Australia: Economic Support Payment - Services Australia

Submitted by siha on

Services Australia (08.05.2020) Economic Support Payment: The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:

  • were on an eligible payment (Age Pension, Bereavement Allowance, JobSeeker Payment, Sickness Allowance, etc.)
  • had an eligible concession card.

The second Economic Support Payment is also $750. You may get it if you get an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020. We’ll pay this in July 2020.

measures summary

Economic Support Payment: A one-off payment of $750. Beneficiaries of social security programs may be eligible to receive 1 or 2 Economic Support Payments, depending on circumstances and types of benefits.

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First Economic Support Payment

The first Economic Support Payment is a one-off payment of $750. You’ll get it if you were living in Australia between 12 March 2020 and 13 April 2020 and either:

  • were on an eligible payment
  • had an eligible concession card.

You’ll only get 1 payment, even if you get more than 1 qualifying payment or card.

If you’re on Income Management or have a Cashless Debit Card 100% of the payment will go either:

  • onto your Cashless Debit Card
  • into your income managed account.


Second Economic Support Payment

The second Economic Support Payment is also $750. You may get it if you get an eligible payment or have an eligible concession card on 10 July 2020.

We’ll pay this in July 2020.

You won’t get the second Economic Support Payment if you get the Coronavirus Supplement.