
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Nepal COVID-19 relief package nepal

Food assistance package to be distributed to informal sector laborers and
those in need of assistance (including those living in old age homes, places of
worship etc.) through ward committees at local level. To be funded by local
and provincial level governments with top-ups…

Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Impact of coronavirus: PM announces Tk 5,000cr stimulus package for export-oriented industries bangladesh

The government will pay the salaries and wages of export-oriented sectors. Businesses can avail funds from the package at 2% interest to pay their workers' salaries for up to three months. The salaries must be paid to either a bank or mobile financial service account.

Employment covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Exclusif : les travailleurs de l’informel seront compensés via smartphones morocco

The Economic Watch Committee (Comité de veille économique (CVE)
members decided to activate a mobile payment device to transfer cash to
workers operating in the informal sector adversely affected by COVID-19
(only for those who have been directly affected by the GoM…

Cash transfers, E-services covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bangladesh’s PM Bumps Up COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Program by $8 bn bangladesh

Food subsidies would include selling rice at Tk5/kg through OMS, down
from Tk30/kg

Food and nutrition covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
Italy sets aside €400m for food vouchers as social unrest mounts italy

The Italian government has designated €400m (£358m) for food vouchers

Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bangladesh’s PM Bumps Up COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Program by $8 bn bangladesh

The government has also committed to widen the coverage of the existing social safety net to address the basic needs of people living below the poverty line. These include workers in the informal sector, the daily labourers, old people and destitute women.

Cash transfers, Extension of coverage covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
COVID-19 crisis: Histadrut and the government have agreed on paid leave for workers in the public sector. israel

The Histadrut (General Organization of Workers) and the government have
agreed on paid leave for workers in the public sector. It is an agreed pooling
system of vacation leave to share with workers who need to stay away from
work. It stipulates that a non-essential…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Government approves comprehensive action plan to counter coronavirus impact armenia

On 25 and 30 March the Government approved a comprehensive action plan
to counter the adverse coronavirus impact and several measures to offset its
economic and social consequences with a total envelope of at least 300 mln
USD. These included:
• Support to hired…

Cash transfers covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
IDR 3 Trillion to finance contributions to the national health insurance scheme for 30 million non-salaried workers indonesia

IDR 3 Trillion to finance contributions to the national health insurance
scheme for 30 million non-salaried workers.

Health covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Government approves comprehensive action plan to counter coronavirus impact armenia

On 25 and 30 March the Government approved a comprehensive action plan
to counter the adverse coronavirus impact and several measures to offset its
economic and social consequences with a total envelope of at least 300 mln
USD. These included:
• Assistance to families…

Family benefits, Cash transfers, Children, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
Indonesia Drops 3% Budget Deficit Cap for $25b Covid-19 Stimulus indonesia

Electricity - IDR 3.5 Trillion to finance the electricity bill 24 million
households, or approximately 40 percent of the population, with a
450 Volt-Ampere (VA) connection. Those with a 900VA connection
(another 7 million households) will receive a 50 percent discount.

Housing, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Мероприятия по нейтрализации экономических последствий коронавируса (Measures to neutralize the economic consequences of coronavirus) armenia

MLSA and SRC (State Revenue Committee) are closely cooperating to
provide cash payments to those who sent to mandatory leave and/or being laid
off (about 70,000 registered employees).

Cash transfers covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
The Government Spent Rp 43.6 Trillion for Cheap Basic Food Card Program indonesia

The food voucher program, Sembako, will be expanded from 15 million to 20
million low-income households; bringing the coverage of the program to just
short of 30 percent of the population. The expansion of Sembako also
includes a 33% increase in benefits for a period of nine…

Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
COVID-19: How will it affect human capital? indonesia

Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, PKH, will receive an additional budget
allocation of IDR 8.3 trillion, which will be used to temporarily increase the
benefit level by approximately 25 percent for three months and expand the
program from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiaries, or…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
COVID-19: How will it affect human capital? indonesia

Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, PKH, will receive an additional budget
allocation of IDR 8.3 trillion, which will be used to temporarily increase the
benefit level by approximately 25 percent for three months and expand the
program from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiaries, or…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
COVID-19: How will it affect human capital? indonesia

Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, PKH, will receive an additional budget
allocation of IDR 8.3 trillion, which will be used to temporarily increase the
benefit level by approximately 25 percent for three months and expand the
program from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiaries, or…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Daily and casual workers’ plight appalling sri lanka

Transfer of LKR 5000 to 1,798,655 people who are the recipients of the
“samurdhi” allowance (the largest cash-transfer program here) and for
600,339 families who have been identified as recipients of the “samurdhi”
allowance and are in the waiting list.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 saudi arabia

The KSA mandated an automatic renewal of health insurance cards for 6
months, hence allowing families to make hospitals and clinic visits.

Health covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Saudi Arabia Races to Contain Epidemic in Islam’s Holiest City saudi arabia

As per Announcement of King Salman of March 30, 2020, all Saudi citizens,
residents, visitors, tourists and illegal immigrants will access testing and
treatment services for Coronavirus for free. The government through the
ministry of health will cover related expenses.

Health, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)5000 baht per month for “informal” Thai workers thailand

A cash transfer of 5,000-baht ($153) for 3 months will reach 9M (instead of
3M from last week) workers not covered by the Social Security Fund (21.7M
people applied). The total program cost is $4B.

Unemployment, Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
DSWD temporarily waives 4Ps conditionalities philippines, the

The flagship 4Ps conditional cash transfer program waived the program
conditionalities for the months of February and March, continuing the
provision of full cash grants under the period.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
The BCEAO takes strategic measures to boost e-payment mali

To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central
Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money
and making transfers between people backed by electronic money free. The measures are effective for 30 days, renewable.

E-services covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Québec versera 45 millions pour une prime aux travailleurs agricoles canada

Les agriculteurs comptent généralement sur l’aide de travailleurs temporaires originaires du Mexique, du Guatemala et, dans une moindre mesure, du Honduras. Des ralentissements bureaucratiques dans leurs pays d’origine et la fermeture des frontières ont compliqué leur venue au cours des…

Cash transfers, Social assistance, Migration covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
UIF, CF safety net intervention details south africa

Workers who are affected by the 21-day lockdown or become ill during the outbreak will receive government assistance. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act rights for employees will be activated; through NEDLAC, employers and unions have agreed to negotiate special leave conditions. More…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 thailand

Thailand has initiated a multi-prong package for Thai workers forced to
return from Korea due to the outbreak. This includes: (i) those who are
members of Overseas Workers Fund will be entitled to THB15,000
compensation (also available to member workers who return from other…

Cash transfers, Migration covid19 Published Measures summary socpro