Serveur, vigile : Uber cherche a ubériser d'autres secteurs de l'emploi - Tech - Numerama
La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services
La fraude associée à l'économie de plate forme évolue... Uber veut s'étendre à d'autres services
The Journal (19.10.2018) Every effort is being made to resolve problems that have arisen with the new automated system for Illness Benefit.
EurActiv (05.10.2018) Estonia and Finland will start exchanging digital prescriptions at the end of the year, in a groundbreaking move that Estonian Health Minister Riina Sikkut said she hoped other EU countries will follow. Speaking to on the sidelines of the ongoing European Health Forum in Gastein, Austria, Sikkut said that in Estonia, it is common practice for healthcare professionals to use the e-health system to exchange patient medical records.
Fiji Sun (10.10.2018) The Fiji National Provident Fund has once again received international commendation for its responsiveness to its stakeholders’ needs, as well as developing online services to ease doing business with its customers. The fund received two awards at the recent International Social Security Association (ISSA) Regional Social Security Forum for Asia and the Pacific, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from October 2 (28.09.2018) The Convention establishes worldwide-agreed minimum standards for medical care, sickness, unemployment, old-age, employment injury, family, maternity, invalidity, and survivors' benefits.
timesofoman (02.10.2018) The Sultanate, represented by the Public Authority for Social Insurance, has received six certificates of merit in the International Social Security Association (ISSA) Award for Good Practices in the Department of Social Security.
The announcement was made at the Regional Forum on Social Security for Asia and the Pacific, organised by International Social Security Association from October 2 to 4, 2018, hosted by the Malaysian Social Security Corporation in Kuala Lumpur.
Korea Biomedical Review (01.10.2018) National Health Insurance Service(NHIS) will receive a special achievement award for introducing Public Health Alarm Service, at the Asia-Pacific Social Security Forum under the sponsorship of International Social Security Association (ISSA).
euro.who (August 018) Hospitals with greater autonomy are perceived to be more flexible in meeting the needs of the local population. However, there is a tension between the potential to improve responsiveness and flexibility via greater decentralization and the potential efficiency gains and geographical equity derived from centralization.
Aujourd'hui le Maroc (13.07.2018) Grâce aux différentes conventions internationales de sécurité sociale qui ont été conclues par le Maroc avec plusieurs pays étrangers, les ressortissants marocains peuvent bénéficier en plus des prestations à court terme des prestations à long terme.
Weekly News (11.06.2018) A manual is being created for the National Insurance Board (NIB) which will provide clear processes and principles for governing the institution.