Global Challenges search
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Republic of Korea: Emergency livelihood aid for Workers on unpaid leave | siha | Ministry of Employment and Labor (30.03.2020) ‘Special Regional Employment Support Aid' will be given to 100 thousand workers, at the rate of KRW 500 thousand a month / ‘Emergency Welfare Aid’ of an average of KRW 650 thousand a month (for a month+α) will be provided. 17 administrative regions will provide 100 thousand workers on unpaid leave with monthly emergency livelihood aid of KRW 500,000 for up to two months, starting April. The government's ‘Emergency Welfare Aid’ has been expanded to include workers on unpaid leave, workers on leave of absence and the dependent self-employed whose livelihoods have been disrupted by COVID-19. Starting April 6th, recipients of Emergency Welfare Aid will get an average subsidy of KRW 650,000 a month, depending on the number of their household members. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Unemployment, Cash transfers | korea, Republic of |
New Caledonia: Deferral of social contributions for the self-employed | siha | CAFAT (30.07.2020) As a self-employed worker, the due date for payment of your provisional contributions for the 2nd quarter of 2020 set on March 31 and the due date for payment of your provisional contributions for the 3rd quarter of 2020 set on June 30, are payable on September 30, 2020. |
contribution collection, covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 | New Caledonia |
New Caledonia: Deferral of social contributions for employers | siha | CAFAT (30.07.2020) The payment dates for contributions due by employers forced to reduce or suspend their activities due to the health emergency measures adopted on March 23, 2020 are as follows: The payment of social contributions for the 1st calendar quarter of 2020 (due April 30, 2020) is postponed to September 30, 2020. The payment of social contributions for the 2nd calendar quarter of 2020 (due July 31, 2020) is postponed to October 30, 2020. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Employment, Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19, Financial crisis | New Caledonia |
New Caledonia: Increase in family benefits for childcare | siha | Government of New Caledonia (16.07.2020) The government has instituted an exceptional increase in family benefits for the salaried worker who has had no other solution, due to the closure of nurseries and schools as of March 19, 2020, than to stay at home to keep their child (ren) under 16 and suffered as a result a loss of wages. The increase amounts to 60 points (about 22,785 francs) for the period 20 to 31 March 2020 and 120 points (about 45,570 francs) for the period from 1 st to April 3 and April 20 to 30 (gradual reopening of schools in groups). |
covid19, Emergency grants, family | Family benefits, COVID-19 | New Caledonia |
New Caledonia: Reinforced partial unemployment "Covid-19 allowance" | siha | Government of New Caledonia (16.07.2020) Covid-19 allowance has been extended for companies durably affected by the health crisis for a period of three months, from 1 st June 2020 to 31 August 2020 with the possibility of extending it for another three months. The amount is 100% of the salary for employees remunerated at the guaranteed minimum hourly wage of the sector of activity concerned, and 70% of the last gross salary within the limit of 4.5 times the minimum wage in other cases. |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Employment, Unemployment, Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events, COVID-19, Financial crisis | New Caledonia |
Germany: Introduction of a Basic Pension for Low-Income Pensioners | mmarquez | Deutsche Rentenvrsicherung (02.07.2020) On July 2, Germany’s parliament approved a law that will introduce an income-tested basic pension (Grundrente) on January 1, 2021, to supplement the country’s social insurance old-age pension (beneficiaries should have at least 35 years of basic-pension years of contributions). This new program is intended to reduce the risk of old-age poverty among individuals who had below-average earnings in their working lives or spent considerable time outside the labor force. The program is expected to benefit roughly 1.3 million pensioners in Germany, including many women (around 70 percent of the potential beneficiaries) and pensioners in eastern Germany, and is estimated to cost €1.3 billion (US$1.46 billion) per year beginning in 2021. The government will finance the total cost of the basic pension by increasing its subsidy to the social insurance program. |
Contributory, poverty | Old-age pensions | germany |
Martinique: COVID-19 teleconsultations | siha | Martinique Regional Health Agency (30.03.2020) From Monday March 30, healthcare professionals will be able to carry out teleconsultations more easily with the “ Médiconsult ” tool . After the patient's call, the doctor suggests an appointment for a teleconsultation. The patient then receives an SMS and an email with the time of the appointment. At the agreed time, the patient connects, using SMS or email, and finds himself in touch with the professional. In this case, the doctor can exchange documents with the patient and send him a prescription via the tool in a secure manner. |
covid19, digital inclusion, service delivery | Health, Information and communication technology, COVID-19 | Martinique |
Germany: Coronavirus Information by BG BAU | btreichel | The BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft/construction industry) provides various information material for protection against corona. Please find attached the links to the different materials. (Attention: Most of them only exist in German). Die BG BAU (Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft) stellt verschiedenes Informationsmaterial zum Schutz vor Corona zur Verfügung. Im Folgenden finden Sie die Links zu den verschiedenen Materialien. Guideline documents regarding the performance of risks assessment: Services (in German) Construction (in German) Cleaners (in German) About face masks: Decision guidance: Face masks (in German)
Booklet: Pandemic influenza planning (in German)
Posters: Use masks properly (in German) Hygiene poster (13 languages) Essential rules for cleaners (in German) |
covid19 | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks, COVID-19 | germany |
CPWR COVID-19 Construction Clearinghouse | btreichel | The scientific community's understanding of how the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spreads is evolving. This COVID-19 Clearinghouse was established as a central resource for construction employers and workers to find the latest research, guidance documents, training and other resources to help prevent the spread of the disease as construction work continues in some markets and starts up in others. |
covid19 | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks, COVID-19 | Americas |
Corona | Tools for small and medium-sized enterprises | btreichel | This website of the Special Commission on Prevention presents international examples in 5 languages for small and medium sized enterprises in almost all areas of occupational safety and health. A new topical cluster on Corona has now been set up to support small and medium-sized companies on how to adress the COVID-19 at the workplace. |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | |
Viet Nam: Campaign to maintain social insurance levels amidst loss of jobs | mmarquez | (15.06.2020) In the context of a drop in the number of persons insured to the complusory social insurance system, Viet Nam Social Security took steps to address this. This resulted in an increase of the number of people buying voluntary social insurance increased as the VSS cooperated with the Vietnam Post Office for the first time to launch the “Universal Social Insurance” Month across the nation May 23, 2020. Two days later (May 23 and 24), 30,017 people bought voluntary social insurance and 4,734 more people bought household health insurance. |
covid19 | Extension of coverage, Communication | vietnam |
Viet Nam: Patients with chronic diseases will receive medicine in advance for 2 months in Hanoi | mmarquez | 26.03.2020) In order to strengthen prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic and limit the spread of the disease especially to those who are at high risk or suffering from underlying diseases, chronic diseases, Hanoi Social Security has just sent an official dispatch to facilities of medical examination and treatment with health insurance in the area, proposing coordination in the implementation of a number of regulations in outpatient examination and dispensing of medicines. When the patients diagnosed with chronic diseases come for medical examination or re-examination by appointment, the health insurance facilities must provide the outpatients with medicine for at least two months. |
covid19 | Health, Health insurance | vietnam |
Viet Nam: Financing of job training and retraining to avoid job losses | mmarquez | (29.03.2020) Due to the epidemic, if the employers were subject to change its production or business structure or technology, they will be assisted in funding for training and retraining to improve occupational skills and qualifications to maintain employment for workers when fully satisfying the regulated conditions with a maximum support level of 01 million dong for one person per month. The specific support level is calculated by the month and the actual training time of each job or each course, which cannot exceed 6 months. |
covid19 | Employment policies | vietnam |
Bono Cuidar y Cuidarse: monto, requisitos y cómo conseguirlo - | mmarquez | (20.07.2020) La entrega del nuevo bono "Cuidar y Cuidarse" comenzó el pasado de julio y se entregara de manera directa y gradual. El bono es una entrega de 900.000 bolívares y corresponde a más de dos salarios mínimos. Este bono es el decimosegundo bono de protección social que se entrega a la población durante la cuarentena. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | venezuela |
Venuezuela: Bono Padre Bolívar | mmarquez | (26.07.2020) Un nuevo bono ha salido a la luz en Venezuela, el bono "Padre Bolívar" en honor a Simón Bolívar. Este bono comenzó a entregarse el pasado 24 de julio y estará vigente hasta el 31 de julio. El monto es de 1.000.000 bolívares. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 | venezuela |
Réunion: Regional safeguard fund | siha | Réunion Region (18.05.2020) This fund is part of a principle of subsidiarity, in addition to the other mechanisms operated by the State and the local authorities, and must allow “last resort” intervention. It is therefore mobilized if: • the applicant does not have access to a bank loan or to other support tools offered by the State, the Region (rebound loan) or other communities, • the other support tools did not meet the cash flow requirements. It is an Advance of 10,000 € - repayable in 3 years, including 1 year deferred No Guarantee - Interest rate = 0% |
covid19, economic crisis, self-employed, sustainability, youth employment | Shocks & extreme events, COVID-19, Financial crisis | Réunion |
Réunion: Regional rebound fund | siha | Réunion region (02.07.2020)With the objective of strengthening the cash flow of SMEs affected by the crisis, in the amount of € 30K to € 300K, this aid takes the form of a zero-interest loan and is open to SMEs potentially created for more than a year (with at least 1 balance sheet) This fund allows SMEs to have facilities and the possibility of seeing coming with: 2 years deferred repayment, 0% interest rate, and No administration fees. |
covid19, labour markets, sustainability | COVID-19, Financial crisis | Réunion |
Réunion: The digital check: Strengthened to support meeting companies | siha | Réunion region (13.04.2020) To support small Reunion Island companies in the implementation of teleworking and encourage their digital transition, the Region has decided to strengthen its “Digital Check” so that it responds more effectively to current needs. Thus, the procedures are simplified and the subsidy rate goes from 50% to 80% (the subsidy ceiling going from € 2,000 to € 3,200). Projects can now include consulting and data security services to support companies in the implementation of teleworking. |
covid19, labour markets, managing reforms | Workplace health promotion, Information and communication technology, Technological transition | Réunion |
Réunion: Regional solidarity fund | siha | Réunion region (13.04.2020) Regional solidarity fund, the amount of which varies from 1000 to 2500 €, benefits Reunion VSEs, micro-entrepreneurs and independent professions included. It is open to companies with less than 10 employees whose turnover is less than € 500,000 and which, during the confinement period , have been forced to close or have suffered a loss of turnover of up to minus 20%. The subsidy will be allocated on a lump sum basis per segment of turnover (turnover): |
covid19, Emergency grants, self-employed, youth employment | Employment, COVID-19 | Réunion |
Réunion: Extension of the open-ended employment system to new integration pathways | siha | State services in Reunion Island (23.07.2020) In the current context of emerging from the crisis and resumption of activity, the Petrel plan (Priorities and gathering for local employment in Reunion Island) has been revised and updated in order to best respond to the integration difficulties of the most vulnerable groups. distant from employment and to the recruitment needs of companies. As part of this revision, by decree dated July 20, 2020, Jacques Billant, Prefect of Reunion Island, extended the system of free jobs to people who are coming out of other integration pathways, and more particularly those in favor of disabled workers. This extension marks the State's desire to mobilize this mechanism for the return to employment, in the commercial sector, of the most vulnerable people. |
Covid19_deconfinement_measures, service intermediaries , youth employment | Disability, Employment, COVID-19 | Réunion |
Guadeloupe: Regional Internship: Youth in Business | siha | REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GUADELOUPE (16.07.2020) The Guadeloupe Region informs students and high school students who have not been able to complete their internship application file online within the framework of the "Regional Internship: Youth in Company" device due to the health situation that they are exceptionally invited to send the documents constituting the file by e-mail to the following address: no later than Thursday 23 July 2020. |
covid19, human resources, youth employment | Employment, Employment of young workers, Human resource management | Guadeloupe |
Guadeloupe: COVID-19 region: TPE regional emergency fund | siha | REGIONAL COUNCIL OF GUADELOUPE (22.04.2020) This system takes the form of a refundable advance, without guarantee and at zero rate for an amount between 3,000 and 15,000 € per company, corresponding to 12.5% of the turnover achieved in 2018, and for newly created companies , 12.5% of the turnover achieved since the start of the activity, without exceeding 1 year. This advance will be repayable over a period of 5 years with a grace period of two years. This aid applies to companies with a maximum annual turnover of € 180,000. |
covid19, labour markets | Employment, Shocks & extreme events, Financial crisis | Guadeloupe |
A New Generation of Government-to-Person Payments Is Emerging – G2P Network | rruggia | A new generation of government-to-person (G2P) payment systems is emerging in Africa, Asia and the Pacific. As described in CGAP’s new publication, “The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice,” modern approaches of transferring cash assistance can reduce costs for governments, significantly improve recipients’ access to payments and bring digital G2P one step closer to becoming the large-scale conduit for financial inclusion that observers have always hoped it would be. The main difference between these new systems and traditional approaches to digital G2P is that they give people greater choice over how to receive government payments. We see an opportunity for G2P recipients to receive better payment services from providers they trust and value — an important first step for a sustained financial inclusion journey. |
covid19, epayment | Service delivery, Social assistance | |
The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer Choice – G2P Network | rruggia | Many low-income country governments have begun to digitize government-to-person (G2P) payments by making electronic transfers directly into the accounts of individual customers. While digitization has helped to fill the gaps in delivery, further advances are needed. Building modern payments systems can: Improve the customer experience by allowing customers to choose which providers and accounts they use to receive funds; they have a wider array of service points from which to withdraw cash; and they can switch providers. Lower delivery costs for governments and reduce leakage. Introduce incentives to provide good service for financial service providers who must compete for customer business. This Focus Note explores the core idea behind future-ready G2P payments, lays out its advantages and challenges, and describes how governments can create modern G2P payments systems. It draws heavily from ongoing efforts in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. |
epayment, identity management | Service delivery, Social assistance | |
SPACE - Options for rapid delivery (payment) of cash transfers for COVID-19 responses and beyond | | rruggia | This note describes the main strategies used by, and available to, countries to deliver cash support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the note is to inform both ongoing responses to COVID-19 and medium to long term investments in delivery mechanisms that could be used to respond to future crises. In detail, it builds on existing literature (see Box 1 for full references) to provide governments and development partners with concise information on the main payment options available, outlining strengths and weaknesses of each, as well as pre-requisites and key actions required for their inclusive implementation. It is important to highlight that this note focuses on:
covid19, epayment | Business process, Service delivery, Social assistance |