
How to finance social protection in developing countries in the age of COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO (13.05.2020) The pandemic has highlighted something that had been almost forgotten by policy makers across the world in the past few decades; the importance of expenditure in public health and social protection systems.

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Universal Basic Income is gathering support. Has it ever worked – and could it work in the UK?

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.05.2020)Spain has just taken the first step towards it. Many feel the UK needs it. So is UBI a Utopian ideal, or a necessary salvation?

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united kingdom
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Cash transfers
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The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean proposes Universal Basic Income

Submitted by pmassetti on (22.05.2020) The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a regional organism of the United Nations Secretariat has declared itself in favour of a new regime of welfare and social protection that includes the gradual, progressive and sustained establishment of universal basic income in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean.

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En Afrique et ailleurs, l’épidémie de « PochVid-20 »

Submitted by pmassetti on (18.05.2020) Dans les pays en développement, les activités informelles concernent les deux tiers de l’emploi, et les quartiers informels abritent entre un tiers et deux tiers des citadins, selon les pays. Ce secteur informel est touché de plein fouet par la crise liée au Covid-19. Les médias d’Afrique francophone parlent d’une épidémie de « PochVid-20 », plus dangereuse qu’un coronavirus.

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Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19 crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets

Submitted by pmassetti on

oecd (20.05.2020) This policy brief discusses the measures countries have taken to support the livelihoods of those who cannot access unemployment benefits or short-term work schemes. It examines the raft of new programmes introduced across the OECD and beyond, including means-tested assistance, new cash transfer schemes, and direct support for those struggling to meet their expenses. It also discusses how to close social protection gaps beyond the crisis to ensure inclusive growth post-COVID-19.Supporting livelihoods during the COVID-19crisis: closing the gaps in safety nets

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Cash transfers
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Spain set to introduce permanent basic income scheme to rebuild economy post-coronavirus

Submitted by pmassetti on (19.05.2020) Up to a million Spanish families could soon receive an ongoing monthly payment to help them through the coronavirus crisis as the country’s government looks set to approve a €3 billion ($A5 billion) basic income scheme. The program, targeting low or no income families, will likely remain beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, which is expected to push the unemployment rate to more than 20 per cent in the country of almost 47 million people, according to the International Monetary Fund. 

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Cash transfers
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France: Une 5e branche de la Sécurité sociale en préparation

Submitted by pmassetti on

Le HuffPost (20.05.2020) Le gouvernement va proposer la création d’une cinquième branche de la Sécurité sociale pour faire face aux dépenses liées à la perte d’autonomie

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Global challenges
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España: Hispabot: un chatbot para resolver dudas sobre COVID19

Submitted by mmarquez on (08.05.2029) El Gobierno de España ha puesto en marcha un asistente virtual llamado “Hispabot-Covid19”, que permite a los ciudadanos realizar preguntas relacionadas con la COVID-19 vía WhatsApp.

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Global challenges
Service delivery
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France: Commission des affaires sociales : audition consacrée au suivi des mesures d'urgence prises dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie de Covid-19.

Submitted by gfilhon on (29.04.2020) Compte rendu de l'audition du directeur de l'Agence Centrale des Organismes de Sécurité Sociale (ACOSS, agence nationale du recouvrement des cotisations) sur le chiffrage des mesures d'accompagnement par la Sécurité sociale de la crise du Coronavirus.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Financial crisis
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South Africa: Covid-19 grant: We can learn from Namibia

Submitted by pmassetti on

GroundUp (29.04.2020) Introducing the new “Covid-19 grant” announced by President Cyril Ramphosa will pose a huge challenge. But South Africa can learn from Namibia, which introduced an emergency grant at the beginning of April and within three weeks had paid out nearly 580,000 people. The Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress grant of R350 per month, together with the R500 per month supplement to each Child Support Grant (CSG) recipient, provides for the first time a social safety net for able-bodied working-age adults.

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south africa
Service delivery
Cash transfers


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