european union
EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need
Europa (25.02.2019) On 20 February, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income" in which it asked the European Commission to introduce a binding EU framework establishing an adequate minimum income across Europe, tailored to the standard of living in each Member State.
Comment les jeunes actifs voient le monde du travail
EurActiv (08.02.2019) Selon une enquête Domplus-BVA pour La Tribune de janvier 2019, sur 1 000 jeunes actifs de moins de 35 ans interrogés sur leur rapport au travail, 80 % placent leur carrière professionnelle au centre de leurs préoccupations
France: Fraude au travail détaché: les sanctions trop peu nombreuses et pas assez dissuasives
Le Figaro (06.02.2019) Un étude sur la fraude au travail détaché en France, et l'insuffisance des sanctions, en nombre et en montant, pour être dissuasives. Pour lutter contre la fraude au détachement, la Cour des comptes prône dans son rapport annuel un renforcement des sanctions administratives et pénales, notamment en termes de fermeture de chantiers ou d'établissements, et de mise en cause des donneurs d'ordres et maîtres d'ouvrage
EU: Let’s make posted workers feel really secure
EurActiv (03.02.2019) Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers.
European Union: Closing the gender digital gap, a priority for Commissioner Gabriel
EurActiv (31.01.2019) Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels.
Reform programmes should compensate low-income workers, OECD says
EurActiv (21.12.2018) The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has urged governments to pay attention to the consequences of their policies and compensate vulnerable groups that could be hit by new taxes.
[Report] Youth Guarantee reports on continued education and traineeships to promote labour market inclusion for young people released
Europa (19.12.2018) Two new reports discuss how young people's entry into employment can be supported through skills development, either through continued education or traineeships. The reports are based on real-life experiences over the first five years of the Youth Guarantee
European Union: Alfred Sant says European elections must ensure best levels of social protection
The Malta Independent (14.12.2018) Former Prime Minister and Maltese MEP Alfred Sant said the May European Elections must ensure the best levels of social protection in terms of quality of life and wellbeing across Europe. The implementation of social policies across Europe should remain in large part a matter for national authorities to determine the when and the how, in response to changing economic and social requirements within their communities.
EUROSTAT: Social protection in 2016 Share of EU GDP spent on social protection slightly down Highest ratios in France, Finland and Denmark
Eurostat (12.12.2018) Social protection expenditure in the European Union (EU) stood at 28.2% of GDP in 2016, slightly down compared with 28.4% in 2015, according to data from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In 2016, the two main sources of funding of social protection at EU level were social contributions, making up 55% of total receipts, and general government contributions from taxes at 40%. The EU average continued to mask major disparities between Member States.