All medical certificates determining the degree of lost working capacity (the
validity of these documents for people below standard retirement age is
between 1 and 3 years; working capacity of people above standard retirement
age doesn’t need to be reassessed) which expire…
Unemployed workers who don’t meet the conditions for unemployment social insurance can apply for an unemployment social assistance (lower than unemployment insurance).
All application deadlines are automatically extended until the end of the State of Emergency. Additional offices are being opened and all documents can be submitted electronically.
Expanding the coverage and scope of the home visiting services provided to
elderly people and other vulnerable groups (people with disabilities), including
the delivery of food and medicines.
Support for workers in micro and small enterprises and self-employed in the
informal sector, including sellers of informal commerce and municipal
markets. These workers are guaranteed a value of 10,000 escudos (US$100)
for one month. 30,000 workers are expected to benefit.…
Reduction of the guarantee period for entitlement to unemployment benefit from 180 days to 60 days in the period from 1 April to 30 June at the date of submission of the application.
During the above-mentioned period, the age of the insured person shall not be taken into account for the…
The Government of Ethiopia today announces availing 5 billion birr (about $154 million) to combat the spread of COVID-19 pandemic and to undertake preparedness tasks (primarily aiming at increasig health care spending). It is indicated that all regions in Ethiopia are preparing quarantine…
The authorities’ preparedness and response plan envisage COVID-19-related health spending to reach CFAF 6.5 billion (or US$11 million) over the next three months (about 0.1 percent of GDP on an annualized basis).
In preparation for the lockdown, social security agency - SASSA - announced that grants for the elderly and people with disabilities will be paid from 30 - 31 March 2020.
The Social Security Board will establish a special fund of about $15 million to assist with income support of up to a maximum of XCD 1,000 (USD 370) per month for workers whose income would have been impacted by COVID-19. Registered self-employed persons who can show that they have been impacted…
Around 18 million low-income households belonging to the informal sector should be targeted to receive monthly emergency subsidies amounting to P5,000 to P8,000 for two months.
The decree suspends all conditionalities related to the Guaranteed Minimum Income program, or Reddito di Cittadinanza (RdC or Citizens' Income), for two months. The measure was introduced to minimize the movement of beneficiaries (to social services or to public employment services, where…
Paid leave for at least 50% of employees (temporary). Priority will be given to all pregnant women, and for women who take care of children, persons with chronic diseases and health vulnerabilities (temporary).
Une allocation de solidarité d'un montant de dix mille (10.000) dinars par famille sera octroyée aux familles nécessiteuses et à celles affectées par les mesures de prévention et de lutte contre l'épidémie du Coronavirus, à l'occasion du mois de Ramadhan, ont annoncé lundi les…