Gov. Lee announces $81 Million in COVID-19 relief grants for education

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(Tennessee) Governor Bill Lee announced $81 million dollars in COVID-19 aid, relief and economic security funding is available for K-12 schools and higher education institutions to help with plans for a safe reopening. The first round of wave grant funding would include $11 million dollars for grants to local education agencies to support their efforts to reopen safely. In addition, $50 million dollars will be available to support any technology grants that would help schools get devices that would assist in reopening, such as laptops. There will be $20 million dollars granted to higher education institutions. This includes 2-year and 4-year public and private institutions. These grants would cover expenses associated with social distancing and technological needs in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. These funds will be made available based on an institutions low-income student population.

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