"Catastrophic medical insurance" (Major-illness insurance) in China

Submitted by massetti on

The Lancet (14.10.2017) The article briefly introduces the major-illness medical insurance in China, which has covered 1.01 billion people (of which 60% from rural areas) since its implementation in 2013. The new scheme is mainly funded (with an annual fee of 15 Yuan to 30 Yuan per person) through surpluses from the existing (social) medical insurance programmes (NCMS for rural residents and URMI for urban residents), and provided by commercial insurance companies through a bidding process.

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Health insurance
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Preventing Ageing Unequally

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This report examines how the two global mega-trends of population ageing and rising inequalities have been developing and interacting, both within and across generations. Taking a life-course perspective the report shows how inequalities in education, health, employment and earnings compound, resulting in large differences in lifetime earnings across different groups. It suggests a policy agenda to prevent, mitigate and cope with inequalities along the life course drawing on good practices in OECD countries and emerging economies.

Population ageing
Document Type

Population ageing and rising inequality will hit younger generations hard

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oecd.org (18.10.2017) Younger generations will face greater risks of inequality in old age than current retirees and for generations born since the 1960s, their experience of old age will change dramatically. Moreover, with family sizes falling, higher inequality over working lives and reforms that have cut pension incomes, some groups will face a high risk of poverty, according to a new OECD report.

Population ageing
Document Type

Signature de l’arrangement administratif de sécurité sociale avec le Maroc

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gouvernement.lu  (18.10.2017) Le ministre de la Sécurité sociale, Romain Schneider, et le ministre du Travail et de l'Insertion professionnelle du Maroc, Mohamed Yatim, ont signé le 17 octobre 2017, au Luxembourg, l'accord administratif pour l'application de la convention bilatérale de sécurité sociale entre le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg et le Royaume du Maroc.

Regions / Country
Governance and administration
International agreements
Document Type

[Report] OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2017

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OECD (11.10.2017) The biennial OECD Digital Economy Outlook examines and documents evolutions and emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives. Through comparative evidence, it informs policy makers of regulatory practices and policy options to help maximise the potential of the digital economy as a driver for innovation and inclusive growth.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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CIO interview: Peder Sjölander, Swedish Pensions Agency

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Sweden’s public sector is increasingly focused on digital services, which place new demands of agility and speed on its IT. For Peder Sjölander, CIO at the Swedish Pensions Agency, which manages the country’s national pensions, the answer is to bring development and operations closer together under the DevOps model. He isn’t turning back.

Regions / Country
Information and communication technology
Document Type

US: NIOSH uses mobile medical screening trucks to test coal miners for black lung

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The Exponent Telegram (17.10.2017) Preventing and understanding respiratory diseases, especially those faced by coal miners, is one of the core missions of the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, Respiratory Health facility in Morgantown. A part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, NIOSH has facilities across the country. The one in Morgantown, next door to Ruby Memorial Hospital, opened in 1996. One of the facility’s four divisions is dedicated to respiratory health research and implementing new discoveries to the workplace.

Regions / Country
United States
Prevention of occupational risks
Service quality


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

France: Assurance chômage: les négociations se poursuivent à Matignon

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Le Figaro (17.10.2017)  Après Emmanuel Macron, c'est au tour du premier ministre Édouard Philippede recevoir ce mardi les partenaires sociaux pour discuter de la réforme de l'assurance chômage, de l'apprentissage et de la formation.

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