China ups support to firms to ensure employment amid COVID-19 epidemic

Submitted by pmassetti on

Xinhua (25.03.2020)  China has pledged to lend more support to companies with multi-faceted measures in a renewed commitment to protecting jobs for its workforce amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak.

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China: The National Health Commission adds Covid-19 prevention measures in the workplace

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.01.2020) According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, based on the current understanding of the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of new coronavirus-infected pneumonia, the State Council approved the agreement and the National Health and Health Commission decided to infect the new coronavirus Pneumonia is included in the management of statutory infectious diseases category B, and preventive and control measures for category A infectious diseases are adopted.

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Global challenges
Health promotion
Safety and health at work


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Monaco: Modalités de demande du Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire

Submitted by cambrosio on (01.04.2020) Les Services de l’Etat mettent en œuvre dès aujourd’hui, le Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire, mesure annoncée par le Gouvernement princier pour venir en aide aux travailleurs indépendants disposant d’une autorisation d’exercer en nom propre, qui subissent une baisse de leur activité impactée par la crise du Covid-19, au point de les priver de toute ressource.

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Global challenges
Cash transfers


Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Maroc: Suspension du paiement des charges sociales

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020)  Alors qu’une partie de l’industrie marocaine est à l’arrêt du fait du Covid-19, la dernière réunion du Comité de veille économique a mis en place des mesures en faveur des entreprises et des salariés du privé. Après l’édiction d’une première série de mesures le 16 mars, jugées insuffisantes, le Comité de veille économique (CVE) a tenu une deuxième réunion trois jours plus tard.

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Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Cash transfers


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Tunisie: Mesures sociales en faveur des professions en chômage technique

Submitted by mmarquez on (31.03.2020) Le chef du gouvernement Elyes Fakhfakh, a présidé ce mardi 31 mars 2020, un conseil ministériel dédié à la mise en œuvre des mesures sociales annoncées concernant les aides financières et les mesures liées aux institutions et professions en chômage technique.   Selon un communiqué publié par la présidence du gouvernement, l'Etat fournira, par le biais de l'Union tunisienne de sécurité sociale, 60.000 colis de denrées alimentaires, qui seront livrés au domicile des bénéficiaires à partir du vendredi 3 avril et jusqu'à la fin du mois du Ramadan.

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


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Malta: Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package

Submitted by cambrosio on (18.03.2020) Financial assistance for families and unemployed persons: Where one of parents is required to stay at home to take care of children due to school closure and neither of the parents is able to telework– the Government will pay a benefit of €800 per month per family (expected to be for 2 months). Individuals which ended up unemployed due to the employer’s mandatory suspension of business, will benefit from 2 days per week based on a salary cap of €800 per month covered by government.

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Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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Malta: COVID-19 Update: More fiscal measures to support businesses and individuals in Malta

Submitted by cambrosio on (24.03.2020)

Salary and wage support for Maltese employers

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Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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Sri Lanka: Food packages to low income persons

Submitted by mmarquez on (23.03.2020) Samurdhi Authority should issue title certificates to Samurdhi and low income families immediately for issuing nutritious food items to low income persons. They should be provided with rice, dhal and salt on a weekly basis with their food cards.

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sri lanka
Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

Sri Lanka: Grace period for the payment of income tax

Submitted by mmarquez on (23.03.2020) A grace period for the payment of income  tax and VAT, driving licence renewal fee, water bills and assessment tax less than Rs. 15,000, monthly credit card bills less than Rs. 50,000, be extended until April 30th.

Regions / Country
sri lanka
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Bahamas: Unemployment benefit to dismissed employess

Submitted by mmarquez on (23.03.2020) The Unemployment Benefit is payable where an employed person is temporarily laid off because of the negative impacts of COVID-19. The benefit is payable for up to 13 weeks at a rate of 50% of the employee's average insured income.

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Global challenges


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