Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
US: Proposition B may expand parental leave rights | monitor | The San Francisco Examiner (04.10.2015) San Francisco’s government employees could gain more expansive parental leave rights under a charter amendment submitted to voters by the Board of Supervisors with the support of the mayor. |
published | Family benefits | United States |
Swiss pensions reform 'helps wrong people', think tank warns | monitor | IPE News (28.09.2015) The amended reform proposal on the major Swiss pension reform package Altersvorsorge 2020 includes an immediate hike in the first-pillar AHV to compensate a cut in the minimum conversion rate in the second pillar. |
managing reforms, published | switzerland | |
Many Americans lack Social Security smarts: Study | monitor | CNBC (28.09.2015) Americans who will reach retirement age over the next two decades rely too heavily on Social Security when estimating future income, and many believe they are reasonably well versed on the countless and complex options available for claiming benefits. |
published | Old-age pensions | United States |
France: La Sécurité sociale célèbre mardi ses 70 ans | monitor | Le Figaro (01.10.2015) La Sécurité sociale, créée le 4 octobre 1945, célèbre mardi son 70e anniversaire par une grande Rencontre nationale clôturée par le président François Hollande et réunissant acteurs de la protection sociale, historiens, partenaires sociaux et personnalités politiques. |
published | france | |
Responsible investing: Japanese public pensions focusing on environment, social issues | monitor | Nikkei Asian Review (29.09.2015) A growing number of public pension funds here are promising to consider corporate commitment to social causes in making investment decisions, joining a movement rapidly gaining prominence around the world. |
published | Financing | japan |
China, Switzerland ink social insurance deal | monitor | Global Post (30.09.2015) China and Switzerland signed a social insurance agreement Wednesday that will exempt company personnel sent to work in each other's country from mandatory social insurance contributions. |
brics, published | china, switzerland | |
[Opinion] Dependency is dead! - FAO blog | monitor | FAO blog (24.09.2015) A commonly held view of cash transfers and other social protection programmes, in both developed and developing countries, is that they foster dependency. |
extending coverage, rural world, cct, published | Extension of coverage, Conditional cash transfers | |
European executive promises convergence on social rights | monitor | EurActiv (30.09.2015) The European Commission wants to establish minimum social rights as part of a package due to be unveiled in Spring 2016. Paris and Berlin are exploring plans for a "social Eurogroup", the French President said. |
megatrends, published | Employment, Inequalities | european union |
Re-employment of the long-term unemployed - a pressing European challenge | monitor | (18.09.2015) Despite the decline in unemployment since 2013, long-term unemployment has only now ceased rising and the prospects of returning to jobs for those who have been unemployed for more than one year remain very low. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment | european union |
Europe takes action to help 12 million long-term unemployed get back to work | monitor | (17.09.2015) The European Commission has proposed guidance to Member States to better help long-term unemployed return to work. |
megatrends, published | Unemployment | european union |
[Opinión] Reformas estructurales al sistema de pensiones en Chile | monitor | El Mostrador (07.09.2015) El sistema privatizado de administración de fondos de pensiones (AFP) vía capitalización individual fue creado durante la dictadura cívico-militar por el entonces ministro de Trabajo José Piñera (el mismo del Plan Laboral), mediante el Decreto Ley N° 3500 de 1980. El objetivo central de la privatización del sistema de pensiones era crear un robusto mercado de capitales que ofrezca una vía de financiamiento barato a las grandes empresas (también privatizadas de manera irregular) debido a las restricciones de crédito del sistema financiero |
managing reforms, published | Old-age pensions, Pensions | |
Chômeurs de longue durée : Hollande plaide pour un plan européen | monitor | Les Echos (29.09.2015) Devant le congrès de la Confédération européenne des syndicats, le chef de l’Etat a plaidé pour la portabilité des droits des travailleurs et la convergence des systèmes de Sécurité sociale dans l’UE. |
migration, published | Unemployment, Migration | european union |
Afrique de l'Ouest: Protection sociale/ CNPS: cérémonie de remise de diplômes aux élèves du CIFOCSS | monitor | (29.09.2015) Environs quatre-vingt-dix élèves issus du Centre Ivoirien de Formation des Cadres de la Sécurité Sociale de l'institut aux Métiers de la Sécurité Social( IM2S), ont reçu ce mardi 29 septembre leurs diplômes de fin de formation. |
published | Governance and administration | Africa |
[Report] WHO/Europe: New evidence: how the economic crisis has affected health systems and health in Europe | monitor | Euro WHO (07.09.2015) Economic shocks pose a threat to health and health system performance by increasing people's requirements for health care and, at the same time, making access to care more difficult. The financial and economic crisis has had a visible but varied impact on many health systems in Europe, eliciting a wide range of responses from governments facing fiscal pressure. |
economic crisis, published | Health, Health insurance | Europe |
Switzerland ranked best place to grow old. Why? | monitor | lenews (28.09.2015) Switzerland did not have the longest life expectancy or the highest score on relative mental well-being. It did not have lowest old age poverty rate and it wasn’t perceived as the safest place for an older person to walk alone. So why did it rank as the best place to live in old age in a recent study by HelpAge International? |
published | Old-age pensions | switzerland |
Europe: ‘Resilience strategies’ help vulnerable youth out of unemployment | monitor | EurActiv (24.09.2015) While it can be tough being unemployed, putting individuals at risk of poverty, the situation can be even worse for vulnerable youngsters who can sink into depression and homelessness. |
youth employment, published, megatrends | Employment of young workers | european union |
International Day of Older Persons: More than half of the world’s older persons lack quality long-term care | monitor | (28.09.2015) A new ILO study reveals a global shortfall of 13.6 million care workers undermining the delivery of quality services to more than half of the world’s older persons. |
published | Health, Population ageing, Long-term care | |
France: Comment Pôle emploi adopte les méthodes du Lean Start-Up | monitor | (25.09.2015) En juillet 2014, Anne-Léone Campanella prend les rênes du programme "Digital" avec un credo : la transposition des services physiques de Pôle emploi sur le web ne suffit plus. Il faut inventer de nouveaux services. L'Emploi Store, un point d'accès unique à tous les services autour l'emploi, est annoncé en février 2014 par Michel Sapin, le Ministre du Travail de l'époque. En octobre, l'équipe est constituée, le compte-à-rebours est lancé. |
published | Information and communication technology, Unemployment | france |
La Sécurité sociale, pas si mal perçue des Français | monitor | Les Echos (28.09.2015) Le fonctionnement de la Sécurité sociale est globalement efficace pour les Français, qui déplorent néanmoins son mauvais équilibre financier. |
published | france | |
Suisse: Assurance-maladie - Vers une baisse des primes maladie enfants et jeunes adultes | monitor | tdg (28.09.2015) Une commission du Conseil national planche sur une proposition PDC de 2010 visant à supprimer les primes enfants |
published | Health | switzerland |
France: Les algorithmes vont-ils contribuer à réduire le chômage ? | monitor | Le chômage continue de monter et pourtant, quelque 400.000 postes sont difficiles à pourvoir. Les big data, les méga données, permettent de mieux mettre en rapport les offres et les demandes d'emploi. |
published | Information and communication technology, Unemployment | france |
La baisse des retraites au Portugal légitime, selon les juges européens | monitor | (24.09.2015) Le Portugal était fondé à diminuer, de manière « limitée et temporaire », les pensions de retraite dans le cadre du plan d’aide international qui l’a sauvé de la faillite en 2011, a estimé jeudi la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme. |
published | Pensions | portugal |
Philippines: Cash-transfer program reduces poverty | monitor | The Manila Times Online (23.09.2015) The government’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) has been effective in reducing poverty incidence in the country, according to the World Bank (WB) |
megatrends, poverty, published | Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers, Inequalities | philippines, the |
OIT: Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible - La protección social para todos cambiará la vida de las personas de aquí a 2030 | monitor | ilo (21.09.2015) A pocos días de que la comunidad internacional apruebe los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, Isabel Ortiz de la OIT explica por qué la protección social es un componente clave de la nueva agenda de desarrollo |
extending coverage, published | Extension of coverage, Social assistance, Social policies & programmes | |
Millions of UK public sector pensions 'exposed to risky fossil fuel investments' | monitor | (24.09.2015) Millions of local government workers have over £3,000 each in potentially risky fossil fuels investments through their pension schemes |
megatrends, published | Pensions, Financing | united kingdom |