Chile: ProVida | Second Withdrawal Request of 10%

Submitted by siha on

ProVida (10.12.2020) All members of an AFP (contributors, non-contributors and pensioners) can request their Second Retirement withdrawal up to 10% of the total saving in their Mandatory Account, with a maximum amount of 150UF (around $ 4,300,000). Survival Pension beneficiaries can also make a Retirement request for those balances.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

EPF i-Sinar Account 1 withdrawal: Here's everything you need to know

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) has revealed full details for the i-Sinar program which will allow eligible members to make withdrawals from Account 1. The i-Sinar program was introduced to assist members who are affected by the current pandemic situation. Affected members who wish to take out funds are able to apply online starting from 21st December 2020.

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US: Congress poised to pass long-awaited $900 billion Covid rescue package

Submitted by pmassetti on

CNNPolitics (21.12.2020) Congress is on the verge of passing a far-reaching $900 billion Covid relief package that promises to accelerate vaccine distribution and deliver much-needed aid to small businesses hit hard by the pandemic, Americans who have lost their jobs during the economic upheaval and health care workers on the front lines of the crisis.

Regions / Country
United States
Cash transfers


Document Type

Research Projects on COVID-19 and Long-Term Care – Resources to support community and institutional Long-Term Care responses to COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on - 2020 "If you're doing research on COVID-19 & Long-Term Care it may be useful to see what others are doing! Here's a searchable international database of projects (a bit UK biased, but hopefully we'll get information from more projects in other countries soon!) "

Global challenges


Document Type

Cyprus: Support for Independent Employees

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. Support for Independent Employees was also decided to continue supporting certain categories of self-employed persons who are significantly affected by the pandemic, such as photographers, taxi drivers, hotel workers and other categories, provided that their turnover is reduced compared to the same period last year exceeding 40%.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Cyprus: Very Small Business Support

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. Very Small Business Support subsidizes 100% of the employees for enterprises that employ up to three (3 ) employees, especially for Business Plans in Full Suspension or related companies, 100% of the staff is subsidized for companies that employ up to nine (9) employees.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Cyprus: Business / Employee Support for Certain Economic Activities

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) Businesses and workers in certain economic activities, such as workers in photographers, day care centers, banquet halls and other affected economic activities, the Special Plan for Businesses for Certain Economic Activities can be provided to 50% of employees provided that turnover has been reduced by more than 40%.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Cyprus: Support for Businesses / Employees under mandatory full suspension

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Support of Businesses / Employees that are under mandatory full suspension based on the Decrees issued by the Minister of Health are implemented additional Special Plans for the period from 1 November 2020 to 31 December 2020 or depending on the period of validity of the Decrees of the Minister of Health. The Special Plans in question will be open to companies affected by the Full Suspension Decrees and will provide support to 97% to 100% of employees, depending on the size of the company.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Cyprus: Support for the Tourism Industry and Businesses / Employees Related to the Tourism Industry

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Insurance (09.12.2020) The Ministry announces that the implementation of the Special Plans implemented in November 2020 continues for December 2020. The Special Plan of Hotel Units and Tourist Accommodations and the Special Plan of Economic Activities Related to the Tourism Industry are valid for the period from 1 November 2020 until 31 March 2021 and can provide support to up to 97% of the total staff of companies that will suspend their activities completely.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Croatia: Stop COVID-19 application now works cross-border

Submitted by siha on

Government of the Republic of Croatia (19.11.2020) Cross-border data exchange between the Croatian Stop COVID-19 application and official applications of other EU member states has been established. This makes Croatia the seventh EU country in a row, along with Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Spain, which exchanges "infected keys" through the federation gateway (European Federation Gateway Service) and thus enables anonymous notification of foreign contacts about the risk of infection. 

Regions / Country
european union
Information and communication technology
Mobile technologies
Data management
Document Type