Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
New Zealand; Budget 2015 - Beneficiaries will be sent back to work sooner | new zealand | TVNZ (21.05.2015) Solo mums will be pocketing a little extra cash thanks to today's Budget, but the heavier wallet comes with some strings attached. |
Family benefits | published |… | monitor | ||||
United States: Retirees wait longer to claim Social Security benefits | United States | CNBC (21.05.2015) More people are waiting longer to retire, and that's affecting when they claim Social Security benefits. |
Governance and administration | published | | monitor | ||||
Liberia: NASSCORP - Making the Difference, As Five-Year Strategic Plan Yields Success – A Retrospective Look | liberia | GNN Liberia (20.05.2015) The National Social Security & Welfare Corporation or NASSCORP in short has significantly been contributing towards the growth and development of the Liberian economy over the years, also helping to impact the lives of Liberians. |
Governance and administration | published |… | monitor | ||||
US: A promising trend in taking Social Security benefits | CBS News (20.05.2015) Not all news is bad when it comes to Social Security benefits. A recent study of claims data shows that the percentage of workers turning age 62 who start Social Security benefits at that age has declined significantly since 1996. |
Pensions | published | | monitor | |||||
Réforme des pensions: l’Europe demande à la Belgique d’aller plus loin | belgium | Le Soir (20.05.2015) La Commission européenne a adressé ses recommandations économiques aux 28 pays européens. Voici les quatre recommandations adressées à la Belgique. |
Pensions | managing reforms, published |… | monitor | ||||
Le PM inaugure le portail de la sécurité sociale du Vietnam | vietnam | Vietnam+ (19.05.2015) Le Premier ministre Nguyên Tân Dung a inauguré le portail de la sécurité sociale du Vietnam, lundi à Hanoi, via lequel la sécurité sociale entend attirer la participation de 90% des entreprises aux transactions électroniques. |
Information and communication technology, Governance and administration | published |… | monitor | ||||
Australia: Ministers 'double-dipping' on paid parental leave shows why policy change is necessary, says Joe Hockey | australia | The Sydney Morning Herald (19.05.2015) Treasurer Joe Hockey says revelations two ministers "double-dipped" on paid parental leave schemes is evidence why the government had to cut benefits for some new families. |
Family benefits | megatrends, published |… | monitor | ||||
Universal health coverage and private hospitals are not mutually exclusive | theguardian (18.05.2015) This week health ministers from around the world gather in Geneva for the annual meeting of the World Health Organisation (WHO). While they will no doubt take some time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, their working agenda will cover some of the world’s biggest health… |
Health | published |… | monitor | |||||
ECLAC-ILO report: Unemployment rate in Latin America and the Caribbean could rise 0.2 percentage point | latin america | ILO Newsroom (13.05.2015) The ILO and ECLAC forecast that unemployment will reach 6.2% this year, due to an unencouraging economic outlook. |
Unemployment | megatrends, published |… | monitor | ||||
Europe's low interest rates a headache for corporate pensions | european union | EurActiv (18.05.2015) Historically low interest rates in the eurozone are becoming an increasing headache for companies forced to set aside billions in extra cash to meet their pension obligations to employees. |
Pensions, Financing | published |… | monitor | ||||
Italy: Renzi announces one-off payment to 3.7 million pensioners | italy | (18.05.2015) Premier says pensioners on over 3,000 euros a month excluded |
Pensions | published |… | monitor | ||||
Jamaica: Ferguson calls for social protection, health intervention for the elderly | jamaica | (17.05.2015) Minister of Health Dr Fenton Ferguson said countries must put in place social protection and health interventions to deal specifically with the elderly, as they are facing a situation where the population is ageing. |
published |… | monitor | |||||
France: Loi Macron - le Sénat simplifie le compte pénibilité | france | lexpress (12.05.2015) A l'occasion de l'examen du projet de loi Macron, le Sénat a simplifié le compte pénibilité: suppression de la fiche individuelle d'exposition, et réduction des critères d'exposition à trois. Nicolas Vicent/ The noun project La chambre haute n'aura… |
Disability, Occupational accidents and diseases | published |… | monitor | ||||
Etude: Travail.Suisse demande un congé paternité de 20 jours | switzerland | tdg (18.05.2015) Les grandes entreprises disposant de moyens financiers plus importants sont plus généreuses. Or le congé payé ne devrait pas dépendre du lieu de travail du papa, estime le responsable de la politique sociale chez Travail.Suisse. |
Family benefits | published |… | monitor | ||||
Assurance maladie pour les étudiants au Maroc : Le projet de loi adopté par le gouvernement | morocco | (15.05.2015) Les étudiants de l'enseignement supérieur relevant des secteurs public et privé bénéficieront directement d'un régime de couverture médicale de base. |
Health | published |… | monitor | ||||
UN praise for Argentina's maternity and children's social protection schemes | argentina | MercoPress (15.05.2015) Argentina has substantially improved its social protections for maternity and young children, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO). |
Family benefits | published |… | monitor | ||||
South Korea: Park renews calls for civil service pension reform | korea, Republic of | (12.05.2015) President Park Geun-hye called Tuesday for the swift passage of a bill to overhaul civil service pensions, warning that the issue could become a ticking "time bomb" unless addressed. |
Pensions | published |… | monitor | ||||
South Korea: Longer lifespan complicates pension, welfare systems for seniors | korea, Republic of | Inside Korea JoongAng Daily (06.05.2015) Kim In-bae retired from a major company six years ago and recently got a new job at a small company because his pension was running out. But the 66-year-old was rejected when he tried to re-register for unemployment insurance which provides… |
Pensions | published | | monitor | ||||
Six charts that explain India’s social protection challenge | india | Livemint (14.05.2015) India is a global outlier on social protection |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage, published |… | monitor | ||||
France: Perte d'autonomie : les entreprises aux abonnés absents | france | (13.05.2015) Pour financer la perte d'autonomie, les Français ne peuvent pas compter sur leur entreprise. Sur 80 sociétés interrogées par la structure spécialisée dans le conseil en ressources humaines Mercer fin 2014, 91 % – soit 200 000 salariés – d'entre elles ne couvrent… |
Disability | published |… | monitor | ||||
How Social Security Could Boost India’s Economy | india | TIME (13.05.2015) This weekend, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched three social security schemes aimed at helping the people of West Bengal gain access to pensions and insurance. |
Extension of coverage | extending coverage, published | | monitor | ||||
Liban: Majdalani : La couverture médicale des retraités améliorera les conditions de vie des citoyens | L'Orient-Le Jour (13.05.2015) Le président de la commission parlementaire de la Santé, Atef Majdalani, a estimé que la proposition de loi visant à assurer une couverture médicale à travers la Caisse nationale de Sécurité sociale (CNSS) aux retraités et à leurs familles (mère, père, enfants… |
Pensions, Health | published |… | monitor | |||||
France: Fraude : la Sécu va contrôler les comptes bancaires de 5 millions de Français | france | (13.05.2015) La Sécurité Sociale va pouvoir vérifier d’ici l’été les comptes bancaires des bénéficiaires de la CMU complémentaire, soit 10 % des assurés. |
Health, Error, evasion and fraud | published |… | monitor | ||||
Corée du Sud: Park appelle de nouveau à réformer les retraites des fonctionnaires | korea, Republic of | (12.05.2015) La présidente Park Geun-hye a appelé ce mardi au passage rapide du projet de loi pour la réforme des retraites des fonctionnaires, en avertissant que la question pourrait devenir «une bombe à retardement» si elle n’est pas réglée. |
Pensions | published |… | monitor | ||||
Five Ways to Win with Digital Platforms | (2016) The platform economy is emerging as one of the most powerful manifestations of the digital revolution, which we also refer to as the “fourth industrial revolution.” |
Information and communication technology | digital platforms | Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS |… | massetti |