Estonian Medical Certificate

Submitted by rruggia on

Estonian Medical Certificate Every person needs to have a valid medical certificate for the duration of their driving license. When a medical certificate expires, a new medical certificate must be submitted to the Road Administration. Once issued, the certificate is automatically transmitted to the motor registry.

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Information and communication technology
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How has Estonia applied Blockchain technology to the e-Government system? - Lina Network

Submitted by rruggia on

How has Estonia applied Blockchain technology to the e-Government system? Lina Network | September 7, 2020 Blockchain is considered as the key technology in e-Government development thanks to its undeniable advantages and potential. From a technical point of view, Blockchain technology increases efficiency, provides data protection and transparency. However, many countries still face certain obstacles when applying Blockchain to e-Government.

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Estonia - GovChain

Submitted by rruggia on

Estonia may perhaps be the earliest adopter of distributed ledger technology at a governmental level. As early as 2007, even before the publication of the Bitcoin white paper, the Estonian government was already testing blockchain applications as part of a resolution to be resilient to outsider cyberattacks. e-Estonia, a government policy to facilitate citizen interactions with the state through the use of electronic solutions, has been testing and implementing blockchain in relation to public services for many years.

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Empowering the health workforce Strategies to make the most of the digital revolution

Submitted by ndewulf on

Digital transformation in the health sector is not a simple matter of technical change, but requires adaptive change in human attitudes and skills as well as of legal frameworks and  the organisation of work. 

Global challenges
Document Type

Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action Meeting report

Submitted by ndewulf on


This report follows the meeting, Rehabilitation 2030: A Call for Action, organized by the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO would like to express its sincere thanks to those who participated in the meeting: representatives from Member States, UN agencies, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, editors of journals, academia, institutions and WHO collaborating centres.

Global challenges
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‘Old’ rules and protections for the ‘new’ world of work

Submitted by pmassetti on (20.04.2021) The labour status of people working in the online platform economy is key to their socio-economic protection. But it has proven a difficult issue for courts and regulators. The European Union is considering introducing a ‘rebuttable presumption of employment’ to help address this problem. What could this entail exactly? 

Regions / Country
european union
Extension of coverage
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Document Type

Maroc : la couverture sociale généralisée mise en œuvre

Submitted by pmassetti on

Le Maroc a annoncé avoir lancé auprès de 9 millions de bénéficiaires son plan de généralisation de la couverture sociale destiné à terme à couvrir 22 millions de personnes actuellement dépourvues d'assurance maladie. Les agriculteurs, les artisans, les commerçants, les professionnels indépendants et leurs familles seront les premiers inclus dans le régime de l'assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO) en 2021 et 2022.

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Extension of coverage
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COVID-19 Labor Policy Responses in Developing Countries

Submitted by mmarquez on

The World Bank (March 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered one of the largest economic downturns since the Great Depression. Beyond its devastating effect on health, morbidity, and mortality, the pandemic shook economies and labor markets around the globe, leaving no firm, worker, and household untouched. Governments responded to the crisis with a series of public health and containment measures that deeply affected societies and economies, including the supply and demand for goods, capital, and labor.

Global challenges
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United States: Senate adopts Republican jobless benefit for COVID-19 relief bill

Submitted by cambrosio on (06.03.2121)

The U.S. Senate approved a Republican measure setting federal unemployment benefits for those made jobless by the coronavirus pandemic at $300 per week, as part of President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Social assistance
Cash transfers
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