
France: Transparent masks for child care staff

Submitted by cambrosio on

October 2020 (

In October 2020, the Cnaf released 5 million euros for the purchase of 500,000 inclusive masks (transparent) for early childhood professionals working in a childcare centre or "childcare assistants' centres".

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Safety and health at work


Document Type

This company is combining video calls with pop-up clinics to help more people get the care they need

Submitted by pmassetti on (06.01.2021)The use of telemedicine has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. Start-up Carbon Health is working to make it accessible to underserved communities. Its founder says it has reduced costs by using technology to improve efficiency. His company uses pop-up clinics to deliver treatments and COVID-19 tests; patients can book appointments using a smartphone app.

Global challenges


Document Type

How China pays for its COVID-19 medical bills

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (14.12.2020) China covers the COVID-19 medical costs for all patients including domestic migrants. The payment structure is part of the country’s “wartime” governance. It also reflects the long-term institutional transformation of the Chinese healthcare system.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Protecting people's health: the Council and the European Parliament agree provisionally on the EU4Health programme for 2021-2027

Submitted by pmassetti on (15.11.2020) The German presidency of the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional deal on the EU4Health programme for 2021-2027. With a budget of EUR 5.1 billion, the new reinforced programme provides a strong basis for Union action in the health field based on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. It comes at a time when EU citizens still experience the impact of a major health threat and the resulting human suffering and severe socio-economic consequences.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Document Type

Universal health coverage: pandemic boosts digital health

Submitted by pmassetti on  (11.11.2020) COVID-19 has accelerated global efforts to deliver digital healthcare. The move towards value-based healthcare could facilitate universal health coverage and aid post-pandemic recovery. Millions of people living in poverty could benefit directly from new model.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Europe: Compensating Healthcare Professionals for Income Losses and Extra Expenses

Submitted by mmarquez on

COVID-19 has affected the incomes of some health professionals by reducing demand for care and increasing expenditures for treatment preparedness. In a survey of 14 European countries, we found that most countries have incentivised substitutive e-health services to avoid loss of income.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type

Sweden: Crisis support for staff in health and elderly care who worked with COVID-19 patients

Submitted by mmarquez on

The COVID-19 pandemic has put a lot of pressure on health care services and elderly care. Staff have had an extremely heavy and often stressful workload and have worked very hard. The risk of mental ill health may have increased. This is why the Government proposes funds to support staff in regional and municipal health care and elderly care in its autumn amending budget for 2020. This will make money available for crisis support, counselling and trauma support. The proposal is based on an agreement between the government parties, the Centre Party and the Liberal Party.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Workplace health promotion


Document Type

Slovenia: ACP6 measures relating to work, family and social affairs

Submitted by siha on

GOV.SI (11.11.2020) The ACP6 introduces higher bonuses for care home employees. According to the law, bonuses for working in the grey and red zones are 30% of the salary base and apply regardless of whether or not an epidemic has been officially declared. In this way, employees are additionally compensated for working in the grey and red zones, regardless of the respective collective agreement, which provides a bonus of up to 65% during an epidemic. These two bonuses have been mutually exclusive so far, but as of now the higher of the two will be paid.

Regions / Country
Human resource management
Cash transfers
Document Type