, Information and communication technology published… monitor
Guyana: “Major reforms” in the pipeline to enhance social protection

Kaieteur News (26.08.2015) Minister within the Ministry of Social Protection, Simona Broomes made it clear during her contribution to the recent budget debate that she intends to implement major reforms that will show more recognition of the importance of Guyanese.

Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes extending coverage, managing reforms, published… monitor
Greece: Auxiliary pensions to suffer cuts greece (26.08.2015) Around 122,000 pensioners face reduced supplementary pensions, including freelancers, self-employed doctors, engineers and lawyers. Under a ministerial decision signed by Alternate Minister for Social Security Pavlos Haikalis as part of Greece’s third memorandum, 11…

Pensions published… monitor
Netherlands: Support for universal company pensions fades in the Netherlands netherlands (26.08.2015) Support for the current pension system is fading in the Netherlands, particularly among youngsters, job-hoppers and the highly-skilled, according to new research by the government’s institute for social research SCP

Pensions published… monitor
[Opinion] Does the developing world need a welfare state to eliminate poverty? Some insights from history

Brookings Institution (30.06.2015) India today is already richer than Germany was when it introduced social insurance for all workers in the late 1880s. Indonesia is richer than the United States was in 1935, when the Social Security Act was passed. And China is richer than Britain was in 1948,…

Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social protection floor, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage, poverty, published… monitor
Uganda: Govt Extends Senior Citizens Grant to 40 More Districts uganda (24.08.2015) Government has expanded the social protection grants to cover the elderly in 40 more districts in addition to the present 15 districts. The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Muruli Mukasa disclosed this in Kampala while announcing the roll-out of the…

Extension of coverage, Population ageing, Social assistance extending coverage, published monitor
[Opinion] Retraite : La loi Macron, accélérateur de fonds de pension france

Politis (18.08.2015) Une série d’articles de la loi Macron prévoit de nouvelles mesures en faveur du développement de plans d’épargne retraite, au détriment du financement du système par répartition.

Pensions published,31169.html monitor
Chine : le fonds de pension autorisé à investir en bourse china (23.08.2015) Le Conseil des Affaires d'Etat (gouvernement central chinois), a publié dimanche la directive finale concernant les investissements du fonds de pension, ouvrant ainsi officiellement la porte à davantage de produits diversifiés et plus risqués.

Pensions, Financing published monitor
Togo - Extension de la couverture d’assurance maladie : L’Inam et ‘’Solidar Santé’’ signe une convention togo (21.08.2015) La diaspora togolaise peut désormais assurer aux parents restés au pays, les services de l’Institut national d’assurance maladie (Inam). Cette institution et Solidar’Santé viennent d’officialiser ce partenariat à travers la signature d’une convention.

Health, Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
China to allow pension fund to invest in stock market for first time china

The Guardian (23.08.2015) State news agency reports 30% of net assets will be allowed to be invested in domestically listed shares, which could restore investor confidence

Pensions, Financing published… monitor
UK: Pensions — which way now? united kingdom (21.08.2015) George Osborne’s pensions revolution has given millions of retirement savers more choice than ever over how they gain access to their savings — but the chancellor might not stop there.

Pensions… monitor
Indonesia: Foreign workers obliged to join social security system indonesia (20.08.2015) Foreign employees who have been working for a minimum of six months in Indonesia should register with the country’s social security program. 

Extension of coverage extending coverage, migration, megatrends, published… monitor
$267B more needed each year to end hunger by 2030 – UN report (18.08.2015) An additional $267 billion (P12 trillion)* is needed to be invested annually in social protection programs for global hunger to be eliminated by 2030, a recent report by the United Nations (UN) said.

poverty, published… monitor
UK: Disabled teenagers are easily lost in a welfare state cut to the bone united kingdom (18.08.2015) As a 17-year-old deaf youngster living at home, Sanjeev is now not eligible for any benefits – even help to get to job interviews. What chance does he have?

Disability published… monitor
US: Where is the Money Going? - State’s Giant Pension Funds Lost $5.2 Billion in Fossil Fuel Investments United States (17.08.2015) It has been a 12 months in the market for fossil fuel investors. Oil alone lost around $1.3 trillion. Public institutions that bent to the will of alternative energy supporters clamoring for divestment saved a lot of money.

Financing, Pensions published… monitor
[Opinion] Social-protection policies must not wait until a country becomes prosperous

D+C - Development + Cooperation (10.07.2015) Social protection policies prevent poverty, foster pro-poor growth and stabilise political orders. They also serve to reduce inequality. Markus Loewe of the German Development Institute discussed the history and basic concepts of welfare-state…

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes extending coverage, published… monitor
[Opinion] Pension reforms since the financial crisis could have a serious impact on the future retirement incomes of young Europeans european union

London School of Economics (11.08.2015) What effect has the financial crisis had on pension systems in EU countries? Aaron G. Grech notes that prior to the crisis there was a significant divergence in pensions across the EU, with some states having relatively generous systems in comparison to…

Old-age pensions, Pensions, Population ageing economic crisis, published… monitor
Kenya Receives Sh3.2bn Healthcare Loan From Japan kenya, japan (17.08.2015) "The credit will provide general budget support specifically to the health sector with a view to promoting attainment of universal healthcare in the country. This will be achieved through expanding and strengthening essential health services at county hospitals…

Health, Extension of coverage extending coverage, published monitor
France: Compte pénibilité - des simplifications, mais encore des questions et des inquiétudes france

Le Monde (13.08.2015) Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, le compte personnel de prévention de la pénibilité (C3P) est partiellement entré en vigueur. Usine à gaz pour les uns, avancée sociale majeure pour les autres, ce dispositif, emblématique de la réforme des retraites, a fait l’objet de quelques…

Disability… monitor
France: Médicaments: vers la suppression du taux de remboursement à 15%? france (13.08.2015) Dominique Polton, conseillère auprès de la direction de la Caisse nationale d'assurance maladie, préconise une remise à plat des taux de remboursement des médicaments. La suppression du taux à 15% et l'instauration d'un taux unique de remboursement sont…

Health published… monitor
Ces technologies qui vont transformer l'assurance (13.08.2015) La technologie permet d'analyser presque tous les aspects de la vie d'un consommateur, donc tous les risques qu'il prend au quotidien, même dans sa vie quotidienne, à son domicile. A condition de maîtriser tous les métiers de l'électronique (pour…

Information and communication technology, Health published… monitor