France: financial aid in the form of emergency relief to help the most needy families
March 2020 (
March 2020 (
08.12.2020 (
Since the circulation of the Covid19 and the health crisis, the Caisse nationale des allocations familiales (Cnaf) has put in place measures to support particularly disadvantaged families, as well as various managers of services useful to families. The back-to-school allowance (Allocation de rentrée scolaire) paid to families with the lowest incomes and school-age children has been exceptionally increased by €100 per child as part of the Government's Recovery Plan. (21.12.2020) Several temporary changes made to the unemployment benefit laws have been extended until the end of March 2021. Self-employed persons will remain eligible for labour market subsidy payments until 31 March 2021 if their business has suffered due to the coronavirus epidemic. Higher exempt amounts of EUR 500 and EUR 465 will remain in force until the end of March 2021. Exceptions made to the rules on waiting periods, work requirements and maximum length of payment will expire at the end of 2020.
The coronavirus relief bill extends and modifies several provisions first enacted in the CARES Act, Congress’s $2.2 trillion pandemic relief law that was passed in March. With this package, lawmakers will have responded to the coronavirus and related economic hardship with a record-setting $3 trillion of fiscal support. The package extends relief through mid-March of 2021, providing support to help people and businesses get through the next several months of the pandemic.
The Washington Post (21.12.2020) The biggest concern with the bill is that the aid doesn’t last long enough (06.01.2021)The use of telemedicine has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Start-up Carbon Health is working to make it accessible to underserved communities. Its founder says it has reduced costs by using technology to improve efficiency. His company uses pop-up clinics to deliver treatments and COVID-19 tests; patients can book appointments using a smartphone app.
Public spending in health may allow consumers to decrease their precautionary savings and spend more, thus supporting aggregate demand, writes Valerio Ercolani
World Economic Forum (14.12.2020) China covers the COVID-19 medical costs for all patients including domestic migrants. The payment structure is part of the country’s “wartime” governance. It also reflects the long-term institutional transformation of the Chinese healthcare system.
El Peruano (23.12.2020) The Government published the Emergency Decree No. 137-2020, which authorizes transfers to central government entities and regional governments, for the payment of extraordinary bonus established in Law 31083, equivalent to a minimum vital remuneration (930 soles) to pensioners of the Social Security Normalization Office (ONP). The extraordinary bonus will be paid from January 11, 2021. It will be paid automatically in the same account in which the pension is deposited, together with the pension for the month of January.
El Peruano (03.12.2020) Law N ° 31068 approved on November 18 authorizes that people who have not worked on the payroll in the last 12 months will be able to withdraw up to four tax units (UIT), that is, 17,200 soles. The first deposits would be made before January 9, 2021.