
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
В Москве упрощен порядок выплат безработным (Moscow simplifies the procedure for payments to the unemployed) Russian Federation

Easier and faster access/registration for compensation payment for unemployed

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Malaysian govt gives out special allowance for doctors, frontline workers amid Covid-19 outbreak Read more at malaysia

The government will also provide a special monthly critical worker allowance
of RM400 (US$100) for medical doctors and other medical personnel, as well
as RM200 (US$50) for the military, police, civil defense, immigration, firefighters, and members of the voluntary force directly…

Health, Employment, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Ministry of Labor: those who already receive unemployment benefits will be recalculated Russian Federation

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a new maximum amount of unemployment benefits. It will be 12130 rubles. The decision shall enter into force upon publication of the document. Beneficiary recipients whose benefit amount was limited to the maximum amount will be recalculated…

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Malaysia Issues Second Stimulus Package to Combat COVID-19: Salient Features malaysia

Healthcare personnel will have their special monthly allowance increased from 400 ringgit (US$91) to 600 ringgit (US$137) and a special allowance of 200 ringgit (US$45)

Health, Employment, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Govt provides RM21 bil assistance for Malaysians amid COVID-19 outbreak, more to come malaysia

One-off payment of RM600 (US$144) to taxi, tourist and trishaw drivers and
tourist guides

Cash transfers, Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 lebanon

Paid sick leave should be granted to medical employees working in hospitals
(nurses, contractors) covering the entire isolation period. Decree 136/1983 on
work-related injuries and emergencies will apply to all such workers whom
contract the Covid-19 disease. This decree…

Health covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
7 measures in Mauritania to counter the Corona virus mauritania

The state bears all the taxes and royalties resulting from this activity for the
rest of the year for the heads of families working in the traditional fishing

Employment, Social assistance covid19, Contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Lebanon suspends utility shutoffs in response to Coronavirus lebanon

The city of Lebanon will temporarily suspend utility shutoffs for non-payment, even for customers who do not pay their upcoming utility bill.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
7 measures in Mauritania to counter the Corona virus mauritania

The state bears water and electricity bills for poor families for two months.
The state bears the costs of village water for the rest of the year for the
citizens of all villages.

Housing, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
WFP Liberia Completes Installation of Video Conferencing System at NPHIL to Reduce Crowded Meetings liberia

Government switched to take home meals, an approach they used during
Ebola alongside their neighbor Sierra Leone.

Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
7 measures in Mauritania to counter the Corona virus mauritania

Allocation of 5 billion ouguiya to support 30 thousand dependent families
by women, the elderly and people with disabilities, most of which are in
Nouakchott, with a monthly financial aid for three months.

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 malaysia

Workers providing contract services to the Government (e.g. cleaning and
food supply to public institutions) will receive a wage replacement. This will
benefit 80,000 workers costing RM110 million (US$27 million). The
Government will also extend these service contracts for…

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Coronavirus: AfDB approves $2m package for WHO's Africa response nigeria

Over in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, President Buhari in an address last Sunday ordered financial intervention schemes be rolled out for the vulnerable. Lagos state and other states are rolling out state-level interventions. Sadiya Farouk, minister of humanitarian affairs, disaster…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Income replacement benefit extended to PUI from B40 group malaysia

Through the national insurance plan for the B40, mySalam, patients of
COVID-19 can apply for an income replacement of RM50/day for up to 14 days. This initiative will also be extended to the B40 who are quarantined as
persons under investigation (of COVID-19 symptoms).

Health, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Parents' right to care money is doubled norway

Amount of days of childcare leave for 2020 has been increased. With one
or two children (up to 12 years), each parent receives 20 care days (amount
doubled from 10 days per year). Single caregivers and parents of children
with chronical diseases have an extended number of…

Family benefits covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Free internet usage during MCO from April 1 malaysia

The Government announced that in collaboration with all telecommunications
companies in Malaysia, all mobile internet subscribers will be given free
internet access from 1 April 2020 until the end of the Movement Control

Housing, Information and communication technology covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
New measures to curb the financial impacts of the coronavirus outbreak norway

The Norwegian government will pay unemployment benefits in advance. Thus, those who have lost their income will be able to get money into their account quickly, without having to wait for processing of the unemployment benefit application.

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Electricity bill discounts for six months from April malaysia

A discount on the electricity bill – previously announced at 2% - will be
increased according to electricity consumption. The discount will range from
15% to 50%.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Changes to the rules for temporary layoffs and unemployment benefits norway

Employees will retain 100 % of their pay up to 6G (G = the National Insurance basic amount. 1G is NOK 99 858 per May 1 2019) from day 3 up to and including day 20 of the layoff period. The changes are effective from 20 March, but further details will not be formally in place until next week.…

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
6-month rental waiver for PPR residents malaysia

The B40 community that own ‘rent-to-own’ units of the PPR will be given a
payment deferral of six months from April 2020 to September 2020. This will
benefit 4,649 households, amounting to RM5.7 (US$1.4) million.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Coronavirus: Govt to provide Rs12,000 to 10 million affectees under Ehsaas programme pakistan

Launch of “Ehsaas Emergency Cash Programme” providing Rs12,000/family and benefit 67 million individuals (10 million families). There are three categories of beneficiaries: 4.5 million existing “Ehsaas Kafaalat” beneficiaries (all women) already getting Rs.2000 will get extra Rs.1000 emergency…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
6-month rental waiver for PPR residents malaysia

The B40 community that are renting public housing for the urban poor, the
Citizen Housing Project (PPR) will be exempted from rent for six months.
The sum of these forgone payments is RM3 million (US$0.75 million). The
Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) will be making the same…

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Работающие граждане старше 65 лет получат право уйти на больничный до 19 апреля (Working citizens over 65 will receive the right to leave on sick leave until April 19) Russian Federation

Working citizens over 65 who have chosen a self-isolation regime will be able to get sick leave from April 6-19. Appointment of temporary disability benefits in connection with quarantine will not require citizens to fill out any documents. Payment of sick leave will come to citizens directly…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
RM25 million set aside for vulnerable groups malaysia

The Government will allocate RM25 million (around US$6 million) to be
channeled to vulnerable groups including the elderly and children in shelters,
the disabled, and the homeless. The Government will work with NGOs and
social entrepreneurs to distribute food, medical care…

Financing, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Минтруд предлагает устанавливать инвалидность без личного присутствия граждан до 1 октября 2020 года (Ministry of Labor proposes to establish disability without personal presence of citizens before October 1, 2020) Russian Federation

Ministry of Labor proposes to establish disability without personal presence of citizens before October 1, 2020

Old-age pensions, Disability covid19 Published Measures summary socpro