
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
All adult Singaporeans to receive one-off S$600 Solidarity Payment in April to cope with Covid-19 singapore

All Singaporeans aged 21 and above will receive a one-off payment of S$600 in April. The government had originally announced in February a payment of S$100-300 and then in March it decided to increase the benefit to S$300-600, with payouts due to be distributed from August to September.…

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Cushioning the impact of COVID-19 singapore

Eligible employers will be able to apply for the Leave of Absence Support Programme.

It gives the employer $100 daily per affected worker for the duration of the LOA. From 18 Feb 2359hr, this will be extended to those affected by the Stay-Home Notice requirement.

Eligible self-…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
О внесении изменений в указ Мэра Москвы от 5 марта 2020 г. № 12-УМ Russian Federation

Extension of 60 rides transport cards (metro, busses, trolleys) for 5 days in
case they were not used for the period of March 30-April 3 (self-isolation

Housing, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
(COVID-19) Le président togolais décrète un état d'urgence sanitaire de trois mois togo

renforcement des capacités opérationnelles des structures sanitaires du pays et le déploiement de laboratoires mobiles pour le dépistage de "manière totalement confidentielle, rapide et surtout gratuite" des populations sur l'étendue du territoire.

Health covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
МЭРА МОСКВЫ Russian Federation

The Moscow city Government abolished contributions of citizens for overhaul (capital renewal) for 3 months (April 1 – June 30, 2020).

Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
L'Afrique face au Covid-19 : vous avez dit « mesures sociales » ? togo

le gouvernement a annoncé également prendre en charge les factures d'eau et d'électricité pour les ménages les plus modestes

Housing covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Putin's address: additional payments to doctors, assistance to people, business support, 'Polovtsy and Pechenegs' Russian Federation

Over the next three months, starting in April, all families entitled to maternity capital (grant) will be paid an additional RUB 5,000 (US$63) a month for each child under the age of three, inclusive. This support is especially important for families where children do not attend a nursery or…

Family benefits covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment togo

To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central
Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money
and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable.

Information and communication technology customer_services Published Measures summary… socpro
«Зеленый коридор»: как правительство будет спасать экономику (Green Corridor: how the government will save the economy) Russian Federation

All social benefits and special entitlements over the next six months will be
extended automatically, without submitting any additional information and
going to the authorities.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Tonga unveils stimulus package to fight COVID-19 Tonga

The elderly and disability allowances of 100 Pa'anga (about 42 U.S. dollars) per person for COVID 19 plus March and April monthly allowances will be paid out next week.

Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Доставить продукты и лекарства: более 40 тысяч заявок поступило на горячую линию от москвичей старшего возраста (Deliver food and medicine: more than 40 thousand applications were received by the hotline from older Muscovites) Russian Federation

Citizens over 60 y.o. will be able to order food and medicine delivery by
(hotline) phone and get it delivered to their homes. This measure is being
implemented with the support of All-Russia People’s Fund (ONF), the
Roscongress Foundation and Rostelecom (Russia's…

Food and nutrition, Service delivery covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
COVID-19: Turkey model country with strong health system, social assistance turkey

Wage payments for contracted teachers in state schools that receive wages
based on the hours they teach will continue to receive wages during the
school closure period.

Employment covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
#COVID19- un important programme distribution alimentaire en faveur 8 millions de sénégalais (ministre) senegal

Minister of Community Development, Social and Territorial Equity, announced the establishment of an "important program" of food distribution for one million households, or eight million of Senegalese.

Food and nutrition covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Turkey: New Type Of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak And Its Effects On Labor Law turkey

Compensatory working is compensating for the decrease or stop in working
hours due to coercive reasons. The employer can request for an increased
number of working hours by a daily maximum of 3 hours to compensate for
this loss, for a maximum of 2 months after the decrease…

Employment covid19, Contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment senegal

To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central
Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money
and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable.

Information and communication technology covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Senegal - Policy Responses to COVID-19 senegal

The government plans to set up an emergency fund of up to FCFA 1000 billion (7 percent of GDP), financed by a mix of donor contributions, voluntary donations from the private sector, and the budget. The Fund will be used to support vulnerable households and firms. FCFA 50 billion will be…

Financing covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Pensioners allowed to pay their bills at a later date serbia

Pensioners and families who have pensioners as members can pay their bills for February, March and April at a later date, without interest.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 serbia

All adults (18+ years of age) will get E100 as one-off payment

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Solidarity Budget Booklet English singapore

Cash payout for each Singaporean parent with at least 1 Singaporean child aged 20 and below in 2020 of $300. (p.11)

Family benefits covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Solidarity Budget: All Firms To Get Up To 75% Wage Subsidy For S'pore Employees In April singapore

In February, the government launched a Jobs Support Scheme to help companies defray wage costs through tax rebates and subsidies. The scheme gave wage subsidies of between 25 per cent and 75 per cent, depending on the sector, for the first $4,600 of gross monthly wages per local employee till…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Singapore Boosts Virus Package to 11% of GDP, Tap Reserves singapore

Government announced the suspension of student-loan interest and repayment charges, for a year and the suspension of late-payment charges on public-housing mortgage arrears for three months, as part of a stimulus package of S$48 billion ($33 billion). Other measures in the package include:…

Housing, Family benefits, Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Singapore Boosts Virus Package to 11% of GDP, Tap Reserves singapore

Government announced direct cash aid to a broader pool of self-employed persons, and enhanced support for lower-income workers, as part of a stimulus package of S$48 billion ($33 billion). Other measures in the package include: scrapping of property tax for virus-hit hotels, restaurants and…

Cash transfers, Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Malaysia Issues Second Stimulus Package to Combat COVID-19: Salient Features malaysia

The Malaysian government has budgeted RM10 billion to provide one-off
cash transfer to depending on income level
- RM1600 to 4 million households earning <RM4000/month
- RM1000 to 1.1 million households earning RM4000-8000/month
- RM800 to 3 million single…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
В Москве упрощен порядок выплат безработным (Moscow simplifies the procedure for payments to the unemployed) Russian Federation

Easier and faster access/registration for compensation payment for unemployed

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Malaysian govt gives out special allowance for doctors, frontline workers amid Covid-19 outbreak Read more at malaysia

The government will also provide a special monthly critical worker allowance
of RM400 (US$100) for medical doctors and other medical personnel, as well
as RM200 (US$50) for the military, police, civil defense, immigration, firefighters, and members of the voluntary force directly…

Health, Employment, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro