Les entreprises, championnes de la fraude sociale | Alternatives Economiques
Origine principale de la fraude sociale
Origine principale de la fraude sociale
explications sur les différentes formes de chômage : frictionnel, structurel, conjoncturel, et critique de l'approche médiatique sur "les gens ne veulent pas travailler".
lefigaro.fr (12.09.2018) Les inégalités d'accès à des soins abordables financièrement sont "immenses en Europe", souligne l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) dans un rapport publié mercredi, estimant qu'il reste "beaucoup à faire" pour la mise en place d'une couverture sanitaire universelle.
The Guardian (17.07.2018) The government will push ahead with the expansion of its cashless welfare card trials, despite the auditor general finding it was unclear whether the program was actually reducing social harm.
Lusaka Times (15.08.2018) Government has revealed that strides in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor in society through the successful implementation of Social protection programmes have so far yielded positive results.
The Edge Markets (08.08.2018) The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has revealed that out of Malaysia's 22 million working-age population, 62% are self-employed, outside the formal labour force, and not covered by any form of social protection such as the EPF or government pension scheme.
ILO (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.
ILO (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.
Le Monde (30.07.2018) Le roi Mohammed VI a longuement évoqué dans un discours télévisé prononcé dimanche 29 juillet au soir la « question sociale » au Maroc, exhortant le gouvernement à prendre des « mesures d’urgence », notamment en matière de santé et d’éducation. Malgré les « réalisations accomplies (…) j’ai le sentiment que quelque chose continue à nous faire défaut en matière sociale », a déclaré le souverain marocain dans une allocution marquant le 19e anniversaire de son accession au trône.
ReliefWeb (05.07.2018) The role that safety nets and social protection programmes can play in reducing disaster risk features prominently on the agenda of the 2018 Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) this week. A panel comprised of development and humanitarian actors, with senior representatives of the disaster management authorities from Mongolia and Pakistan, put forward a convincing case for greater investment in social protection policies and programmes.