More EU Lunacy: Robots Should Pay Social Security Taxes For The Pensions They Won't Get

Submitted by ruggia on (23.06.2017) The European Union is trying to create a law concerning the rise of the robots as they come to steal all our jobs. One of the more ludicrous suggestions is that robots should pay social security taxes for all the social security benefits they won't get. 

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
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Greece Must Strengthen Social Safety Nets, OECD 'Going for Growth' Report Says

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Greek Reporter (18.03.2017) Greece must continue to strengthen social safety nets, ease regulation in network industries, enhance efficiency in public administration; improve the fairness and efficiency of its tax system and improve the quality of its education system. This is according to a report released on Friday by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) “Going for Growth 2017”.

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Extension of coverage

Le revenu universel pour de vrai - À propos et à partir de l'ouvrage "Basic Income"

Submitted by monitor on (12.04.2017) Socle de la « liberté réelle », pour Philippe Van Parijs et Yannick Vanderborght, le revenu universel ne relève pas du bricolage socio-fiscal. Au-delà de l’assurance et de l’assistance, une telle option invite à réviser les principes fondamentaux, entre autres, de la protection sociale. Alors que le projet n’a jamais été aussi présent dans les programmes et disputes politiques, un ouvrage captivant revient sur sa justification éthique, sa soutenabilité économique et sa faisabilité politique.

Extension of coverage

El 27,9% de los españoles está en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social

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El País (25.04.2017) El 27,9% de los españoles está en riesgo de pobreza o exclusión social, según la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida elaborada con los ingresos declarados de 2015. Aunque esta cifra constituye una leve mejora frente al 28,6% anotado con datos de 2014, el indicador todavía se sitúa lejos del 26,7% que se registró en 2010. El pico de la crisis se dio en 2013, cuando alcanzó al 29,2% de la población.

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Bangladesh: Universal health-care coverage is feasible

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D+C - Development + Cooperation /24.04.2017) If the international community is serious about reducing inequality, health care cannot be left to market forces. Solidarity matters. In Bangladesh, the civil-society organisation Gonoshasthaya Kendra is proving that universal coverage is possible.

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Health insurance
Extension of coverage

Building the Social Protection Floor for Older Persons in Kenya

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Development Pathways (24.04.2017) The 31st of March 2017 marked a great step forward for Kenya with the announcement of a social pension for all older persons. Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich – the Minister of Finance – presented the 2017/18 Budget to both Houses of Parliament which included measures to address poverty through social protection.

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