
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Opinions: Three misconceptions in the way of better housing policies (15.02.2017) While the need for housing is widespread, individually people have different needs—depending on whether they are single, married, senior citizens, families with children, or members with disabilities. Despite the best of intentions of policymakers, "a roof…

Housing housing… monitor
Japan's buckling health care system at a crossroads japan

The Japan Times (19.02.2017) The inauguration last month of Donald Trump as U.S. president and his plan to repeal the 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as “Obamacare,” has left many people here wondering: How does Japan compare?

Health… monitor
UK: How the Pensions System is Failing Women united kingdom

Morningstar (27.02.2017) Thanks to auto-enrolment, more people are adequately saving for retirement than before, but the scheme unfairly penalises women

Pensions… monitor
Suisse: Prévoyance 2020: Bras de fer en vue aux Chambres sur les retraites - Suisse - switzerland (27.02.2017) Prévoyance 2020 - Les parlementaires tenteront de boucler la réforme de la prévoyance 2020 durant la session qui débute lundi. Cela ne sera pas facile.

Pensions monitor
Canada: Researchers seeking employers for occupational health and safety study canada

Daily Commercial News (24.02.2017) In the first study of its kind in Canada, a team of researchers at the Institute for Work & Health (IWH) has set out to answer a question: How much do Ontario employers spend to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses?

Occupational accidents and diseases… monitor
EU: Parliament plenary rejects universal basic income european union

EurActiv (16.02.2017) The European Parliament’s plenary session voted today (16 February) against a universal basic income to compensate for the impact of robots on the labour market.

Employment, Inequalities digital economy… monitor
Bénin : vers la validation de l'étude de la création d'un Fonds d'investissement africain Africa (25.02.2017) Les directeurs généraux des Caisses de sécurité sociale des 16 pays membres de la Conférence inter-africaine de la prévoyance sociale (CIPRES) sont en concertation actuellement à Cotonou, en vue d'examiner les résultats de l'étude de la création d'un… monitor
India: Publicise benefits of old age pension scheme: Delhi high court india

Times of India (23.02.2017) The Delhi high court on Monday asked the AAP government to widely publicise benefits of an old age pension scheme so that more eligible people could avail of it.

Old-age pensions… monitor
France: Le nombre de demandeurs d’emploi devrait repartir comme prévu à la hausse en 2017, selon l’Unedic france

Le Monde (01.03.2017) Ce sont des chiffres que patronat et syndicats devront avoir en tête lors des différentes séances de négociations sur la réforme de l’assurance chômage prévues tout au long du mois de mars. Mardi 28 février, l’Unedic, l’organisme gestionnaire de l’institution, a publié une…

Unemployment… monitor
UK: Social protection: European comparisons of expenditure, 2007 to 2014 united kingdom

Office for National Statistics (01.03.2017) How UK social protection compares to other European countries, and how it has changed over time.… monitor
The Future of Not Working kenya

The New York Times (23.02.2017) As automation reduces the need for human labor, some Silicon Valley executives think a universal income will be the answer — and the beta test is happening in Kenya.

Inequalities digital economy… monitor
International Women's Day 2017: Towards a better future for women and work: Voices of women and men

ILO (06.03.2017) On International Women's Day (8 March), ILO and Gallup will launch a new report based on data from over 140 countries assessing both women's and men's attitudes about women and work. monitor
Ireland: New CMO will review Social Protection assessment service ireland

Irish Medical Times (22.02.2017) The next Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the Department of Social Protection will be required to contribute to a major transformation process in relation to access, assessment for and review of entitlement to illness payments, as well as to help address capacity…

Health, Governance and administration… monitor
Pensions In The Netherlands: A Gordian knot of reform netherlands

IPE (01.03.2017) Rival parties are presenting competing visions for a reformed Dutch pension system, as Leen Preesman finds 

Pensions managing reforms… monitor
Switzerland: Pensions – what women need to know switzerland

Swissinfo (21.02.2017) Many women in Switzerland work part time or not at all, often resulting in a small pension that is not enough to live on. Marianne de Mestral is one example.… monitor
UK: Housing is a women's issue: the facts

The Guardian (06.03.2017) No matter where you live, or how you pay for your home, from private renting, social renting, to home ownership and sheltered accommodation, the breadth of the UK housing crisis has affected millions of people across the country, young and old, and living in many…

Social assistance poverty… monitor
España: El número de mujeres autónomas ya supera el nivel previo a la crisis spain

elEconomista (06.03.2017) El número de trabajadoras autónomas superaba a cierre del año pasado el nivel previo a la crisis en 19.944 emprendedoras, un 1,8% más que en mayo de 2008, según un informe de la organización de autónomos ATA con motivo del Día Internacional de la Mujer, que se celebra…… monitor
Deutschland: Arbeitsmarkt - Kaum Frauen in Vollzeitjobs bei Familien mit Kleinkindern germany

Die Zeit (07.03.2017) Der Vater verdient das Geld, die Mutter hat einen Teilzeitjob: Die klassische Arbeitsteilung gilt nach wie vor in den meisten Familien mit Kleinkindern in Deutschland.

Family benefits… monitor
Journée internationale de la Femme 2017: Vers un avenir meilleur pour les femmes au travail: ce qu’en pensent les femmes et les hommes

OIT (06.03.2017) Lors de la Journée internationale de la femme (le 8 mars), l’OIT et Gallup vont présenter un nouveau rapport s’appuyant sur des données en provenance de 140 pays qui analyse les attitudes des femmes et des hommes vis-à-vis des femmes au travail. monitor
Malaysia: Insurance scheme for self-employed taxi drivers malaysia

The Sun Daily (05.02.2017) Come June 1, all self-employed taxi drivers, as well as Grab and Uber drivers, will be covered under the Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) – just like other workers under the Contract of Service scheme.

Extension of coverage extending coverage monitor
[Opinion] France: Protection sociale - Quelques vérités pour la pérennité d'un patrimoine commun france

Miroir Social (25.02.2017) Le CRAPS Club de réflexion sur l'avenir de la protection sociale) édite aujourd'hui un nouveau cahier de propositions sur le thème du Financement de la Sécurité sociale intitulé "Quelques vérités pour la pérennité d'un patrimoine commun".… monitor
US: Could your Fitbit data be used to deny you health insurance? United States (17.02.2017) Wearing a fitness tracking device could earn you cash from your health insurance company. At first, this sounds lucrative for the people who participate, and good for the companies, who want healthier insurance customers. But it’s not quite so simple.

Health… monitor
Government might soon pay your house rent through vouchers in 100 Indian cities india (09.03.2017) The government at the centre is willing to share your rent. A new welfare scheme might soom come into existence where the urban-poor will be given rent vouchers that can be given out to the land lords.

Housing housing, poverty… monitor
ICT could help achieve universal health coverage - study

Telecompaper (27.02.2017) Digital health, the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to provide health services, has the potential to advance the goal of universal health coverage and improve the quality and efficiency of health services, according to a report from the Broadband…

Health, Information and communication technology… monitor
Suisse: Primes maladies réduites pour jeunes et familles switzerland

TDG (07.03.2017) Cette baisse des primes doit passer par une refonte du système de compensation des risques entre assureurs mais les partis bourgeois s'y opposent.

Health, Financing monitor