
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Sweden: Partial unemployment - Sick pay - Deferral of contributions sweden (16.03.2020) Liquidity reinforcement via tax accounts Under this proposal, companies can defer payment of employers’ social security contributions, preliminary tax on salaries and value added tax that are reported monthly or quarterly. Company payment respite covers tax payments…

- Increased subsidies for partial unemployment/short-time work : The employees will receives more than 90 per cent of their wage. 

- The central government will assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated…

Health insurance, Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Sweden: Central government to assume sick pay for two months sweden (16.03.2020) Central government to assume sick pay responsibility for two months

It is proposed that central government assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay…

THeentral government will assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days 1–14.

Central government to assume sick pay responsibility for two months

It is proposed that central government assume the entire cost of all sick pay during April and May. Self-employed persons will also be compensated in that they can receive standardised sick pay for days 1–14.

Cash sickness benefits covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Sweden: Introduction of short-term layoffs sweden (16.03.2020) The crisis package now presented can – depending on how the situation develops – encompass more than SEK 300 billion if the entire liquidity reinforcement through tax accounts is used.

Short-term layoffs introduced today

This proposal means…

Short-term layoffs: Employers’ wage costs can be halved, in that central government will cover a larger share of the costs. This model is similar to short-time work, but the subsidy level is significantly increased. The employee receives more than 90 per cent of their wage. The aim is to save…

The Government is now presenting additional measures to mitigate the financial impact of the virus outbreak. The proposals are based on an agreement between the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party, the Liberal Party and the Green Party.

The Government intends to present the

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Sweden: Changes in sick pay rules to help fight coronavirus sweden (11.03.2020) Sweden is temporarily scrapping the 'karensdag' – the first unpaid day of your sick leave – in response to the coronavirus, the government announced as it outlined measures to handle the crisis. The decision means that workers will get sickness benefits from the moment…

Sweden is temporarily scrapping the 'karensdag' – the first unpaid day of your sick leave – in response to the coronavirus, the government announced as it outlined measures to handle the crisis. The decision means that workers will get sickness benefits from the moment they have to be absent…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
OECD: Report: Supporting people and companies to deal with the Covid-19 virus: Options for an immediate employment and social-policy response

OECD (20.03.2020) Many affected countries introduced or announced bold measures over the last days and weeks, often with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable who are bearing a disproportionate share of the burden. This note and the accompanying policy table contribute to evidence-sharing on…

Cash sickness benefits, Family benefits, Unemployment, Prevention of occupational risks covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 pmassetti
Freelancers fight for support through coronavirus crisis

Financial Times (20.02.2020) The crisis has illuminated stark differences between the employed and freelancers. Many countries are grappling with how to deal with their self-employed workforces losing income. In Greece, payments of €800 will be issued, as well as tax holidays. The Norwegian…

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Unemployment covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 pmassetti
Republic of Korea: Support for Public Welfare korea, Republic of (19.03.2020)

Measures include:

  • 4 months worth of local gift certificates (+1,242 billion won) for beneficiaries of livelihood, medical, residential, and educational benefits (13.77 million households) and legally displaced (300,000 households) * Total…
Health insurance, Contribution collection and compliance, Social assistance contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Argentina: Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia argentina (24.03.2020)

Prestación monetaria no contributiva única de carácter excepcional destinada a compensar la pérdida o grave disminución de ingresos de personas afectadas por la situación de emergencia sanitaria. El monto de la prestación es de $10.000, se pagará…

Prestación monetaria no contributiva única de carácter excepcional destinada a compensar la pérdida o grave disminución de ingresos de personas afectadas por la situación de emergencia sanitaria. El monto de la prestación es de $10.000, se pagará por única vez en el mes de abril. Lo… (24.03.2020)

Decreto 310/2020



ARTÍCULO 1°.- Institúyese con alcance nacional el “INGRESO FAMILIAR DE EMERGENCIA” como una prestación monetaria no contributiva de carácter exce

Family benefits, Social assistance covid19, family, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Argentina: Bono extraordinario para jubilados, pensionados y Asignación Universal argentina (22.03.2020) Con el objetivo de proteger a los sectores más vulnerables en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria decretada ante la pandemia del coronavirus, ANSES otorgará un bono extraordinario que alcanzará más de 9 millones de jubilados, pensionados y personas que cobran la… (22.03.2020) Con el objetivo de proteger a los sectores más vulnerables en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria decretada ante la pandemia del coronavirus, ANSES otorgará un bono extraordinario que alcanzará más de 9 millones de jubilados, pensionados y personas que cobran la Asignaci

Family benefits, Old-age pensions, Social assistance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
El Salvador: Subvención de $300 ofrecida por el Gobierno durante la cuarentena el Salvador (24.03.2020)

Como parte de un nuevo paquete de medidas para contener la propagación del coronavirus, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció 30 días de cuarentena total domiciliar, así como una transferencia de $300 para 1.5 millones de hogares que dejarán de percibir ingresos…

- 30 days of total household quarantine

- A one-off, $300 transfer for 1.5 million households that will stop receiving income for the duration of the mandatory quarantine month. The families for which the $ 300 subsidy will be allocated will be those whose electricity…

Como parte de un nuevo paquete de medidas para contener la propagación del coronavirus, el presidente Nayib Bukele anunció 30 días de

Family benefits, Social assistance covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Austria: Short-time work facilitation austria (16.03.2020) Weil die aktuelle Krise die Unternehmen vor akute Liquiditätsprobleme stellt, gibt es wesentliche Änderungen gegenüber dem bisherigen Kurzarbeitsmodell. So konnte es bisher bis zu sechs Wochen dauern, bis Kurzarbeit beantragt werden konnte, diese Zeit wird nun auf 48 Stunden…

- Waiting period is reduced to 48 hours
- Working time can be reduced temporarily to 0%
- The net replacement rate amounts between 80% to 90% of the previous salary.

- Kurzarbeit beantragen: Dauer von bis zu 6 Wochen auf 48 Stunden verkürzt.
- Die Arbeitszeit kann…

So schnell geht's, auch wenn man es sich anders gewünscht hätte. Aus 20 Mill. Euro, die heuer im AMS-Budget für Kurzarbeit vorgesehen waren, sind im Zuge der Coronaviruskrise nun 400 Mill. Euro geworden. Dazu wurde ein neues Kurzarbeitsmodell präsentiert, für das betroffene Unternehmen schon ab h

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Ugo Gentilini (@Ugentilini) / Twitter - compiling/crowdsourcing #socialprotection responses around the world

compiling/crowdsourcing #socialprotection responses around the world in real time

covid19 pmassetti
Netherlands: Deferral in payment of payroll taxes netherlands (18.03.2020)

As previously announced, the Dutch tax authorities will, upon request, grant a business that has been or will be confronted with liquidity problems as a result of the corona crisis, deferral of payment for any VAT, personal income tax, payroll and corporate…

Deferral of payment for any VAT, personal income tax, payroll and corporate income tax payable. Employers participating in various occupational pension programs may defer their contributions; those in the travel sector and hospitality industry may defer contributions by 1 month, while…

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Netherlands: Additional corona crisis measures by the government (emergency package covering jobs and the economy) netherlands (18.03.2020)

The current reduced working hours scheme (werktijdverkortingsregeling; WTV) has been withdrawn with immediate effect and will be temporarily succeeded in the very short term by the new temporary emergency bridging measure to retain jobs (Tijdelijke noodmaatregel…

Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Netherlands: Living and capital allowance for the self-employed netherlands (18.03.2020) The government will shortly introduce a three-month provision for self-employed persons with financial problems. The additional support, which will be implemented by municipalities, can be applied for in the form of an additional allowance for living expenses and/or…

Social assistance covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Read all content | World Economic Forum covid19 pmassetti
Coronavirus threat reveals the flaws in India's health system Asia, india

While the number of reported cases of the new coronavirus in India remains, concerns are already growing about the capacity of its healthcare system to deal with the potential threat.

Health covid19… gfilhon
Netherlands: Payment extension of payroll tax for entrepreneurs netherlands (20.03.2020)

You can apply for a payment extension for income tax, corporate tax, payroll tax, and turnover tax (VAT). The Dutch Tax Administration will put on hold any measures in place to collect payment immediately upon reception of your request. You will not have to…

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19 mmarquez
Netherlands: Childcare available for people in crucial sectors netherlands (16.03.2020)

It is essential that people doing crucial jobs can continue to go to work. So childcare will still be available for the children of people working in one of the crucial sectors. Families in which only one of the parents works in a crucial sector are being asked…

Children, Employment covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
social protection responses to COVID-19 around the world!

social protection responses to COVID-19 around the world! (Get the new paper here!)

covid19 pmassetti
Tackling the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis together: OECD policy contributions for co‑ordinated action covid19 pmassetti
Norway: Measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs norway ( 13.03.2020) the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures: 

  • Reduce the number of…

the government has prioritized immediate measures to avoid unnecessary layoffs and bankruptcies in viable companies that face an abrupt fall in income. To that end, the government has today announced the following measures: 

  • Reduce the number of days that employers are…
Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
Covid19 : mesure concernant l'accueil des enfants dans certains établissements médico-sociaux de l'Oise | Agence régionale de santé Hauts-de-France france

prise en charge des enfants des personnels soignants pendant l'isolement et la fermeture des écoles

Le Premier ministre a annoncé le 6 mars la fermeture de l’ensemble des crèches, maternelles, écoles, collèges et lycées du département de l’Oise. Dans la continuité de cette annonce, en accord avec l’ensemble des organismes gestionnaires de l’Oise et en lien avec le Conseil départemental,

Medical care, Children, Parental leave covid19… gfilhon
Canada: Opinion: In normal times, universal basic income is a bad idea. But it’s the wisest solution for COVID-19 economic strain canada

The Globe and Mail (19:03.2020) The government of Canada has responded to the economic crisis facing Canadian families by proposing to spend $27-billion dollars, by making existing programs easier to access (employment insurance); designing a new program (a new Emergency Care Benefit); expanding…

Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Décret n° 2020-193 du 4 mars 2020 relatif au délai de carence applicable à l'indemnité complémentaire à l'allocation journalière pour les personnes exposées au coronavirus | Legifrance france

pour les personnes exposées au coronavirus, le décret prévoit de ne pas appliquer le délai de carence, afin de permettre le versement de l'indemnité complémentaire à l'indemnité journalière par l'employeur dès le premier jour d'arrêt de travail, par cohérence avec la suppression du délai de…

Health covid19… gfilhon