Employers will be able to reach agreements with workers whose workdays are suspended during the emergency and will provide for their employees to use accumulated vacation time.
Sickness benefits: amendment to set aside exception period for affected by COVID-19. Those who lost employment will continue to receive medical coverage as if they were continually employed.
“Quédate en casa” (Stay at home) 4 million workers in informal work and workers in self ran businesses, and 2 million workers from private businesses shall receive a sitpend of 450,000 pesos bolivares--equivalent to $6USD.
Payroll Plan for small and medium sized companies through the Patria system for a period of up to six months. It will be activated at the request of the companies, to protect the socio-economic stability and the productive capacity of the companies that have ceased their activities due to the…
Transfer of $100 million USD to Social Welfare Institute (IPS) for the payment of sick leave and financial compensation to (formal) workers affected by the pandemic.
Nine hundred persons with disabilities with priority, in a state of vulnerability or abandonment, located in residences or in group homes,will be provided with hygiene items (alcohol, chlorine, etc.). In addition, there will be a distribution of hygiene, cleaning and protection articles for…
Extensión del seguro de cesantía para cubrir el paro parcial. El proyecto permite la suspensión de la relación laboral por un plazo de hasta seis meses, pero impide que el empleador termine el vínculo laboral aduciendo motivos de fuerza mayor.
Este miércoles el presidente Sebastián Piñera promulgó la Ley de Protección al Empleo, que permite que la gente acceda al Seguro de Desempleo bajo circunstancias excepcionales. La idea es dar protección a los ingresos laborales de las familias ante la emergencia sanitar
Every woman of legal age, not pregnant with symptoms or possible contagion of COVID19, who does not have health insurance coverage, has the protection of the State to be treated in the health services of the CCSS.
La Asamblea Legislativa aprobó una interpretación auténtica al decreto 593 de emergencia nacional para aclarar que el Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social "está obligado a cubrir la totalidad del subsidio diario por incapacidad al trabajador o trabajadora con cuarentena".
The CCSS ordered that the readjustments of payment agreements be made more flexible and that interest rates for payment agreements be reduced. The Board of Directors approved the option of making agreements only with the requirement of paying the contributions of the Worker Protection Law - in…
Additional financial support to recipients of the Public Assistance and Disability Assistance Grants (including the DAG for children), a top up equivalent to the sum of the full three (3) months, depending on the size of the family, to be paid by April 15 2020. Payment for the full three months…
The government has ruled that key utilities such as energy, gas and water - as
well as telecommunication, internet and Television services cannot be
suspended during the crisis even if 3 consecutive or alternate bill payments
are missed. The measure will govern for 180 days…
This measure consists of anticipating the implementation of the VAT Transfer to the Poor Program that is expected to distribute 3% of the funds collected as VAT to the most vulnerable families. This program was scheduled to start on January 2021, with a pilot of 100.000 families; however, now it…
The Reactiva Peru program witll provide credit guarantees to 350 thousand national companies, for a total amount of 30 billion soles. Of the total number of companies to be supported by this program, 314 thousand have less than 10 workers.
Affiliates of the Private Pension Fund Administration System (SPP) are authorized to make a one-time extraordinary withdrawal of up to S/2,000.00, provided they do not have accreditation of mandatory social security contributions, for at least six consecutive months.