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Iraq: Covid-19: Iraq’s Higher Committee for Health and National Safety announces emergency grant to families impacted by curfew - Government of Iraq siha

the Government of Iraq (12.04.2020) Covid-19: Iraq’s Higher Committee for Health and National Safety announces emergency monthly grant to families impacted by curfew. The grant is only available to Iraqi citizens who are residing in Iraq. Government employees, those receiving state pensions, social security payments or any other income from the state are not eligible to apply.

covid19, Emergency grants Social assistance, Cash transfers iraq
Sweden/Germany: Working in the pandemic - more safety and health at work! btreichel

The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all economic activity and therefore the whole world of work. Safety and health protection and the start-up of the economy can only work in unison if a stop-and-go effect is to be avoided.

The special occupational health and safety measures developed by the OSH consultancy and training provider aim to protect the population by interrupting the infection chains, to safeguard the health of employees, to restore economic activity and, at the same time, to create a flat infection curve in the medium term. They are
 available in

Kindly note that the order of priority from technical to organizational and personal protective measures must be observed.

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany, sweden
Sweden: Working in the pandemic - more safety and health at work! btreichel

The Corona (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic affects social and economic life equally, employed, and unemployed. This pandemic situation is a danger to the health of an undetermined number of people and at the same time to public safety and order. It has a significant impact on everyone's life. It affects all economic activity and therefore the whole world of work. Safety and health protection and the start-up of the economy can only work in unison if a stop-and-go effect is to be avoided. The special occupational health and safety measures developped by the German-Swedisch based consulatncy Besus described  in

aim to protect the population by interrupting the infection chains, to safeguard the health of employees, to restore economic activity and, at the same time, to create a flat infection curve in the medium term. The order of priority from technical to organizational and personal protective measures must be observed.

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks germany, sweden
Haiti: the Commission Multisectoral de Gestation de Pandemic COVID-19 created to fight Against COVID-19 in Haiti – The Haitian Times siha

The Haitian Times (29.04.2020) In anticipation of an onslaught of COVID-19 cases, Haiti’s president, Jovenel Moïse, has created an historic public-private partnership, the Commission Multisectoral de Gestation de Pandemic COVID-19, to coordinate the country’s resources and response to the looming pandemic.

covid19 Health haiti
Cyprus: Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης ΕργασίαςΚυπριακή Δημοκρατία - Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας - Ασφάλεια και Υγεία στην Εργασία btreichel

The Department of Labour Inspection (DLI) of the Ministry of Labour, Welfare and Social Insurance in Cyprus has published “Simple Guidelines  for the Protection of workers on construction sites from COVID-19” in 6 languages, Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Romanian and Turkish.

Κορωνοϊός (Covid-19) Με την τρέχουσα πανδημία του Κορωνοϊού (Covid-19) στην Κύπρο, η επαναδραστηριοποίηση της πλειονότητας των επιχειρήσεων και των εργαζομένων πρέπει να γίνει σε κατάλληλες και ελεγχόμενες συνθήκες ασφάλειας και υγείας στην εργασία έτσι ώστε να εξαλειφθεί ή να μειωθεί στον μέγιστο δυνατό βαθμό ο κίνδυνος εξάπλωσης του ιού στους εργαζόμενους και στο κοινωνικό σύνολο. Στο πλαίσιο διαμόρφωσης κατάλληλων συνθήκων και περιβάλλοντος εργασίας, το Τμήμα Επιθεώρησης Εργασίας, του Υπουργείου Εργασίας, Πρόνοιας και Κοινωνικών Ασφαλίσεων, ενημερώνει τους εργοδότες, τους εργοδοτούμενους, τα αυτοεργοδοτούμενα πρόσωπα και τους άλλους εμπλεκόμενους για τις υποχρεώσεις τους καθώς και για τα μέτρα που πρέπει να λαμβάνονται σύμφωνα με τη νομοθεσία για την ασφάλεια και υγεία στην εργασία. Σημειώνεται ότι οι οδηγίες αυτές είναι συμπληρωματικές και δεν αντικαθιστούν τις υποχρεώσεις που επιβάλλονται με τον περί Λοιμοκαθάρσεως Νόμο και τα σχετικά Διατάγματα που εκδόθηκαν ή με οδηγίες άλλων εμπλεκομένων Αρχών. Επιπρόσθετα αναφέρονται χρήσιμες ιστοσελίδες/εγχειρίδια/οδηγοί που σχετίζονται με την επιδημία του Κορωνοϊού (Covid-19).

covid19, prevention Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks cyprus
Africa’s coronavirus safety nets cannot cover all pmassetti

The New Humanitarian (04.05.2020 ) African governments moved fast to contain COVID-19, but providing support to those hit hardest among the urban poor is more difficult.

covid19, poverty Africa
IMF - Policy Responses to COVID19 pmassetti

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Cambodia: Food supplies to the pagodas and the poor siha

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (07.04.2020) 40 kg of rice and 200,000 kyats were donated to each pagoda of 58 pagodas in Ponhea Krek district, Tbong Khmum province, and Cheach commune, Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province. In addition, foods and supplies were distributed to 6,580 poor families in Ponhea Krek district, Tbong Khmum province, and Cheach commune, Kamchay Mear district, Prey Veng province.

covid19 Social assistance, Food and nutrition cambodia
Is COVID-19 Pakistan’s Black Swan Event for Digital Payments? pmassetti

Center For Global Development (01.05.2020) The Ehsaas Emergency Cash program was launched at the end of March to distribute funds to 12 million families (an estimated 67 million people) whose livelihood has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic or its aftermath. Each eligible family is entitled to 12,000 Pakistani rupees (PKR), equivalent to $72.07. As of the end of April, 6.6 million beneficiary families representing some 37 million people had already received the payment, for a total of PKR 79.2 billion ($476 million). Cash can be picked up at 17,000 distribution centers set up nationwide, after biometric authentication against the database of NADRA (the National Database and Registration Authority), which houses the digital identity of 122 million citizens. The program has been an important way to get much-needed cash to those affected, but it also presents an opportunity to advance digital payments in a way that benefits the poor—but only if stakeholders seize the moment.

covid19 Cash transfers pakistan
Bosnia and Herzegovina: In-kind assistance provided to 300 returnee families in Drvar, Glamoč and Grahovo rmensing

The Federation Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees has delivered packages of food and hygiene supplies to returnee families in the municipalities of Drvar, Glamoc and Grahovo. The Ministry representatives presented this assistance in the presence of the Mayor of Drvar Dušica Runic, to the local representatives of returnees.
-We have reached out to families who are very important in this type of assistance. There are a large number of returnees in Drvar, Glamoč and Grahovo. These are older families, and quite a few are with young children, so this help will come in handy, given that there is limited movement in these categories. Help is the solidarity we need more than ever. I would like to emphasize the excellent cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees. They are the only Ministry in the FBiH Government with whom we have cooperation. We also hope for future support - said Chief Runic

After the pandemic was declared, the Federal Ministry of Displaced Persons and Refugees began distributing aid to vulnerable categories of returnees.
-After declaring the state of the disaster, we decided to provide the families in need with the necessities of providing basic necessities of life. Today's delivery of assistance covers a total of about 2,000 returnee families in all regions where significant returns have been made. We have supported 300 families in Drvar, Glamoc and Grahovo, seeking help to reach the most vulnerable and multi-member families with children - said the ministry's federal minister for displaced persons and refugees, Edin Ramic.

covid19 Social assistance bosnia-herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Parents can take paid leave if both are working rmensing

The federal government made a series of recommendations to employers and workers at a broad-based themed session yesterday to prevent coronavirus disease.
The recommendations are:
- Implement special safeguards to prevent the adverse effects on the health of workers by shortening workers' working hours, if the work process permits them
. permits, and work that takes place in one shift should be distributed in two shifts, in order to avoid the concentration of more workers in one place
- Give workers directions to work from home, if this is possible due to the nature of the work, or if the work process is allows
- Enable the use of annual leave to workers, as well as the use of leave in accordance with the law, collective agreement or employment rules

- Allow workers, parents of minor children up to 10 years, absence from work to a parent if both parents working
- cancel all official travel , in the country and abroad, and in particular to cancel business trips for workers diagnosed with chronic diseases. When referring to non-cancellable business trips, workers should be instructed on instructions issued by the competent health institutions and institutions in the areas where they travel, and provide workers with adequate protective equipment (masks, disinfectants, etc.).
- Employers are obliged, in accordance with the regulations in the field of occupational safety, to ensure regular and intensive implementation of hygiene measures in work and auxiliary rooms, which, among other things, include cleaning and disinfection of premises, as well as regular ventilation and ventilation
- Cancel meetings that imply larger number of participants. And the necessary meetings should be organized in as large a room as possible, with sufficient distance between the participants of the meeting (meters to two)
- Employers and workers are instructed to act in accordance with the new circumstances regarding the regulation of temporary disability due to new circumstances. instructions from the Federal Ministry of Health
- Employers and employees are instructed to act in full compliance with the recommendations of the Federal Ministry of Health given to employers and workers in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina


covid19 Parental leave, Employment bosnia-herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Law introduces 10 measures to mitigate the negative economic consequences of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic rmensing

The Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at today's urgent, telephone session, proposed that the Law on Mitigation of Negative Economic Consequences Caused by the Virus Crown Pandemic be adopted by the FBiH Parliament in an emergency procedure, in accordance with Article 191 of the Rules of Procedure and Article 186 of the Rules of Procedure The House of Peoples, which stipulates that a law can be passed by emergency procedure only if it regulates relations and issues for which there is an urgent need and if its enactment in a regular procedure could cause adverse consequences for the Federation of FBiH.
This law was proposed to mitigate the negative economic consequences for the Federation of BiH economy, given the enormous negative economic consequences that will arise in the coming period as a result of the state of the accident, given that a large number of businesses have suspended their work, leading to a significant disruption of normal business flows.
The law prescribes subsidizing contributions for compulsory insurance, suspending the calculation and payment of default interest on public revenues, abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of income tax, abolishing the obligation to pay advance payment of personal income tax, suspends all administrative, litigation, non-litigation and enforcement proceedings during the balance. accidents, suspension of the calculation of default interest on late payments in debt and credit relations, suspension of enforced collection, maintenance of stability of certain payments, delays in the application of regulations, and the establishment of a Guarantee Fund.
The provisions of this law apply to all business entities that meet the requirements prescribed by this law. If other laws conflict with this law, this law shall apply.
The Federal Government has today granted to the Institute for Public Health of the Sarajevo Canton the facility of the former Army Medical Center in the circle of General Hospital “Prim. dr. Abdulah Nakash ”, measuring 1,560 m2.
The FBiH Department for Joint Affairs is tasked with drawing up a contract with the Institute for Public Health of the Canton of Sarajevo to regulate the issue of fees for utilities and maintenance of infrastructure (consumption of electricity, heating, water, telephone, waste removal and other obligations arising from the use real estate).





- It is a budget item managed by the Government, without the establishment of new legal entities and new employment. In addition, we give the Development Bank a deposit of KM 80 million for the establishment of a Guarantee Fund, as a measure of support for maintaining the liquidity of small and medium-sized enterprises - he said.

He explained that this approach is applied by almost all countries in the region and the European Union, because the Guarantee Fund's resources are multiplying, so that 400 million KM will be available for small and medium-sized enterprises.

covid19 Employment, Unemployment bosnia-herzegovina
Belarus: Decree "On material incentives for healthcare workers" rmensing

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signs Decree "On material incentives for healthcare workers".

The document provides for the establishment of an additional monthly allowance for work in conditions associated with infectious diseases. In particular, it concerns employees of health care institutions providing care to patients with infections, as well as those working in conditions associated with infections.

On the instructions of the President, the document was developed by the Council of Ministers. Alexander Lukashenko backed the proposed approaches by instructing the Government to make appropriate payments.

covid19 Health promotion, Employment belarus
COVID-19 Is Exposing the Holes in Latin America’s Safety Nets pmassetti

Americas Quarterly (04.05.2020) The pandemic has shone light on the gaps in existing protection programs, but could pave a path to reforms.

covid19 Cash transfers, Social policies & programmes latin america
COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean: An overview of government responses to the crisis pmassetti

oecd (27.04.2020) this note will give an overview of the measures currently being enacted to mitigate the public health situation in different countries of the region, including its social, economic, and governance dimensions.

covid19 Social policies & programmes latin america
Belarus: Temporary disability benefits in the case of caring for a sick child rmensing

Commentary to Presidential Decree No 143 of 24 April 2020 "On Supporting the Economy" regarding the payment of temporary disability allowance
Under article 15 of Presidential Decree No. 143 of 24 April 2020 on economic support, temporary disability benefits are paid to persons actually caring for a child under 10 years of age or attending a preschool or general secondary school if the child is a first- or second-level contact in the presence of one or more respiratory symptoms.

This benefit will be awarded according to the procedure established by the Council of Ministers for the award of a temporary disability benefit in the case of care of a sick child under 14 years of age (or a disabled child under 18 years of age).

Thus, persons who are covered by the State social insurance and for them, as well as themselves, in cases provided for by the State social insurance legislation, pay compulsory insurance contributions to the budget of the State non-budgetary social security fund for social insurance, who care for a child under 10 years of age, or who attend a preschool or general secondary education institution if the child is a first or second level contact if there is one or more contacts.

The period of stay on the incapacity for work certificate in the given case is up to 14 calendar days, the amount of payment is 100 per cent of average daily earnings from the first day of stay on the incapacity for work certificate.

Previously, a person caring for a child under the age of 10 who is attending a pre-school or general secondary education institution and belongs to the category of persons specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of subparagraph 3.2 of paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of 8 April 2020 No. 208 "On the introduction of a restrictive measure", established a temporary disability in connection with the care of this child, for the period of the child's stay in self-isolation, established by law, and issued a certificate of temporary disability, which served as a document for the period of the child's stay on the list of temporary inability to work.

The Decree came into force on April 26, 2020. The validity of paragraph 15 of the Decree is determined until a special decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus is taken.



Cash sickness benefits, Disability, Children belarus
Belarus: Territorial centers completed nearly 10.6 thousand applications for the delivery of food and medicine | News | Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus. Official site rmensing

Update 30.04:

For the period from March 20 to April 29, almost 10.6 thousand applications were received and executed in the territorial centers of social services for the population . The largest number of applications came to the territorial centers of the Gomel region (2.7 thousand applications) and Minsk (2.1 thousand applications).

covid19 Medical care, Social assistance belarus
Belarus: The social service is ready to assist lonely senior citizens and people with disabilities in the delivery of food and medicine rmensing

As of April 1, nearly 870 thousand elderly and disabled people living alone live in the republic , of which 167 thousand do not have close relatives.


Social services are provided by 146 territorial centers of social services for the population , in which 20 thousand people work, of which 12 thousand are social workers.


On a systemic basis , more than 95 thousand disabled citizens receive comprehensive social services at home . These are mainly people over 75 years old . Social workers visit senior citizens 2-4 times a week, depending on need.


Social services include cleaning the premises, cooking, assistance in sanitary and hygienic procedures, delivery of food, essentials and medicines, payment of utilities, etc. Additionally, in the countryside - kindling the stove, water delivery, cleaning of the house area.


Promotion of food delivery,

essentials and medicines


Every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (seven days a week), territorial centers accept applications for the delivery of foodstuffs, basic necessities, and medications via separate telephone lines .


During the period from March 20 to April 9, 5.8 thousand applications were received and executed in the territorial centers . The largest number of applications came to the territorial centers of the Gomel region and the city of Minsk.


The number of applications this week has increased . If on March 20-26 (for 7 days) 1,171 applications were completed, March 27-April 3 (for 8 days) - 2,086, then from April 4 to 9 (for 6 days) - 2,543 applications.


For the organization of prompt delivery to help social workers , volunteers of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and the Red Cross joined .


At the same time as the territorial centers, trade union organizations, village councils, the post office, public and other organizations actively expanded their work .





covid19 Medical care, Social assistance belarus
India starts Aadhaar updating facility through common service centres pmassetti (29.04.2020) 20,000 common service centres will offer an Aadhaar updating service, catering to a large number of citizens in rural parts of the country.

The IMF show support for Universal Transfers as a temporary tool during COVID-19 crisis  pmassetti

Development Pathways (24.04.2020) The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released the first part of a Special Series on Fiscal Policies to Respond to COVID-19 titled “Managing Fiscal Risks under Fiscal stress” that looks at “the Impact on Households: Assessing Universal Transfers (UT)”. 

covid19 Cash transfers
Bangladesh: Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors siha

Department of Health (29.04.2020) Online Course on COVID-19 for Doctors: The course is mandatory for physicians who volunteer to provide medical advice and services on the Department of Health's Covid-19 hotline systemAfter successfully completing the coursea certificate is issued

covid19, human resources, universal health care bangladesh
Bangladesh: PM unveils massive stimulus package to counter adverse effects of coronavirus - The Hindu BusinessLine siha

BusinessLine (05.04.2020) Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday announced stimulus packages to the tune of Taka 72,750 crore (USD 8,573 million) to counter the adverse effects of coronavirus on the country’s economy.

The first packages involves Taka 30,000 crore to be provided to affected industries and service sector organisations as working capital through banks as low-interest loans. The commercial banks would provide the amount as loans from their own funds to concerned industries and enterprises on the basis of bank-client relations. The government would pay half of the interest amounts (4.50 per cent) to banks as subsidies to the affected enterprises, which would pay the rest of the interest (4.50 per cent). 

The second package small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including cottage industries, would get Taka 20,000 crore as working capital. A mechanism would be devised to send the amount to the SMEs as low-interest loans through banks which identically disburse amounts to the SMEs on the basis of bank-client relations while the government in this case would bear the greater share of the interest amount. The interest rate of this lending facility will be 9 per cent and the concerned industries and business organisations will pay 4 per cent interest of that loan, while the government will provide the remaining 5 per cent as subsidy.

covid19, Emergency grants, labour markets Employment, Financial crisis bangladesh
Economic measures in Norway in response to COVID-19 sbjorstad

The Norwegian government has introduced significant measures to support jobs, help businesses and people, and strengthen health services. Still, more may be needed in the coming weeks. The measures must be targeted, effective and reversible.

covid19, self-employed Family benefits, Employment, Unemployment, Shocks & extreme events norway
Hungary: Economic Protection Action Plan: Job Protection Wage subsidy siha

Ministry of Innovation and Technology (16.04.2020) From April 16, 2020, the Employment Protection Wage Subsidy will be available to support reduced working hours employment. An employee may receive support on the basis of an application submitted jointly with the employer to the county government office. In the program, the employer undertakes not to terminate the employee’s employment and pays wages for the employee’s working hours and individual development time. The employee agrees to perform work and is available to the employer during the individual development time.

covid19, human resources, labour markets, youth employment Employment, Shocks & extreme events hungary
Azerbaijan : Supporting enterprises, jobs and incomes pmassetti covid19 Unemployment, Social assistance azerbaijan