Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Portugal: Extraordinary support for employers and employees | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) The Extraordinary Support for maintaining employment contracts is an extraordinary financial support attributed to the company, per worker, destined exclusively to the payment of remuneration, during periods of temporary reduction of working hours or suspension of employment contracts. This support has an initial duration of up to one month, and can be extended monthly, up to a maximum of 3 months. The employer is entitled to social security support in the amount of 70% of 2/3 of the normal gross wage of each worker covered, up to a limit of 1,333.5 euros per worker, to support the payment of wages. If the employer chooses to reduce the normal period of work, compensation is granted to the extent strictly necessary to, in conjunction with the remuneration for work performed in or outside the company, ensure a minimum amount of 2/3 of the employee's gross normal remuneration , or the value of the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Remuneration (RMMG) corresponding to your normal period of work, whichever is higher. How much does the worker receive?Whether there is a reduction in the normal working time or suspension of the contract, workers are entitled to receive a minimum amount equal to two-thirds of their gross salary (without discounts). This retributive compensation cannot be less than one RMMG (€ 635.00) or more than three RMMG (€ 1,905.00). During the application of the support, the employer is exempt from paying social security contributions on the part of the employer, maintaining the 11% contribution for the employee. Part-time workers are also entitled to benefit from this measure. This support can be complemented with a training plan approved by IEFP, IP in which IEFP, IP additionally pays a scholarship equal to 30% of the value of the Social Support Index (132.6 euros), which is intended in parts equal for the worker (65.8 euros) and employer (65.8 euros). |
covid19 | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | portugal |
Germany: Financial support to workers | pgirard | Overview of the main measures implemented in Germany for workers: - Emergency child supplement |
covid19 | Family benefits, Parental leave, Unemployment | germany |
US: Stimulus Checks, Unemployment Benefits and More Details From the Coronavirus Bill | pmassetti | The New York Times (25.03.2020) The largest economic stimulus measure in modern history would authorize direct payments to taxpayers and loans to small businesses, and create a $500 billion corporate bailout fund. |
covid19 | Unemployment | United States |
US: Gig economy: What the new stimulus package means to freelancers | pmassetti | (28.03.2020) On Friday, President Donald Trump signed a $2 trillion stimulus bill to help millions of Americans stay afloat during the coronavrus pandemic, as many were laid off or are struggling financially. Under the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, included in the stimulus bill, freelancers and gig workers can receive half the average unemployment benefit in their state and an extra $600 per week. The new assistance program was created to help qualify self-employed workers who couldn't file for regular unemployment insurance. |
covid19 | Unemployment | United States |
Germany: emergency child allowance | pgirard | 185 EUR conditional child allowance for parents who see their income reduced due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Conditions are simplified and application process is facilitated through online tools. |
covid19 | Family benefits | germany |
Italy: baby-sitting benefits | pgirard | Details of the Italian baby-sitting benefits scheme of 600 EUR |
covid19 | Family benefits | italy |
Italy: Extension of parental leave and baby-sitting benefits | pgirard | covid19 | Family benefits, Parental leave | italy | |
Italy: emergency parental leave | pgirard | In order to support families during the closure of schools, Italy implemented an extraordinary parental leave of 15 days, which is being extended of an additional 12 days. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Parental leave | italy |
Coronavirus: So lässt sich das Infektionsrisiko für das Fahrpersonal senken — BG Verkehr | btreichel | Der Güterkraftverkehr und andere in der BG Verkehr versicherte Branchen der Verkehrswirtschaft nehmen in der derzeitigen Lage eine Schlüsselrolle ein. Sie sorgen dafür, dass die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit Gütern und Waren unterbrechungsfrei gewährleistet ist. Dazu müssen sich Mitarbeitende der Unternehmen auch in Risikogebiete begeben. Aufgabe der Unternehmen ist es, die Mitarbeitenden bestmöglich vor einer Infektion durch das Coronavirus zu schützen. Ein Frage- und Antwortenkatalog findet sich auf der Homepage der BG Verkehr |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases | germany |
Italy: Exceptional waiver for the validation of personal protective equipment | pgirard | In order to speed up the validation process of personal protective equipment dedicated to mitigate risks linked to the covid19, Italy has simplified the approval process. |
covid19 | italy | |
Italy: Recommendations for the protection of Health workers | pgirard | ROME - "Covid-19 and protection of health workers" is online, the second edition of the document published by the Inail which contains indications to protect the health and safety of this category of workers, at the forefront of the fight against the health emergency in course in our country, caused by the spread of the new coronavirus. The information was updated taking into account the constant evolution of the epidemiological situation. |
covid19, prevention | Prevention of occupational risks | italy |
Coronavirus, doctors, nurses and health care workers are covered by INAIL | btreichel | ROME - The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work. Iinsurance protection also extends to cases in which the identification of the specific causes and working methods of the infection is problematic. In addition, Covid-19 cases of outward and return journeys from the workplace are also protected, which therefore constitute commuting "accidents" . INAIL covers also for costs related to quarantine and home isolation. |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | italy |
Italy: Coronavirus, the infections of doctors, nurses and health care workers protected against accidents at work | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) The new Coronavirus infections of doctors, nurses and other employees of the National Health Service and of any other public or private health facility insured with Inail, which occurred in the work environment or due to the performance of the work activity, are fully protected as accidents at work. |
covid19 | Occupational accidents and diseases | italy |
Australia unveils 'job keeper' payments to keep economy running | pmassetti | Reuters (30.03.2020) Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday committed a A$130 billion ($79.86 billion) package to help save jobs as shockwaves from the coronavirus pandemic rip through the economy. The package includes a A$1,500 ($923.10) “job keeper” payment to be paid to employers every two weeks, for each worker under the scheme. |
covid19 | Unemployment | australia |
Italy: simplified procedure to access e-services | pgirard | In order to facilitate the access to e-services and request emergency allowances, the Italian administration simplified the procedures to request an e-access and PIN code. |
covid19 | Service quality | italy |
Italy: INPS Administrative measures | pgirard | For internal use: administrative measures implemented by INPS in Italy |
covid19 | italy | |
Panama: Ejecutivo reduce temporalmente la jornada de trabajo ante pandemia de COVID-19 | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) El Decreto Ejecutivo No. 71 indica que los empleadores que sugieran reducir las horas de trabajo, lo consensuará con cada colaborador, definiendo los términos de la reducción de las horas laborables. Para esto, el Decreto Ejecutivo No. 71 establece un formulario sugerido el cual será presentado ante la Dirección General de Trabajo del Ministerio de Trabajo y Desarrollo Laboral (Mitradel) para validar la medida. La reducción de la jornada laboral, la movilidad laboral o cualquier otra modificación acogida por las partes, está orientada a la mitigación del riesgo de contagio del COVID-19 en medio del Estado de Emergencia Nacional declarada por el Consejo de Gabinete en sesión realizada el viernes 13 de marzo de 2020. |
covid19 | panama | |
Panama: Prestación por enfermedad para trabajadores diagnosticados con el Covid-19 | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) La norma establece que los trabajadores procedentes del exterior, mediante cualquier medio de transporte terrestre, marítimo o aéreo, de lugares o países declarados como áreas de riesgo deberá reportar su procedencia ante las Autoridades Sanitarias y notificar al empleador. Por su parte, los trabajadores diagnosticados con COVID-19 en cuarentena se les certificará su condición a través de las Direcciones Regionales de Salud que deberá entregarse a la Caja de Seguro Social para tramitar su incapacidad. |
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | panama |
New Zealand: New measures: Deferral of the disability allowance and annual income reviews | mmarquez | (27.03.2020) We’re making urgent changes to the way we do things – taking into account the health and safety of our clients and each other. From Monday 30 March we’re:
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | new zealand |
Mexico: Adelantan 4 meses de pago a pensión de adultos mayores por coronavirus | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) Ciudad de México.- El presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador anunció un adelanto de 4 meses de pensión a adultos mayores, como parte de las medidas implementadas para reducir el impacto del contagio comunitario de coronavirus Covid-19, previsto para finales del mes de marzo por el gobierno federal. En su conferencia mañanera, el titular del Poder Ejecutivo federal dijo que confía en que la situación económica general logre superar la crisis provocada por el coronavirus, pues dicho fenómeno no se originó en México sino obedece a una tendencia internacional como parte de los efectos de la pandemia. AMLO consideró que con la intervención prevista por el gobierno de Estados Unidos, los mercados podrían entrar en una etapa de recuperación a la brevedad. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions | mexico |
Malaysia: Anticipation of payment of cash transfer and additional payment of BSH program | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) Meanwhile, Muhyiddin said that the RM200 payment for Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH) recipients will be brought forward to March 16 from its initial date in May. “The BSH payments amounting to RM760mil will benefit 3.8 million BSH households." He also announced that an additional RM100 will be paid to BSH recipients later in May, adding that it will involve RM500mil which will benefit five million BSH recipients. |
covid19 | Social assistance | malaysia |
Malaysia: Workers forced to take unpaid leave to receive cash assistance of RM600 a month | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) Employees who are affected will receive financial assistance of RM600 each month for a maximum period of six months, said Muhyiddin. Workers who are given notice to take unpaid leave beginning March 1 will be eligible for the financial assistance, said Muhyiddin. “This involves an allocation of RM120mil, and as many as 33,000 workers are targeted to receive this benefit, ” he said during a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office in Putrajaya on March 16 (Monday). Muhyiddin also said that affected employees with salaries under RM4,000 a month are also allowed to withdraw from the Employee Insurance System (EIS). |
covid19 | Unemployment, Social assistance | malaysia |
Japan: Employment Adjustment Subsidy: Qualifications relaxed to support business impacted from the novel Coronavirus infection | mmarquez | (27.02.2020) Now in late February 2020, the novel coronavirus is spreading around the globe and impacting people and business. Japan is also hit severely by the virus that stops influx of Chinese tourists and has many events and gatherings cancelled or postponed. Some businesses have to consider down-sizing operations and lay-off. Employment Adjustment Subsidy is to support employers who are suffered from the business downturn but maintain employment by paying leave allowance and letting employees take partly paid leave, rather than firing them. The subsidy reimburses two third for a SME employer or a half for a large enterprise of the leave allowance. The subsidy is however capped at an upper limit, which is JPY 8,335 a day per employee on the leave as of late February 2020. |
covid19 | Unemployment | japan |
Japan: Osaka to offer free school lunches as virus hits local economy | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) OSAKA (Kyodo) -- The city government of Osaka officially decided Wednesday to offer free school lunches to all of its public elementary and junior high school students from April to alleviate the financial burden on households caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus. The plan, the first by a major Japanese city, will cover 165,000 students. The city estimates the program will save parents and guardians between 50,000 yen ($470) and 60,000 yen per child each year. |
covid19 | Social assistance | japan |
Jamaica: Education Ministry providing food to PATH students amid school closure | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) As part of its education in emergencies response plans, the Ministry says , in collaboration with school leaders, teachers and educational partners, it has already provided significant support to enable continued teaching and learning while students are not in school. It says the support includes the activation of online, virtual, computer-based teaching and learning augmented by traditional radio and TV media. The Ministry says it is also aware that the nutritional needs of the most vulnerable are paramount to their educational success, especially in this period of disruption. As such, under the food support plan, Nutrition Products Limited will prepare snacks comprising baked products, fruit juices, milk and water for students on PATH at the primary and secondary levels. A limited number has been prepared for today, Monday, March 16, while the distribution points are finalised. |
covid19 | Social assistance | jamaica |