Harnessing the Potential of Big Data in Post-Pandemic Southeast Asia

Submitted by pmassetti on

 Asian Development Bank  (March 2021) Digitalization has gained more prominence amid COVID-19 and has highlighted the value of big data for public sector management. The brief explains the potential benefits of big data for public services such as health, social protection, and education and how this can contribute to the post-pandemic recovery. It also assesses the key enablers and policy actions needed to realize big data benefits in the region. 

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Data analytics
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU

Submitted by pmassetti on

etui (March 2021) The purpose of the present study is to map key social protection measures taken during the pandemic from the perspective of fragmentation of labour market statuses, notably by focusing on non-standard workers and the self-employed as well as taking into account the gender dimension of these social protection measures. The analysis focuses on the 27 EU Member States, covering the period of the first wave of the pandemic: from the beginning of the lockdown measures (for most countries at the beginning of March 2020) until 31 December 2020.

Regions / Country
european union
Difficult-to-cover groups


Document Type

Bolivia: Cash program ends having reached more than 4 million people

Submitted by mmarquez on

Ministry of Economy and Finances (02.03.2021) The payment of this Bond began on December 1, 2020 and lasted until March 1, 2021. This measure consists of the single payment of Bs1,000.- and benefited people who did not receive a salary remuneration from the public sector or private until September 2020, this aid was also delivered to people over 18 years old on September 16, 2020 and under 60 years old on March 1, 2021.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
Document Type

Burkina Faso: Fight against Covid-19: the Coronathon offers supplies to the community

Submitted by cambrosio on

assembleenationale.bf  (28.02.2021)

On Thursday 28 January 2021, the Coronathon offered medical consumables worth nearly 45 million CFA francs to the Centre for Operations of Response to Health Emergencies (CORUS). This donation is part of the fight against Covid-19 in view of the resurgence of the disease in Burkina.

Regions / Country
burkina faso
Global challenges
Safety and health at work
Shocks & extreme events
Document Type

Mexico: Social program "Bienestar" advances payments for 9 million vulnerable people

Submitted by mmarquez on

Government of Mexico (27.02.2021) The advance payment as part of the "Bienestar" (Well-being in English) of the March-April and May-June two-month periods will be delivered to more than nine million elderly people, people with permanent disabilities, as well as girls, boys, children of working mothers, for a global amount of 49 thousand 500 million pesos. In addition, the benefits increased to 2,700 pesos this year.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type

Benin: The European Union allocates 30.5 billion CFA francs to Benin

Submitted by cambrosio on

gouv.bj (21.01.2021)

The European Union allocates 30.5 billion CFA francs to Benin. This is in the framework of the mitigation of the consequences of the Coronavirus. These funds will support the government's efforts to respond to the health and socio-economic consequences of Covid-19. The government will not only be able to support the most vulnerable sectors of the population during this period of the pandemic, but also to maintain its macroeconomic stability.


Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Japan: Extension of Employment Adjustment Subsidy until 30 April 2021

Submitted by mmarquez on

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan (08.03.2021) The exceptional treatment of Employment Adjustment Subsidy is extended until 30 April 2021. The subsidy scheme covers part of leave allowances companies pay to furloughed workers. Typically up to two-thirds of the allowances were covered by the program, with the upper limit set at ¥8,370 per day per employee. But under special measures introduced in response to the COVID-19 crisis up to the full amount is covered, with the daily cap set at ¥15,000.

Regions / Country
Global challenges


Document Type

Child benefits in the US — For children here, there, and everywhere

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (11.03.2021) As part of recent COVID-19-related legislation, the US Government has committed to provide a quasi-universal child benefit (an affluence-tested “qUCB”) – a monthly child cash benefit where, like in Iceland, only the very wealthiest families will not receive the full amount. This child benefit – which transforms the existing Child Tax Credit (CTC) to pay up to USD 300 per month per child under 6, and USD 250 per child aged 6 to 17 – is likely to have a positive impact far beyond the family budget.

Regions / Country
United States
Family benefits


Document Type

The Fight Is On to Define the Pandemic Aid Bill - The New York Times

Submitted by pmassetti on

Buying insurance through the government program known as COBRA would temporarily become a lot cheaper. COBRA, for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, generally lets someone who loses a job buy coverage via the former employer. But it’s expensive: Under normal circumstances, a person may have to pay at least 102 percent of the cost of the premium. Under the relief bill, the government would pay the entire COBRA premium from April 1 through Sept. 30. A person who qualified for new, employer-based health insurance someplace else before Sept.

Regions / Country
United States
Health insurance


Document Type

US: Biden plan a "powerful change" for poor US children

Submitted by pmassetti on

AFP (11.03.2021)  With the massive $1.9 trillion US stimulus plan approved by Congress on Wednesday, President Joe Biden is marking a dramatic shift in US social policy, with the goal of cutting child poverty in half. "The American Rescue Plan represents a powerful change in social policy in the United States," said Olivia Golden, executive director of the Center for Law and Social Policy. After the economy sustained deep damage from the Covid-19 pandemic, the rescue package aims to boost US growth this year, with some economists predicting an expansion of as much as seven percent.

Regions / Country
United States
Family benefits


Document Type