Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
España: Incapacidad temporal asimilada por Accidentes de Trabajo para el sector público | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Se ha decidido también que el personal al servicio de la Administración Pública encuadrado en el régimen especial de mutualismo administrativo que se encuentre en situación de aislamiento preventivo, así como quienes se han contagiado del virus, se considerarán en Incapacidad Temporal asimilada a la baja laboral por Accidente deTrabajo. Se extiende de esta forma a los empleados públicos la medida adoptada el pasado martes para el Régimen General de la Seguridad Social. |
covid19, prevention | Cash sickness benefits, Occupational accidents and diseases | spain |
Italy: Decreto Cura Italia | btreichel | (18.03.2020) Extraordinary measures in the Cura Italia decree, came into force on 17 March 2020. The decree provides for the recruitment of Army doctors (for one year) and doctors and nurses by INAIL (for no more than 6 months, extendable as the emergency continues and in any case no later than 31 December 2020.), in order to complement the staff of the Higher Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità). The expected expenditure for the recruitment of doctors and nurses is budgeted with 15,000,000 EUR for 2020. The decree foresees the following measures:
covid19, prevention | Health, Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | italy |
España: Aplazamiento de cotizaciones de la seguridad social para ciertos sectores económicos | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) El Gobierno, para evitar posibles tensiones de tesorería de autónomos y pequeñas y medianas empresas, flexibiliza los aplazamientos del pago de impuestos durante un periodo de seis meses, previa solicitud, con bonificación en los tipos de interés. Esto permitirá inyectar hasta 14.000 millones de euros de liquidez. |
covid19, self-employed | Contribution collection and compliance | spain |
España: Refuerzo del sistema sanitario y regulación de precios de algunos productos sanitarios | mmarquez | (12.03.2020) El Gobierno ha tomado distintas medidas para reforzar la capacidad de respuesta del sector sanitario, tanto del Gobierno central como de las Comunidades Autónomas, ante el COVID-19, contener su transmisión y atender a las personas contagiadas. En primer lugar, se refuerzan en 1.000 millones de euros los recursos del Ministerio de Sanidad a través del fondo de contingencia para atender los gastos extraordinarios que se generen, de forma que pueda atender de forma adecuada las necesidades sanitarias. Además, el Gobierno ha decidido adelantar 2.800 millones de euros de los pagos a cuenta a las Comunidades Autónomas para reforzar su disponibilidad de recursos con los que hacer frente a necesidades inmediatas derivadas de esta situación en sus sistemas sanitarios. Adicionalmente, se habilita al Gobierno para regular los precios de algunos productos necesarios para la protección de la salud y, en caso de situación excepcional, la Comisión Interministerial de Precios de los Medicamentos podrá fijar el importe máximo de venta al público de determinados medicamentos y productos. |
covid19 | Health, Medical care, Financing | spain |
Video de la CNPS Cameroon pour promouvoir les mesures d'hygiène pour prévenir COVID-19 | btreichel | covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | cameroon | |
Germany: Voluntary helpers in the health and welfare service are insured against occupational diseases | btreichel | (31.03.2020) Against this background, professional associations and accident insurance funds are pointing this out: Anyone who works for a health care or welfare institution without remuneration, especially on a voluntary basis, is automatically covered by the statutory accident insurance. Of course, all employees working in these institutions are also covered by statutory accident insurance. |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | germany |
Uruguay: Subsidio especial por desempleo parcial para trabajadores mensuales | mmarquez | (24.03.2020) Ya se encuentra en funcionamiento el régimen especial de subsidio por desempleo para trabajadores de la actividad privada afectados por la emergencia sanitaria producida por la pandemia del virus COVID-19. Este subsidio le corresponde a los trabajadores mensuales dependientes que se encuentran en una situación de suspensión parcial de actividades, lo que implica la reducción de seis días como mínimo en el mes de trabajo, ya sea de días completos o del 50 % del horario habitual. La reducción debe producirse durante la vigencia de la Resolución ministerial (30 días a partir del 18/03/2020). El subsidio se calcula en base al 25 % del promedio mensual de las remuneraciones nominales computables percibidas en los seis meses inmediatos anteriores a configurarse la causal y de forma proporcional a la cantidad de días de suspensión o reducción. |
covid19 | Unemployment | uruguay |
Argentina: Extienden el vencimiento del subsidio por desempleo hasta el 31 de mayo | mmarquez | (27.03.2020) Por las dificultades para buscar y encontrar trabajo debido a las medidas de cuarentena por el coronavirus, el Ministerio de Trabajo prorrogó hasta el 31 de mayo .el pago de las prestaciones por desempleo que vencían entre el 1 de febrero y 1 de abril. El último dato oficial de febrero marcó que se abonaron este seguro a través de la ANSeS a casi 120.000 personas. |
covid19 | Unemployment | argentina |
Argentina: Fortalecen la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Desde el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, se fortalecerá la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios y espacios de contención de sectores vulnerables. |
covid19 | Social assistance | argentina |
Coronavirus COVID-19 | Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Employment Scheme (NOW) | pmassetti | covid19 | Employment | netherlands | |
Argentina: Pago extraordinario para los más vulnerables | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Medidas para proteger a los más vulnerables Se implementará un pago extraordinario de la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH) y Asignación Universal por Embarazo (AUE) equivalente al monto de un beneficio mensual (3.103 pesos). Para todos aquellos que perciban AUH y jubilados, se postergará el pago de las deudas de abril y mayo con ANSES. Las personas que perciben una única jubilación o pensión mínima (hoy de $15.892), cobrarán un adicional por única vez de $3.000. Las personas que cobran una jubilación o pensión menor a $18.892 cobrarán la diferencia entre su haber y este monto. Desde el Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, se fortalecerá la provisión de alimentos en comedores comunitarios y espacios de contención de sectores vulnerables. |
covid19 | Children, Old-age pensions, Social assistance | argentina |
Coronavirus | | pmassetti | covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | france | |
Government of Canada takes action on COVID-19 - | pmassetti | covid19 | Health | canada | |
Government of Canada takes action on COVID-19 - | pmassetti | covid19 | Employment | canada | |
Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus | The White House | pmassetti | covid19 | Pensions | United States | |
Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus | The White House | pmassetti | covid19 | Unemployment | United States | |
Economic Relief to American Workers, Families, and Businesses Impacted by the Coronavirus | The White House | rruggia | SECURING EMERGENCY RELIEF: President Donald J. Trump is signing bipartisan legislation to provide relief to American families and workers during the coronavirus outbreak. The President worked with Congress to secure bipartisan legislation that will provide emergency relief to families and small businesses that have been impacted by the coronavirus. This unprecedented relief package totals more than $2 trillion. The CARES Act provides much needed economic relief for American families and businesses who are hurting through no fault of their own. This legislation will provide assistance to America’s heroic healthcare workers who are on the frontlines of this outbreak. $100 billion will go to healthcare providers, including hospitals on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. $27 billion will go to bolstering life-saving capabilities, including developing vaccines and the development, purchase, and distribution of critical supplies. $45 billion will go to the Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster Relief Fund, more than doubling the amount available to support the President’s Emergency and Disaster Declarations to empower State, local, and tribal leaders to effectively respond. SUPPORTING FAMILIES: This legislative package brings security to American families by providing them with economic assistance during this time of crisis. |
covid19 | Health, Family benefits | United States |
Algérie: Le ministère du travail appelle les citoyens à éviter les déplacements aux instances et agences relevant du secteur | mmarquez | (21.03.2020) Le ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Sécurité sociale, a appelé, vendredi, dans un communiqué, tous les citoyens à éviter les déplacements aux sièges et aux agences des instances relevant du secteur à travers tout le territoire national, afin de renforcer la prévention et la protection contre la propagation de la pandémie du coronavirus. Des applications ont été mises à la disposition des citoyens en vue de bénéficier à distance des prestations et services, tous les jours de la semaine et 24h/24h, a indiqué le ministère. « Nous informons tous les assurés sociaux, dont la validité de la carte Chifa devrait expirer le 31 mars, qu’elle sera valable jusqu’à fin avril 2020 », a précisé la même source. Par ailleurs, « l’espace EL-HANAA » de la Caisse nationale des assurances sociales des travailleurs salariés (CNAS) permettra aux assurés et leurs ayants droit de bénéficier à distance des prestations offertes par la CNAS dont l’attestation d’affiliation, le suivi du remboursement des produits pharmaceutiques, le relevé des indemnités journalières relatives à l’assurance et le dépôt des doléances, a indiqué la même source. L’assuré peut accéder à cet espace soit en téléchargeant l’application EL-HANAA sur Android via la plateforme « Google Play store », soit à travers le lien Les travailleurs non-salariés et les patrons peuvent recourir aux services de télédéclaration et de télépaiement disponibles sur les liens suivants: -La CNAS : -La CASNOS : -La CACOBATPH : |
customer_services | E-services, Service delivery | algeria |
Romania: Paid leave for parents during the period when schools and kindergartens are closed | mmarquez | (14.03.2020) Law no. 19/2020 regarding granting free days to parents for the supervision of children, in the situation of temporary closure of the educational units was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force from March 17, 2020. The law was given to grant free days to employees who have children, during the period when the educational units are closed, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic and the state of emergency decreed by President Klaus Iohannis. Payable to one parent who cannot telework and who has to take care of children of up to 12 years of age. The allowance for each free day is paid from the chapter on personnel expenses from the employer's income and expenses budget and is in the amount of 75% of the salary corresponding to a working day, but not more than the correspondent per day of 75% of the the gross average wage gain used to substantiate the state social insurance budget. |
covid19 | Children | romania |
Portugal: Full salary payment for employees and independent workers mandated to self-isolate or who have to look after their children | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) It is equated with the disease of the situation of prophylactic isolation for 14 days of employees and independent workers of the general social security regime, motivated by situations of serious risk to public health decreed by the entities that exercise the power of health authority . With this change, workers who are decreed, by the health authority, the need for prophylactic isolation will have ensured the payment of 100% of the reference remuneration during the respective period. It was also decided that the granting of sickness benefits is not subject to a waiting period, and the granting of childcare and grandchildren benefits in case of prophylactic isolation without dependence on the guarantee period. |
covid19, self-employed | Cash sickness benefits, Unemployment | portugal |
Portugal: Extraordinary professional support training | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Extraordinary professional training support is created, in the amount of 50% of the worker's remuneration up to the limit of the National Minimum Wage, plus the cost of training, for the situations of workers not employed in productive activities for considerable periods, with the guarantee being given social protection of trainees and trainers in the course of training activities, as well as beneficiaries engaged in active employment policies who are prevented from attending training actions. |
covid19 | Employment | portugal |
Portugal: Financial support for childcare for employees and self-employed | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Exceptional financial support is created for employees who have to stay at home to accompany their children up to 12 years old, in the amount of 66% of the basic remuneration (33% paid by the employer, 33% paid by Social Security) . For the self-employed, exceptional financial support is created for those who have to stay at home to accompany their children up to 12 years old, in the amount of 1/3 of the average salary, as well as extraordinary support for the reduction of the economic activity of self-employed and deferral of payment of contributions. |
covid19, self-employed | Children | portugal |
Poland: Additional care allowance for parents | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Parents have the right to an additional 14 days of childcare allowance for child care up to the age of 8 if the nursery, children's club, kindergarten or school the child attends is closed due to the coronavirus. The amount of additional care allowance is 80 percent of the remuneration. Additional care allowance is paid according to the same rules as previously granted care allowance for sickness insurance. Carer's allowance and additional care allowance are granted from the Social Insurance Fund. This means that benefits are not charged to the employers' fund. Even if the employer pays the benefit (if required), the amounts paid are settled by ZUS. |
covid19 | Children | poland |
Peru: Government approves economic bonus for vulnerable population | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) The President of the Republic Martin Vizcarra on Monday afternoon announced that the Council of Ministers approved an exceptional bonus of S/380 (about US$107) for each vulnerable family to be affected during the 15-day social isolation period recently decreed by the Government to stop the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Peru. "There is an important sector of the population that is vulnerable and relies on a daily work life system in order to be able to subsist. That important percentage of the vulnerable population will not be left behind; what we are going to do today at the Council of Ministers is to approve an Urgency Decree aimed at granting an economic bonus to each of these families," he stated. The Head of State said the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has made a calculation and determined that —for these 15 days— an economic bonus will be given to vulnerable families for them to abide by the state of emergency. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | peru |
Peru: Midis designa el adelanto de pago de los programas sociales Pensión 65 y Contigo | mmarquez | (14.03.2020) El Midis, mediante el Decreto Supremo N° 004-2020-MIDIS, dispuso el doble pago a las usuarias y usuarios de los programas sociales Pensión 65 y Contigo, para evitar el contagio por exposición en colas o aglomeración de personas. Así, en el próximo pago bimensual de manera adelantada también recibirán el pago de los dos meses posteriores. El doble pago del apoyo económico se aplica en estos programas sociales al agrupar a poblaciones con alto riesgo ante el coronavirus, como son los adultos mayores que pueden tener algún tipo de enfermedad preexistente. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions, Social assistance, Cash transfers | peru |