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France: Réforme des retraites : comprendre le débat sur l’âge pivot et la durée de cotisation pmassetti (30.09.2019) Emmanuel Macron a laissé entendre lundi que la notion d’« âge pivot » pourrait être remplacée par une durée de cotisation. Un débat qui n’est pas seulement sémantique.

Pensions france
Creating access to social services using digital identity pmassetti

Punch Newspapers (01.09.2019) Nigerian government has intensified the capturing of Nigerians all over the world into its identity database. IFE OGUNFUWA examines the benefits of the digital identity

identity management Information and communication technology Africa, nigeria
Maroc: Les allocations familiales accordées par la CNSS passent à 300 dirhams dfabbri

yabiladi (30.08.2019) Le conseil de gouvernement, réuni jeudi à Rabat sous la présidence du chef du gouvernement, Saadeddine El Othmani, a adopté le projet de décret n° 2.19.750 modifiant le décret n°2.08.358 publié le 9 juillet 2008, établissant le montant d’allocation familiale accordée par la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS).

managing reforms Family benefits morocco
Poverty in old age haunts millions of Asia's elderly dfabbri

BusinessMirror (31.08.2019) Millionsof informal workers in Asia are at risk of living out their golden years in poverty—unless countries act swiftly. In an Asian Development Blog, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department Principal Social Development Specialist Sri Wening Handayani said vendors, day laborers, and others are being left out of the national pension system. Handayani said nearly 10 percent of the population of the Asia and Pacific region are above the age of 60. By 2050, nearly a quarter of the region’s population would be deemed “seniors.”

poverty Old-age pensions Asia
Kenya: Population data will help us come up with robust social protection policies dfabbri

The Standard (29.08.2019)  If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the Government’s social protection programmes.  Although the Government runs a credible cash transfer programme covering the elderly, disabled, famine-sticken, orphans and vulnerable children, there is a general feeling that the data of potential beneficiaries of the programmes is not accurate If there is a constituency that stands to benefit most from the ongoing census, then it is the population that is benefitting from the Government’s social protection programmes. 



Conditional cash transfers Africa, kenya
Swiss municipal pension schemes face funding shortfalls: analysis dfabbri

IPE (29.08.2019) he differences between the coverage ratios of Swiss municipal pension funds are “enormous” and in some cases there are big holes, according to analysis carried out by the think tank Avenir Suisse.

Pensions switzerland
En Afrique du Sud, des logements gratuits pour les plus pauvres dfabbri

Le Monde (29.08.2019) Depuis la fin de l’apartheid, près de 3 millions de maisons ont été attribuées, mais plus de 2 millions de foyers sont encore sur liste d’attente. A ce jour, d’après les chiffres du gouvernement, près de 3 millions de logements de ce type ont été construits. Les heureux élus deviennent propriétaires sans débourser un sou et peuvent revendre leur bien au bout de huit ans.

poverty Social assistance south africa
Dutch unions, employers seeking solution to avoid pension cuts dfabbri

IPE (28.08.2019) The steering group of social partners in the Netherlands is working on various solutions for the consequences of pension cuts on retirees’ purchasing power, according to local trade union CNV. Both an increase to the state pension (AOW) and the avoidance of cuts to second-pillar payouts are options to be reviewed, the trade union stated in response to questions posed by Dutch pensions industry publication Pensioen Pro.

Pensions, Financing netherlands
[Blog] US: Climate Migrants within the U.S. Will Need a Strong Health System dfabbri

Scientifuux American Blog Network (23.08.2019) We must ensure continuity of care for Americans who will be displaced from agricultural regions and coastal cities

climate change Health, Migration United States
France: Réforme des retraites - ouverture surprise de Macron sur l'âge de départ dfabbri

Les Echos (27.08.2019) Le président de la République a indiqué lundi soir privilégier « un accord sur la durée de cotisation plutôt que sur l'âge » de départ à la retraite. Ce qui remet en question l'instauration d'un âge pivot à 64 ans, préconisée par le rapport Delevoye sous peine de décote.

managing reforms Pensions france
India: Thousands Of Job Losses Reveal Rising Risks To India's Demographic Dividend dfabbri

indiaspend (23.08.2019) The recent shedding of over 350,000 jobs in its automobile sector--and thousands elsewhere--is an indicator of the economic and social hurdles that jeopardise India’s demographic dividend, the growth opportunity afforded by the world’s second largest working-age population of 688 million people.

brics, economic crisis Unemployment, Demographic change india
US: Secondhand Smoke Remains an Occupational Health Issue dfabbri

EHS Daily Advisor (12.08.2019) Nearly one-fifth of nonsmokers were exposed to secondhand smoke at work, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a recently published study. The CDC reported that 19.9% of nonsmokers had some exposure on the job, and 10.1% had frequent exposures.

OSH Occupational accidents and diseases United States
UK: Two-thirds of people say work damages their mental health dfabbri

Workplace Insight  (23.08.2019)  A new survey from CV-Library suggests that the UK’s professionals have a problematic relationship with work, with three-quarters (74.2 percent) claiming that their job is damaging their mental health.

OSH Occupational accidents and diseases united kingdom
G7 Biarritz Summit: The workplace equality challenge dfabbri

ILO (22.08.2019) ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has welcomed the decision to place the fight against inequality at the heart of this year’s G7 summit. Ryder, who will be attending the 24 to 26 August summit in Biarritz, France, called inequality one of the key challenges of our time.

France: Protection universelle maladie (Puma) dfabbri

Capital (20.08.2019) Instaurée en 2016, la protection universelle maladie (Puma) est le régime de couverture santé qui s'est substitué à la Couverture Maladie Universelle (CMU)   La réforme du régime de couverture maladie intervenue au 1er janvier 2016 visait à répondre à un triple but : èlargir la base des bénéficiaires, garantir la continuité des droits à la prise en charge des frais de santé, simplifier les démarches d'obtention.

Extension of coverage france
Australia: Fighting the gender pay gap key found in giving fathers paid parental leave dfabbri

The Sidney Morning Herald (22.08.2019) Australian academics are looking to Iceland when it comes to ways to increase the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave. Asdís Arnalds, from the faculty of social work at the University of Iceland, will give the keynote address at the Australian National University on Thursday about how her country has doubled the proportion of fathers who take paternity leave from 40 per cent to 80 per cent since it was extended from six months to nine months.

Family benefits, Parental leave australia
[Opinion] UK: Increasing the state pension age to 75 is a terrible, divisive idea dfabbri

newstatesman (20.08.2019) A simplistic plan to save money would bring hardship to those least able to cope. t is rare that I see a proposal as potentially damaging as the recommendation, just published by the Centre for Social Justice, to dramatically increase the state pension age – to 70 by 2028 and then to 75 a few years later. This flawed policy thinking suggests little understanding of the role and impact of state pensions and the differentials within our society. It must be dismissed immediately before it is adopted by politicians looking for seemingly easy benefits.

managing reforms Pensions united kingdom
WHO Director-General underscores commitment to strengthening health in Pacific Islands dfabbri

WHO news (18.08.2019) WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has completed a two-week mission to Pacific Island countries and reiterated WHO’s unflagging commitment to supporting their efforts to advance health and well being. In 2017, WHO established a special initiative on climate change and health in small island developing states, launching it in cooperation with His Excellency Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji, who was president of COP23 in Bonn. Following consultations with Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Pacific island countries, WHO developed an action plan which was endorsed at the World Health Assembly in May 2019. WHO is now supporting countries in implementing that plan.

climate change Asia
Discapacidad: el CERMI proyecta garantizar la protección social en España dfabbri

Periodistas en Español (13.08.2019) El Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad (CERMI) ha planteado como reto del próximo decenio incorporar al menos 250 000 personas con discapacidad a un trabajo estable y digno para fortalecer los recursos de la Seguridad Social y garantizar que la protección social llegue a todos por igual, independientemente de su trayectoria laboral.

Disability, Governance and administration spain
Emploi: Nette baisse du chômage en Suisse dfabbri

TDG (20.08.2019) Le taux de chômage calculé selon les indications du Bureau international du travail (BIT) a reculé de 0,4 point sur un an, à 4,2%, indique mardi l'Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS). Corrigée des variations saisonnières, la contraction atteint 0,1 point à 4,5%.

labour markets Employment switzerland
China: Telehealth services to be introduced in Tibetan hospitals dfabbri

Xinhua (16.08.2019) The General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army (PLAGH) said Friday that it will set up 45 stations of remote medical services in public hospitals in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in five years. PLAGH and the regional government reached a framework agreement on health and poverty alleviation in Lhasa, capital of Tibet on Friday. PLAGH will provide free telemedicine services for Tibetan hospitals, according to the agreement.

brics Health promotion china
Singapore to Work Longer, Build Higher as Lee Eyes Handover dfabbri

Bloomberg (18.08.2019) Singapore extended support for older workers in the aging island nation as the current leadership prepares to hand over to a new generation in the next few years. The retirement age will be gradually raised to 65 from 62, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Sunday in his annual National Day Rally speech. The re-employment age, where employers must offer work in the same organization, will rise to 70 from 67.

Pensions, Financing singapore
UK:No-deal warning - Brexit risk to €5 pension and social welfare hike dfabbri

independent(19.08.2019) The €5 hike to the State pension and weekly social welfare payments is in jeopardy amid a major Budget battle in Fianna Fáil. Despite the risk of a no-deal Brexit and opposition at senior levels of the party, social protection spokesman Willie O'Dea said he would be "robustly" arguing for the same €5 per week increase in welfare payments.

Pensions, Financing united kingdom
Ukraine to strengthen social protection of displaced persons dfabbri

ukrinform (15.08.2019) The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted a resolution the implementation of which will help strengthen the social protection of internally displaced persons and ensure the provision of targeted assistance.

transnational workers ukraine
Zambia: High number of accidents in road, construction sectors worry WCFCB dfabbri

News Diggers! (15.08.2019) The Workers Compensation Fund Control Board (WCFCB) has bemoaned the increasing number of accidents in the road and construction industries in Zambia saying labour is going to waste as a result of the incidents.

issa Prevention of occupational risks zambia