Uruguay: Exemption from employer contributions for school transport companies and those who provide school canteen services

Submitted by mmarquez on

BPS (20.11.2020) Transportation companies and school canteens are exempted from paying employer retirement contributions in the period between April 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. There are already 293 companies that have this benefit.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted barriers to vital digital financial services for refugees

Submitted by pmassetti on

Euronews (24.11.2020) How do you get by without a bank account? This is a question asked daily by millions of refugees worldwide who simply don’t have access to standard financial services. Even the digital and online services that many of us take for granted - tools that help us to save, transfer and receive money - are often out of reach for displaced people.

Global challenges


Document Type

Belgique : les mécanismes de droit passerelle prolongés et amplifiés

Submitted by pmassetti on

(25.10.2020) Le Conseil des ministres a validé vendredi la prolongation du droit passerelle jusqu’au 31 décembre et le doublement des montants du droit passerelle de crise.  Concrètement, le droit passerelle permet d’offrir une garantie de revenu minimum aux indépendants qui, après avoir temporairement interrompu partiellement ou totalement leur activité, ont pu la reprendre mais subissent une perte de chiffre d’affaires. L’accès à ce droit passerelle de soutien à la reprise aurait dû s’arrêter à la fin de ce mois d’octobre.

Regions / Country
Cash transfers


Document Type

Switzerland: Extension of partial unemployment and simplification of procedures

Submitted by siha on

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO (29.10.2020) By paying the compensation in the event of reduced working hours (RHT), unemployment insurance (AC) covers, for a certain time, part of the wage costs of workers whose normal working hours are reduced , and this in order to prevent layoffs resulting from short but inevitable job losses.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Service quality
Cash transfers
Document Type

Switzerland: Coronavirus: compensation for reduced working hours for on-call workers

Submitted by siha on

Federal Council (28.10.2020) On October 28, 2020, the Federal Council amended the Covid-19 unemployment insurance ordinance. With this change, the right to compensation for reduced working hours is granted to on-call workers who have an indefinite contract. The change comes into effect retroactively on September 1, 2020.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Cash transfers
Document Type

Where is the Money Coming From? : Ten Stylized Fact on Financing Social Protection Responses to COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on

worldbank.org (nov 2020) The unprecedented and ongoing scale-up of social protection responses to the COVID-19 pandemic dwarf the response to the Great Recession. But how are countries financing such scale-up efforts? This note lays out ten stylized findings from a rapid review of social protection financing sources in thirty-one countries, including in terms of composition between external and domestic resources, and specific modalities within each.



Document Type

Monaco: Covid-19/ Youth employment assistance

Submitted by siha on

Public service  (19.11.2020) Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that recruit them to benefit from reimbursement of employer contributions (CCSS, CAR, AMRR, ASSEDIC, CET), for a maximum period of two years. This measure is open to employers until June 30, 2021.

Regions / Country
Employment of young workers
Document Type

Monaco: Renewal of Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure

Submitted by siha on

Service Public (19.11.2020) As part of the Principality's economic recovery plan, the Government has decided to renew the Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) measure . From now on, new sectors of activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the turnover ceiling is raised to 5 million euros achieved in 2019, instead of one million previously. In

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Covid-19 and the U.S. Safety Net

Submitted by pmassetti on

NBER (October 2020) This working paper examine trends in employment, earnings, and incomes over the last two decades in the United States, and how the safety net has responded to changing fortunes, including the shutdown of the economy in response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. The U.S. safety net is a patchwork of different programs providing in-kind as well as cash benefits and had many holes prior to the Pandemic. In addition, few of the programs are designed explicitly as automatic stabilizers.

Regions / Country
United States


Document Type

Bosnia and Herzegovina: increase in budget to provide liquidity support to the most vulnerable sectors / activities

Submitted by cambrosio on

fbihvlada.gov.ba (16.10.2020)

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type