
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
[Opinion] France: Les jeunes sont-ils sacrifiés par la protection sociale? france

Slate (24.04.2016) La structure par âge des dépenses publiques de santé et de retraite implique bien un transfert intergénérationnel. Mais se fait-elle forcément au détriment des jeunes?

Employment of young workers youth employment, megatrends, published monitor
Manuel Valls backs major reform of French welfare system france

Irish Times (22.04.2016) Prime minister Manuel Valls yesterday gave his support to a dramatic reform of France’s incomprehensible social welfare system, which would eventually transform 10 different types of welfare payments into a single “common base coverage” of €400 per month, with top-ups…

Social assistance published… monitor
India: The winding, (sometimes) bumpy road to pension reform | The Indian Express india

indian Express (22.04.2016) With increasing longevity and the rise in the number of the elderly, it was clear that the pension scheme would leave a huge hole in the government’s coffers in the medium and long term.

Pensions, Governance and administration brics, managing reforms, published… monitor
Invest in better social protection for the most disadvantaged children: UNICEF (20.04.2016) Low public spending, ineffective social protection policies and programmes are hampering progress for children in Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Family benefits published monitor
[Opinion] Basic Income And Social Democracy (11.04.2016) The idea of an unconditional basic income is in fashion. From Finland to Switzerland, from San Francisco to Seoul, people talk about it as they have never done. Twice before, basic income was the object of a real public debate, albeit briefly and limited to one…

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes, Inequalities extending coverage, basic income, published monitor
[Report] Informality, women and social protection: Identifying barriers to provide effective coverage

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) (April 2016) Designing more flexible social protection schemes that adjust to the particular needs of women in informal work requires a careful assessment of the obstacles they face in accessing social protection. This paper provides an overview of the…

Extension of coverage, Inequalities extending coverage, family_gender_society, published… monitor
Minima sociaux: des systèmes très différents selon les pays européens european union

Le Figaro (19.04.2016) Comme le montre le rapport Sirugue, chaque pays européen a son propre système de minima sociaux, fonctionnant selon des principes différents

published… monitor
Mali: Assurance maladie obligatoire : Le boulet de la fraude mali

Malijet (19.04.2016) La fraude constitue une menace sérieuse pour la survie de l’Assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO). Afin de lutter contre le phénomène, la Caisse nationale d’assurance maladie (CANAM), en collaboration avec l’Initiative d’information, de communication et de plaidoyer sur la…

Health, Error, evasion and fraud published… monitor
France: La Cour des comptes dénonce la gestion des données de santé france

Le Point (20.04.2016) Le rapport dénonce le verrouillage des données de santé gérées par l'Assurance maladie, dont font partie les remboursements de la Sécurité sociale.

Information and communication technology, Health published… monitor
Lack of social protection for Dominican elderly ‘alarming’   dominican republic

Dominican Today (18.04.2016) Dominican Republic’s elderly withstand an alarming lack of social protection as just 11.2% of the population over 60 have a pension, of which 77.4% get less than RD$6,000 per month, equal to less than half of the bare needs of the poorest of households, estimated at…

Old-age pensions poverty, published… monitor
Madagascar: Secteur privé – La protection sociale évolue madagascar

L'Express (19.04.2016) En 60 ans d’existence, la protection sociale a connu de grandes évolutions à Madagascar. « A ses débuts, elle assurait les prestations familiales. Ensuite, les rentes des accidents de Travail ont été ajoutées. En 1969, on a ajouté la pension de retraite », a retracé…

published… monitor
[Opinion] France: Protection sociale, vers un nouveau modèle ? france

blogs.mediapart (19.04.2016) Cet article sur la protection sociale est paru dans la revue "Travail, genre et société" n°35 - avril 2016. A partir de l'exemple de la modulation des allocations familiales, il montre qu'en réalité est en train de se mettre progressivement en…

Family benefits, Social policies & programmes managing reforms, published… monitor
Pays-Bas : Les allocations familiales envoyées au Maroc sont moindres par rapport aux pays européens netherlands, morocco (18.04.2016) Ce sont peut-être les premières conséquences dans l’accord sur la réduction des versements des prestations sociales aux familles marocaines recevant leur paiement au Maroc. Selon des chiffres rendus publics par la banque de la Caisse de Sécurité sociale des Pays-Bas (…

Family benefits published… monitor
Tanzania: Zanzibar's new universal pension the first of its kind in east Africa tanzania

Helpage/News (14.04.2016) Older men and women in Zanzibar will have a government-funded universal pension for the first time today (15 April), the first of its kind in east Africa.

Extension of coverage, Population ageing extending coverage, published… monitor
UK: DWP 'punishing' low-paid full-time workers under new benefits rule

The Guardian (14.04.2016) Critics say scheme under which working people claiming universal credit can be fined for failing to do enough to find more work is ‘political dynamite’

Social assistance poverty, published… monitor
European Commission - Facts and figures: Healthy Workplaces Campaign for All Ages 2016-17 european union (15.04.2016) Relevant facts and figures on the Healthy Workplaces Campaign for All Ages 2016-17: Promoting a sustainable working life

Occupational accidents and diseases published monitor
[Report] Research on rural women’s economic empowerment and social protection The impacts of Rwanda’s Vision 2020 Umurenge Programme (VUP) rwanda (01.01.2016) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation s has started a policy-oriented research programme on Social Protection and Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment which aims to:
- gain a better understanding of how social protection policies and programmes can…

Extension of coverage, Inequalities extending coverage, rural world, published monitor
Ghana: LEAP Beneficiaries Enrolled On Interbank Payment System ghana (15.04.2016) A total of 146,074 beneficiary households in the 185 districts under the Livelihood Empowerment Against Poverty (LEAP) programme have been enrolled onto the Ghana Inter-bank Payment and Settlement Systems (GhIPSS) electronic-payment platform.

Information and communication technology published monitor
[Analyse] Deutschland: Altersversorgung - Was die Rente rettet germany

Die Zeit (14.04.2016) Das deutsche Rentensystem ist in einer Dauerkrise. Immer weniger Beitragszahler müssen immer mehr Rentner finanzieren – auf Dauer funktioniert das nicht. Viele Menschen fragen sich deshalb: Werde ich im Alter arm sein?

Old-age pensions, Population ageing, Social policies & programmes managing reforms, published… monitor
Le gouvernement allemand débat d’une réforme des retraites germany

Les Echos (13.04.2016) Confrontés à la chute de leur popularité, le SPD et la CDU veulent faire des retraites un thème clef. Objectif : stopper l’érosion des pensions.

Pensions managing reforms, published… monitor
France: Des perspectives d’embauche en hausse pour les emplois peu qualifiés ou saisonniers france

Le Monde (12.04.2016) Selon l’étude annuelle « Besoins en main-d’œuvre » publiée mardi 12 avril par Pôle emploi avec le concours du Centre de recherche pour l’étude et l’observation des conditions de vie (Crédoc), les intentions d’embauche des employeurs progressent en 2016 de 5,1 % par rapport…

Employment published… monitor
South Africa’s Child Support Grant: A booster for poverty reduction south africa

ILO (14.04.2016) 11.7 million poor children in South Africa are now covered by the social benefit which is having a positive impact on their daily lives.

Family benefits brics, poverty, megatrends, published… monitor
México: Recibe ISSSTE 7 reconocimientos por buenas prácticas mexico

Segundo a Segundo (12.04.2016) Como resultado del trabajo eficaz y efectivo que ha originado resultados tangibles para su derechohabiencia, la Asociación Internacional de Seguridad Social (AISS) entregó al Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE) siete…

Governance and administration published… monitor
Recomiendan expertos efectuar cambios en la seguridad social

jornada.unam (13.04.2016) Postergar edad para el retiro y elevar el número de años de contribución, entre los planteamientos. La cobertura de seguridad social es una inversión que puede eliminar la pobreza y apoyar el desarrollo económico de los países, aunque los sistemas enfrentan desafíos…

Governance and administration, Social policies & programmes managing reforms, published monitor
Dubai: More than 95,000 UAE nationals covered under Saada health insurance (12.04.2016) Dubai: The Dubai Health Authority’s (DHA) health insurance cover for Emiratis — Saada (happiness) — is on track with over 95.000 Emiratis under its ambit, Dr Haider Al Yousuf, Director of Public Health Funding at DHA, said.

Health published… monitor