
Spain: Unemployment benefit goes back to 70% and dismisses previous reduction

Submitted by mmarquez on (29.09.2020) El Ministerio de Trabajo ha evitado la reducción de la cuantía de la prestación por desempleo de los trabajadores en ERTE pasados los seis meses en esta situación. Con la legislación vigente, aprobada con el Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy, la cantidad se reducía del 70% al 50% de la base reguladora, una reducción que se anula y se mantiene la cantidad del 70%.

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Global challenges
Cash transfers


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Spain: Extension of short-term work support program ERTE until January 31st

Submitted by mmarquez on (29.09.2020) Los ERTE por fuerza mayor existentes se prorrogan hasta el 31 de enero. Los ERTE por causas objetivas –los llamados ETOP– seguirán siendo aplicables hasta el término que tuvieran establecido y se podrán prorrogar si se solicita ante la autoridad laboral, con las condiciones establecidas en el primer decreto que reguló esta herramienta laboral (y que no daban derecho a que los expedientes ETOP se beneficiaran de ayudas a la cotización).

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Global challenges


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India: Reduced EPF contribution for 3 months

Submitted by mmarquez on (15.06.2020) The Employees' Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) will reduce its EPF contribution rate from 12 per cent to 10 per cent for both employers and employees for the months of months May 2020, June 2020 and July 2020. It is applicable to all class of establishments covered under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 except the establishments like Central and State Public sector enterprises or any other establishments owned or controlled of the Central govt or State govt.The reduced rate is also not applicable to establishments eligible for PMGKY

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Saint Lucia & WFP Partner to Expand Coverage of the Public Assistance Programme as Part of the National COVID-19 Response

Submitted by cambrosio on (10.09.2020)

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) signs a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Government of Saint Lucia to support an expansion of the nation’s Public Assistance Programme (PAP) by 1,000 households as part of the nation’s 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) response.

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Saint Lucia
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Japan: Single-parent temporary special allowance

Submitted by siha on

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (09.10.2020) Single-parent temporary special allowance is paid to single-parent households if;

1. they receives child-rearing allowances of June 2020;

2. their child-rearing allowances of June 2020 are suspended due to receiving public pensions; or

3. their income dropped as low as child-rearing allowance beneficiaries.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Opinion: Basic income: a BIG disappointment

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (08.10.2020) COVID-19 has sparked a mass of interest in “basic income”. South Africa’s Minister of Social Development has advocated it; Spain has promised it on a permanent basis; UNDP has argued for it globally (at least on a temporary basis)... But the more you look at basic income, the less attractive it seems, at least from a social protection perspective.

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Burundi: COVID-19: Burundi puts subsidized soap on market to check pandemi

Submitted by siha on

panapress (11.07.2020) Ten million pieces of soap will be put on the Burundian market monthly, at a price half subsidized by the state, as part of hygienic measures undertaken by the government in partnership with the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) to prevent the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.

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Health promotion


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UK: What is Rishi Sunak's job support scheme and how will it work?

Submitted by pmassetti on

The Guardian (24.09.2020) The chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has announced a replacement for the coronavirus job retention scheme based on a German-style system of wage subsidies. Faced with the prospect of rising job losses this autumn when furlough closes at the end of October, and tougher restrictions on the economy as the pandemic worsens, the “job support scheme” forms the backbone of his winter economy plan. 
The government will contribute towards the wages of employees who are working fewer than normal hours, and will cover 22% of worker pay for six months.  

Regions / Country
united kingdom


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