
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Five Ways to Win with Digital Platforms (2016) The platform economy is emerging as one of the most powerful manifestations of the digital revolution, which we also refer to as the “fourth industrial revolution.”

Information and communication technology digital platforms Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS… massetti
Sécurité sociale : L’Amo, une aubaine pour les travailleurs maliens mali (12.05.2015) Afin d’observer l’état d’avancement et l’engouement des maliens envers l’Assurance Maladie Obligatoire (AMO), qui enregistre chaque jour de nouveaux adhérents, ainsi que de recenser les problèmes auxquelles les adhérents sont confrontés pour les résoudre, l’Association…

Health published… monitor
ILO: Inequalities: Mothers and children need more – not less – social protection (07.05.2015) As several countries around the world prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day, two new ILO studies provide new global and country data that point to the urgent need to increase social protection for mothers and children.

Family benefits, Inequalities family_gender_society, published… monitor
Sierra Leone News : NaCSA’s ‘Bible for social protection for Sierra Leone’ sierra leone

Sierra Leone News (11.05.2015) The Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) has described the recently launched national Social Protection Strategy as the Bible to fight poverty in Sierra Leone.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published monitor
India: PM Modi Unveils 3 Social Schemes, says Development Incomplete if Poor do Not Share its Fruits india (10.05.2015) Three key social security schemes had a nationwide launch this evening, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagging off the process in West Bengal, where he is on a two-day visit.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
Vietnam mulls criminal charges against employers avoiding pension obligations vietnam

Thanh Nien Daily (07.05.2015) Employers who avoid buying mandatory social and health insurance for their employees will face criminal charges rather than civil penalties, under newly proposed legislation. 

Error, evasion and fraud published… monitor
US: New Health Care Index Shows Massive Increase in Consumer Costs Despite Government's Growing Role in Nation's Health Care System United States (07.05.2015) While the U.S. government has become an even more dominant force in the nation’s health care system, individuals are taking on a greater share of the costs, according to the new U.S. News Health Care Index.

Health published… monitor
Italy can't break pact for pension italy, european union (06.05.2015) European Union sources said Wednesday that Italy must not break the EU Stability and Growth Pact to fix a hole in its budget created a court ruling on a pension cap.

Pensions published… monitor
Sierra Leone News: President launches Social Safety Net project sierra leone

Awoko Newspaper (06.05.2015) A project aimed at reducing poverty among poor people in Sierra Leone has been launched on Monday at the Tonkolili District council hall, by President Ernest Bai Koroma.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published… monitor
Can Apple And IBM Change Health Care? Five Big Questions japan

Forbes (30.04.2015) Today, at a glitzy press conference at IBM’s new Watson headquarters in Manhattan’s swank Silicon Alley, IBM and Apple announced that they are partnering with Japan Post, which is among other things the largest health- and life-insurance company in Japan, to start a project…

Health published… monitor
Nigeria: Glo Launches Mobile Health Insurance nigeria (01.05.2015) Globacom, Nigeria's National Carrier, has berthed the National Mobile Health Insurance product which would afford Nigerians the opportunity to have quality access to quality health care delivery system.

Health, Information and communication technology published monitor
Uganda: How Social Protection Grants Can Be a Force for Development uganda (03.05..2015) Dr Michael Samson is a leading scholar on social protection. He is the director of research at the Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) in Cape Town, South Africa.

Extension of coverage extending coverage, published monitor
France: 70 ans de la Sécu: Touraine lance une réflexion pour "un régime maladie universel" france

AFP (05.05.2015) La ministre de la Santé Marisol Touraine a annoncé mardi une réflexion sur la création d'un "régime maladie universel" afin de simplifier "radicalement" la couverture des soins pour tous, à l'occasion d'un discours sur les 70 ans de la Sécurité…

published… monitor
Interview: Health promotion replacing safety to become major concern for int'l labor experts

Shanghay Daily (29.04.2015) Health promotion has replaced the traditional safety issues and accidents to become the most important topic in terms of protecting the rights of workers, international labor officials and experts said during a high-level panel discussion held on Tuesday.

Occupational accidents and diseases published monitor
France: De plus en plus de retraités choisissent de travailler france

France info (28.04.2015) Le nombre des retraités qui doivent continuer à travailler pour vivre - ou qui choisissent de le faire - a doublé en quatre ans. Les sites internet se multiplient pour leur permettre de trouver des petits boulots.

Pensions published… monitor
Protection sociale au Mali
 : Le réseau «Multi-acteurs» veut faire mieux mali

Malijet (27.04.2015) Vendredi 24 Avril dernier, à la Maison de la Presse, s’est tenue une journée de mobilisation des mouvements sociaux autour de la stratégie nationale d’extension de la couverture au Mali. La rencontre était initiée par le Réseau «Multi- acteurs» du Mali pour la protection…

published… monitor
Suisse: 2e pilier: Les caisses de pension pénalisées par les taux négatifs switzerland (27.04.2015) Les difficultés pour les assurances sociales se sont accentuées depuis l'introduction des taux négatifs. Les caisses de pension «doivent verser 20 à 25 milliards de francs de rentes».

Financing, Pensions published… monitor
France: La prime sur objectifs des médecins s'est étoffée en 2014 france (27.04.2015) Bonus pour inciter les médecins à mieux prescrire, la prime sur objectifs 2014 vient d'être versée. De l'ordre de 6.200 euros pour les généralistes, elle est en hausse, signe d'une amélioration des pratiques, en matière, notamment, de suivi des diabètes…

Health published… monitor
Social Protection: ILO - More than half of the global rural population excluded from health care

ilo/news (27.04.2015) A new ILO report shows that 56 per cent of people living in rural areas worldwide do not have access to essential health-care services – more than double the figure in urban areas, where 22 per cent are not covered.

Health published… monitor
Commission’s report on progress in modernising member states’ social protection systems european union

The Baltic Course (27.04.2015) Experts from the European Social Policy Network published a report, which showed progress made by the some EU member states in implementing reforms toward the modernisation of the social protection systems. However, the states have to activate efforts across the EU…

published monitor
Ghana: Social Protection Policy to fulfill govt promise ghana

Ghanaweb (22,04.2015) Mr Antwi-Boasiako Sekyere, the Eastern Regional Minister, has observed that the development of a National Social Protection Policy would not only benefit the less privileged in society, but also give meaning to government’s promise to promote good governance and investment…

published monitor
France: Diviser le nombre de minima sociaux pour les rendre plus efficaces france

Les Echos (11.03.2015) gouvernement vient d'annoncer deux réformes substantielles et, au fond, pleines de bon sens. En fusionnant avec la prime pour l'emploi (PPE), le mécanisme de soutien à la reprise d'activité va être reformaté et rebaptisé « prime d'activité ». En…

published… monitor
Ageing workforce poses risks for Eastern Europe, says report

Financial Times (10.03.2015) Eastern Europe risks booming economic growth ending and strains on the public purse rising unless there are radical reforms to employment, migration and education policies, the World Bank warns.

Old-age pensions, Population ageing… monitor
US: Enrollment Period for Health Insurance Ends; Now the Tax Penalties Start United States

The New York Times (17.02.2015) The Affordable Care Act’s second open enrollment period ended on Sunday. Well, almost. Some computer problems over the weekend have led the administration to give a one-week extension to people who tried and failed to sign up.

Financing… monitor
Les 1% les plus riches possèderont en 2016 la moitié de la richesse mondiale (19.01.2015) A l'approche du forum économique mondial de Davos, l'organisation Oxfam dénonce le creusement rapide du fossé entre grandes fortunes et le reste de la population mondiale.

poverty… monitor