
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
[Report] WHO/Europe: Measuring Efficiency in Health Care

WHO (July 2017) Eurohealth Observer - Identify the causes of inefficiencies in health systems, The challenges of using cross-national comparisons of efficiency to inform health policy; Eurohealth International – Big data for public health: Does the data promise a better quality of life?, The…

Health published… monitor
How does the US healthcare system compare with other countries? United States

The Guardian (25.07.2017) As Republicans decide what to do with the current healthcare policy, nearly 26 million Americans remain without insurance – and that number could soon rise

Health managing reforms, published… monitor
[Opinión] Argentina:El titular de la Anses afirmó que lo ideal es que el trabajador elija cuándo retirarse argentina

Página12 (01.08.2017) Basavilbaso volvió a plantear la necesidad de una reforma que permita que los trabajadores extiendan los años de aportes. Aunque sostuvo que eso debe ser voluntario, la OCDE y el FMI presionan por cambios estructurales en el régimen jubilatorio.

published monitor
República Dominicana: Seguridad Social crece y se democratiza; más dominicanos tienen acceso a un seguro de salud dominican republic

Hoy Digital (01.08.2017) El director ejecutivo del Seguro Nacional de Salud (SeNaSa), Chanel Rosa Chupany, destacó que República Dominicana pasó de ser uno de los países con menos afiliación a la seguridad social en América Latina y El Caribe, a ser el cuarto país de la región con más personas…

Health published… monitor
OIT: Un nouveau pas vers le travail décent en Tunisie tunisia

ILO (27.07.2017) Le nouveau Programme Pays pour le Travail Décent en Tunisie signé par l’OIT, le gouvernement tunisien et les partenaires sociaux, identifie cinq priorités nationales.

Employment published… monitor
Americans with disabilities still can't land jobs

CBS News (26.07.2017) Before the Americans with Disabilities Act, the country was a very different place for people with disabilities, who had to navigate hurdles such as inaccessible public buildings. Yet when it comes to the workforce, the hurdles may not look much different than they did 27…

Disability published monitor
France: Chômage - ce qui existe déjà pour les démissionnaires france

Les Echos (08.08.2017) Emmanuel Macron a promis une indemnisation des démissions sans condition tous les cinq ans. Une partie des départs volontaires est déjà prise en charge par l’assurance-chômage.

Unemployment… monitor
[Opinion] A qui profite le mythe du plein emploi en Suisse? switzerland

Le Temps (08.08.2017) La Suisse est en situation de plein emploi! C’est en tout cas ce que disent les statistiques mensuelles du Secrétariat à l’économie (Seco) de la Confédération: le taux de chômage se situe en moyenne autour des 3% au niveau national. Certains cantons latins (Genève, Vaud,… monitor
[Opinion] France: Revenu universel : une nouvelle protection sociale pour le XXIe siècle ? france

AgoraVox (01.08.2017) Depuis la dernière élection présidentielle, la vieille idée d’un revenu d’existence versé inconditionnellement à tout citoyen, durant sa vie, au nom de l’égalité des droits et en vertu de son appartenance à l’humanité, refait surface – et débat. Se battre pour « l’emploi »…

Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes basic income, published… monitor
Estados Unidos: Rosselló quiere "transformar" el sistema de salud en Puerto Rico United States

El Nuevo Día (05.08.2017) El gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló, convirtió hoy con su firma en ley seis proyectos dirigidos a mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud.

Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
Zambia: State urged to increase social protection funding zambia

Zambia Daily Mail (01.08.2017) Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) associate researcher Malindi Chatora said unlike social protection, FISP targets viable farmers and not necessarily poor growers.

Financing published monitor
Belgique: Quelle Sécurité sociale voulons-nous ? belgium

sudinfo (05.08.2017) Dans l’esprit du grand public, la Sécurité sociale est trop souvent associée à une image abîmée et négative. La nouvelle plateforme « Prenons soin de nous » veut en finir avec ça

Information and communication technology, Governance and administration published… monitor
What have we learned about helping women with conditional cash transfers? argentina (30.07.2017) During an economic crisis, Conditional Cash Transfers (CCTs) are one way that governments can use to protect vulnerable people from falling into poverty.

Conditional cash transfers, Inequalities published, cct, family_gender_society… monitor
Zimbabwe: Zesa pension fund targets small towns zimbabwe

The Chronicle (28.07.2017) The Zimbabwe Electricity Industry Pension Fund (ZEIPF) is targeting investing in infrastructure projects in small towns across the country.

Pensions, Investment monitor
United States: Preventing the "King of Occupational Diseases" United States

markets.businessinsider (08.08.2017) The construction industry has had one year to become compliant with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) respirable crystalline silica regulations. That compliance deadline has been extended from June 23, 2017, until September 23, 2017, to…

Occupational accidents and diseases… monitor
Schweiz: Altersvorsorge 2020 - die richtige Vorlage zur Sicherung der Renten? switzerland

swissinfo (05.08.2017) Die Überalterung der Bevölkerung, weniger Wirtschaftswachstum und tiefe Zinsen bedrohen die Renten in der Schweiz. Nach zahlreichen gescheiterten Versuchen schlagen nun Regierung und Parlamentsmehrheit eine umfassende Reform der Altersvorsorge vor. Ziel: die Sicherung der…

managing reforms, published… monitor
India: Occupational Health survey reveals alarming numbers india

DNA India (25.07.2017) As per the data, over 132 workers under the Factories Act, 1948, and nine workers under the Mines Act, 1952 were affected in the last three years

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
Occupational pesticide exposure tied to lung disease

Times of Malta (01.08.2017) Workers exposed to pesticides and herbicides on the job may be more likely than other people to develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis and other breathing problems, an Australian study suggests.

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
Number of homeless in Britain expected to double by 2041, Crisis warns | Society

The Guardian (10.08.2017) Charity’s research predicts 575,000 people in Britain will have no roof over their heads unless government takes urgent action

poverty… monitor
Ultimate Guide to Gig Economy Data: A Summary of Every Freelance Study We Can Find United States

How many people are in the gig economy? We’re very interested in this question at Nation1099, and, as it happens, it isn’t an easy question to find answers to, especially since the gig economy is growing and changing very fast and people mean many different things by the term. Employment in…

Employment, Data management digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR ruggia
WWP Quick Question: Who can access the data from Brazil’s Unified Registry? - YouTube brazil

Brazil Learning Initiative for a World without Poverty (WWP) ( 18.07.2017)  Data on some 27 million Brazilian families are retained in a single registry - the Unified Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) - a useful tool for identifying and describing the socioeconomic conditions of low-…

Data on some 27 million Brazilian families are retained in a single registry - the Unified Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) - a useful tool for identifying and describing the socioeconomic conditions of low-income families.

This Unified Registry is certainly important, but a key q

Information and communication technology, Data management data management, digital economy Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
How biology and technology can impact our health Americas, Asia, Europe

Swiss Re Institute (07.07.2017) We live in a world with increasingly uncertain health outcomes. Individuals from developed economies have been living longer for many decades. However, those gains are beginning to be reversed in some countries,…

LifeQ takes sensor data from wearables or smart phones into its analytics and modeling cloud to come to its initial risk assessment. Using huge data sets and sophisticated algorithms, hundreds of data outputs are produced, which are summarised into easy to digest features specific for the insuran

Health, Health insurance digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR -treichel
Au-delà des fantasmes, quels sont les problèmes concrets que pose l’intelligence artificielle ?

Les récents progrès de ces technologies posent, dès à présent, des questions moins spectaculaires, mais bien plus concrètes. Par MORGANE TUAL Temps de lecture : 9 min « Je n’arrête pas de tirer la sonnette d’alarme, mais tant que les gens ne verront pas des robots descendre dans la rue…

Information and communication technology, Technological transition artificial intelligence… ruggia
Technology, jobs, and the future of work

McKinsey Global Institute (31.05.2017) Automation, digital platforms, and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work. Understanding these shifts can help policy makers, business leaders, and workers move forward. The world of work is in a state of flux, which is…

Employment, Unemployment, Employment of young workers, Migration migration, robotization, self-employed Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… ruggia
Productivity, Employment, and Inequality | MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy United States

What will the workforce of the future look like, and how can we accelerate the transformation of institutions, organizations, and human skills to keep up with the quickening pace of digital innovation?  Understanding the future of the workforce in a rapidly changing global economy The IDE…

Employment self-employed lasalle