Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Covid-19 support measures: DPM Heng announces S$1b programme to subsidise salaries of new local hires for a year | socpro | covid19 | Employment | singapore | |
Pandemic leave payments for Canberrans part of new COVID-19 support measures | socpro | covid19 | Housing, Migration, Social assistance | australia | |
Government Unveils Anti-Crisis Plan on Agriculture, Entitled | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Employment | georgia | |
Abre FOVISSSTE proceso de inscripción de “Tu Casa te Espera” para trabajadores de la salud | socpro | covid19 | Housing, Financing | mexico | |
POLICY RESPONSES TO COVID-19 | socpro | covid19 | Employment | saudi arabia | |
U.K. to Pay People on Low Incomes If Isolating Due to Covid | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Health, Health promotion, Cash sickness benefits | united kingdom | |
1. CHILDFUND sets 2m for cash transfer | socpro | covid19 | Family benefits | zambia | |
Saudi food delivery workers covered by COVID-19 relief package | socpro | covid19 | Employment | saudi arabia | |
CM announces Rs 1,000 each for Anganwadi & Asha workers, free travel for women in UTC buses | socpro | covid19 | Health, Cash transfers, Social assistance | india | |
COVID-19: Ekiti Govt introduces tax relief, incentives for businesses | socpro | covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | nigeria | |
First phase of National Creative Relief Programme to give grants to 50 freelancers and 37 companies | socpro | covid19 | Cash transfers, Cash transfers | United Arab Emirates | |
Governor: North Carolina ‘making progress’ against COVID-19, announces grants for businesses | socpro | covid19 | Employment | United States | |
Govt announces Rs 25 lakh additional ex-gratia to NOK of healthcare workers who die of COVID-19 | socpro | covid19 | Health, Cash transfers, Survivors | india | |
City of Henderson launches small business recovery grant program | socpro | covid19, Emergency grants | Employment, Cash transfers | United States | |
Slow but steady economic recovery: Over 150,000 companies resume contributions to EPFO | socpro | covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance | india | |
Province to hire 500 contact tracers for COVID-19 | socpro | covid19 | Health, Employment | canada | |
COVID-19 insurance scheme: Rs 50 lakh cover for health workers to include loss of life as well | socpro | covid19 | Health, Health insurance | india | |
Gov. Lee Announces Tennessee Business Relief Program | socpro | Cash transfers | United States | ||
Maharashtra extends insurance cover to private doctors who die of Covid-19 | socpro | covid19 | Health, Health insurance | india | |
Spain: Prioritization of workers in short-term work schemes for vocational and professional training | mmarquez | Las personas en ERTE tendrán la consideración de colectivo prioritario para el acceso a las iniciativas de formación del sistema de formación profesional para el empleo en el ámbito laboral. |
covid19 | Employment | spain |
Spain: Unemployment benefit goes back to 70% and dismisses previous reduction | mmarquez | (29.09.2020) El Ministerio de Trabajo ha evitado la reducción de la cuantía de la prestación por desempleo de los trabajadores en ERTE pasados los seis meses en esta situación. Con la legislación vigente, aprobada con el Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy, la cantidad se reducía del 70% al 50% de la base reguladora, una reducción que se anula y se mantiene la cantidad del 70%. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Cash transfers | spain |
Spain: Extension of short-term work support program ERTE until January 31st | mmarquez | (29.09.2020) Los ERTE por fuerza mayor existentes se prorrogan hasta el 31 de enero. Los ERTE por causas objetivas –los llamados ETOP– seguirán siendo aplicables hasta el término que tuvieran establecido y se podrán prorrogar si se solicita ante la autoridad laboral, con las condiciones establecidas en el primer decreto que reguló esta herramienta laboral (y que no daban derecho a que los expedientes ETOP se beneficiaran de ayudas a la cotización). Esta prórroga supone que se mantienen los ERTE de suspensión total o parciales, según lo que estuviera aprobado, y sus trabajadores seguirán percibiendo su prestación por desempleo. Sin embargo, hay un cambio en los expedientes en vigor: las ayudas a la cotización que venían percibiendo hasta el momento. A partir del 1 de enero, las exoneraciones a la Seguridad Social se ciñen a tres supuestos: las destinadas a las empresas "especialmente afectadas por la pandemia", los ERTE de rebrote por cierre y los ERTE de rebrote por limitación de actividad. Así, hay empresas que pueden perder la ayuda a la cotización en sus ERTE, que era del 35% y del 25% en septiembre, pero pueden mantener a empleados suspendidos en expedientes de regulación temporal. |
covid19 | Unemployment | spain |
Poland: Expansion of eligibility for temporary social security contributions | mmarquez | Social Security Agency (18.04.2020) On April 18 and May 15, Poland's government amended its Anti-Crisis Shield (Tarcza Antykryzysowa) program to expand eligibility for temporary social security contribution reductions. Under the amended program, employers with 10 to 49 employees as of February 29 can receive a 50-percent reduction in the contributions they owe for March, April, and May. In addition, social cooperatives and sole proprietorships are exempt from paying contributions for March, April, and May, and certain self-employed persons with income exceeding 300 percent of the projected average national monthly earnings for 2020 are exempt for April and May. Previously, only micro-enterprises (firms with up to nine employees) and self-employed persons with income up to 300 percent of the projected average national monthly earnings were eligible for the 3 months of contribution relief. |
contribution collection, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance | poland |
Norway: Tax developments in response to COVID-19 - | mmarquez | KPMG Global (01.05.2020) To reduce costs and improve cash flow immediately, social security contribution rate will be reduced with 4 percent of the total contribution rate of 14.1% assumable for the salary payments in May and June. Some areas in Norway pay 0%. These areas will receive a subsidy equal to 4 % of the employer social security contribution base. |
Contribution collection and compliance | norway |