Prévention des risques professionnels, un investissement gagnant !

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Le Matin (05.05.2017) La valorisation du collaborateur passe d'abord par l'instauration de mesures préventives pour renforcer sa sécurité. Des mesures qui permettent, selon l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), non seulement aux pays et aux entreprises de réduire les coûts et d’orienter leurs pertes astronomiques vers des investissements productifs, mais aussi d’augmenter la productivité.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases

More than 26 million unemployed in Latin America and the Caribbean: the need for new engines of growth

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ILOblog (23.05.2017) In 2017, labour markets in Latin America and the Caribbean are marked by a new increase in unemployment and worsening working conditions. As the year progresses, the indicators and forecasts confirm that the labour situation is becoming more worrisome. The latest forecasts already announce a weak economic recovery this year after last year’s contraction. This slow economic growth, of barely 1.1 per cent for Latin America and the Caribbean, will not be enough to change the negative trends in the world of work.

Regions / Country
latin america

Argentina: Buscan acordar una ley de prevención de accidentes laborales

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clarin (23.05.2017) Hoy se inició el camino hacia la elaboración de una ley de Protección y Prevención laboral, que busca evitar los accidentes de trabajo. La norma que deberá cristalizarse en tres meses en un borrador definitivo que llegue al Congreso.

Regions / Country
Occupational accidents and diseases
Workplace health promotion
Safety and health at work

All roads should lead to universal healthcare,’ says new WHO chief

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United Nations News Centre (24.05.2017) The newly-elected head of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, outlined his priorities for journalists at the agency’s headquarters today in Geneva, where he stressed the need for Member States to provide healthcare for all and to implement international health regulations.

Haiti: La CAS, un modèle de protection sociale présenté par le DASH

Submitted by monitor on (25.05.2017) La direction du Développement des activités de santé en Haïti (DASH), en partenariat avec la Banque interaméricaine de développement (BID), a présenté ce jeudi les résultats du projet ‘’Carte assurance santé’’ réalisée dans le cadre d’un partenariat DASH/BID-FORMIN. Ce projet était conçu dans l’objectif de tester un modèle de santé prépayé qui fournit une protection financière importante aux familles à faibles ressources. Les résultats ont démontré que ce type de projet était viable.

Regions / Country
Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Mark Zuckerberg says basic income is worth exploring in Harvard commencement speech

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Business Insider (26.05.2017) In his Harvard University commencement speech Thursday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg advocated for exploring a system in which all people receive a standard salary just for being alive, no questions asked.

Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market

Databases: Non-contributory social protection programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean database

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Conditional cash transfer (CCT) programmes try to reduce poverty and strengthen the human capital of its beneficiaries. This database provides data on expenditure, coverage and amount of the monetary transfers, as well as detailed information on the different components of CCTs in Latin American and Caribbean countries.
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Regions / Country
latin america
Conditional cash transfers


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