Bahamas: Sickness benefit to employees quarantined

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured's average insured income and is payable for 14 days.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash sickness benefits


Document Type

Bahamas: Unemployment assistance for self-employed in the tourism sector

Submitted by mmarquez on (23.03.2020) The Government of The Bahamas, in collaboration with the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding to bring financial support to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose income sources have been disrupted by COVID-19. While the programme will be administered by the National Insurance Board, it is outside of the NIB package of benefits; it is not an earned entitlement; does not require the satisfying of National Insurance contribution conditions; and does not require Department of Labour involvement.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Document Type

Greece: Placement of the Minister of Finance Mr. Christos Staikouras, for the second set of measures to deal with the effects of the coronavirus

Submitted by cambrosio on (24.03.2020) All employees for whom their employment contract is temporarily suspended, due to the suspension of the operation of the company with a state mandate, will receive compensation in early April, from the state budget, amounting to 800 euros. The measure concerns about 500,000 workers, at a cost of about 400m euros.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Turkey: Social Security Payment Extensions Due to COVID-19

Submitted by mmarquez on (20.03.2020) Turkey's Social Security Institution has issued a release announcing that six-month extensions are being provided for social security contribution payments due to COVID-19. The extensions are provided based on the deadline extensions for force majeure announced by the tax administration in March (previous coverage). As such, the extensions apply for taxpayers covered by the force majeure extensions and certain others as follows:

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Lebanon: launches coronavirus aid measures with cash payments

Submitted by cambrosio on (08.04.2020) Lebanon's Social Affairs Ministry announced it is launching an aid programme for those most in need as the country's worst economic crisis in a generation is exacerbated by a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of coronavirus.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Albania: Increase of amount of cash transfer benefit for families

Submitted by mmarquez on (24.03.2020) The Prime Minister further stated that the government will give twice the money it gives per month to families in need. Rama: Also, the amount that the Albanian state pays in peacetime for economic assistance is 340 million ALL per month. We know that in those families who are really in need during the time of peace, someone comes out and does some work for you, so for us to be okay, we will distribute to these families twice the money we share for these families, over 40 a thousand such.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers


Document Type

Egypt: Protect, Provide, and Progress: Egypt's International Response in the COVID-19 Fight

Submitted by cambrosio on (06.04.2020) Ministry of Social Solidarity added 60,000 households to Takaful and Karama Programs. An additional 100,000 will be added as the budget will increase to 19.3 Billion EGP compared to 18.5 billion EGP.  The government also increased payments to women community leaders in rural areas from EGP 350 to EGP 900 per month to ensure gender equity. A one-off monetary compensation (500 EGP) offered to informal workers registered at the database of the Ministry of Manpower through post offices.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Albania: We double the fund for small business salaries and families in need

Submitted by mmarquez on (24.03.2020) Prime Minister Rama has stated that the government has decided to give more money to small business and families in need in these difficult times of coronavirus. Through a message on the social network, Rama took as an example the case of a self-employed family through a family business. "Compensating all employees or self-employed in a small business who do not work due to this crisis. 60440 people are the ones we will not leave alone."

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers
Document Type

Czech Republic: Antivirus Employment Protection Program

Submitted by cambrosio on (31.03.2020) On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, the government approved a proposal to modify the Antivirus employment protection program. This program. The is designed to help businesses protect their jobs . The state will use the Labor Office of the Czech Republic to compensate companies for the funds paid out. This measure will help employers better manage the current situation and will not have to resort to layoffs.

Regions / Country
czech republic
Global challenges